At the end of the lesson, when Professor McGonagall in the guise of a cat nodded for us to leave the class, I hurriedly packed up to have time to talk with Harry and Ron before the start of the charms.
"See you at the flying class." - I said to Dea.
"See you later." - she replied, holding a textbook in her hands.
She tried to shove it into her backpack, but the thick book wouldn't give in.
Hermione was the first one to disappeare in the doors. The Slytherins, mixed with Gryffindors, scattered to their companies, leaving the office.
"Did you decide to get expelled from school even before the exams?" - I hissed menacingly, catching up with friends.
Wrapped in a cocoon of first-years, Harry and Ron slowly trudged towards the stairs, arguing among themselves.
"Listen, why do you care?" - Weasley waved me off. - "You're not our mom."
He wrinkled his forehead and tightened his grip on the books he carried.
"I'm not. But Molly will really like my letter." -I gave him a hated look.
"Don't you dare!" - he squeaked, slowing down.
Behind him, someone cursed, bumping into an obstacle in the form of a thin ginger boy.
"Guys, stop it" - said Harry.
He did not like quarrels and squabbles, especially when it came to his new friends.
"It was the first and the last time."
I chuckled in disbelief and hurried further into the corridor, just so I won't have see this insolent red-haired face.
The charms lesson was boring. Turned out that I already know half of the spells in the textbook. The basics were explained to muggleborn wizards, so I yawned for the entire lesson, bowing my head over the unopened textbook. The short Professor Flitwick's voice urged me to sleep.
At dinner, the owls brought mail. Flipping through the stack of useless newspapers that that had been sent by Molly, I noticed a small envelope on which was engraved in gold ink: "To my beloved puppy". A letter from my father!
My heart trembled involuntarily. I immediately opened the seal and unrolled the parchment.
"Dear Nes!
I heard you got into Gryffindor. I am insanely proud of you. Graduates of this house become great wizards and witches. I more than hope you enjoy school and classes.
Don't worry about me, I took my medications and the full moon night passed easily. I miss you and am looking forward for the holidays to hug my little pup again.
Tell me how are you doing? Did you find new friends? And please keep an eye on Harry.
Your loving father, Remus "I broke into a happy smile, mentally reminding myself to write a response letter after classes.
"And as I said, there is no point in worrying." - a raspy boyish voice sounded over my right ear.
In surprise, I jerked up and hit my knee painfully on the hard table.
"Ouch... George, why scare me like that?" - I hissed, wincing in pain.
I'm sure there will be a bruise.
The guy smiled innocently. On my back, I felt him come closer.
"I heard you have your first flying class today." - a senior student ignored my question.
He threw one leg over the bench, sitting sideways.

Another story of fate
FanfictionWe all perfectly know the magic story about the "boy who lived". We all love this magical world and its unique characters. We all rejoiced at their victories and grieved at their deaths. But what if we change history? This is not an ordinary fanfic...