Chapter 16

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As friends expected, the punishment was severe. Gryffindor lost fifty points, and the guilty ones were waiting for a trip to the Forbidden Forest (a place that was terribly frightening). The only good thing was that Malfoy was also hit by the hand.
Filch ran into the office, out of breath. He murmured something quickly in Minerva's ear, and the two of them left. Before leaving, the Head ordered to wait for her in the office.

"What, Potter, now you and your buddies are helping this overgrown idiot with all sorts of critters?" - the blond boy quipped.

“Shut up Malfoy! Otherwise Harry won't hold me back this time." - Nest hissed back.

“What are you going to do, Lupin? Use Flipendo on me like you did on Flint? Believe me, it won't work... People like you are just a material for powerful wizards." - Draco began his tirade.

Nesta clenched her fists with all her strength, trying to contain the anger that boiled inside.

"Don't you dare talking to her like that!" - Ron growled.

As much as the girl pissed him off, she was part of the family, and family for Ron was the most important thing.

“Come on, Weasley. You're a pureblood, but no better than them... The same pathetic excuse for a wizard." - the Slytherin seemed to have the answer to everything.

“You'd better be careful with your words. They can turn against you...” - Harry said calmly. - “You'll see, Malfoy. One day you will regret it greatly..."

Nesta did not understand how her friend managed to remain calm in such situations. She would have hit the blond snake long ago.

Malfoy was about to poke at something else, but the door slammed open. Dea entered the office, accompanied by Filch and McGonagall. The girl looked sad and tired.

"Well, now there are five of you... Mr. Filch, take them to Hagrid."  - the Head gave the order.

"With pleasure!" - the squib grinned and pushed the children to the exit.

As the company walked through the corridors and courtyards of the school, Filch enthusiastically talked about the old methods of punishment, and Dea trudged behind.
Nesta slowed down to catch up with the blonde.

"What were you punished for?" - she asked quietly.

“Neville, Seamus and I stayed in the library. When they ran away from Filch, the guys dragged me into your common room. McGonagall caught me there... Your Head obviously doesn't like me. "  - answered Amaretto.

"What are talking about?!  McGonagall may choose favorites, but she's always fair. By the way, how do you like our common room?" - Lupin asked, distracting her friend from the thoughts of punishment.

"It's nice... And warm, unlike dungeons."

As they spoke, they didn't notice as they approached Hagrid's hut. The saddened half-giant left the house.

"Oh my God... Are you still upset about that bloodthirsty dragon?" - Filch rolled his eyes.

Hagrid, who was examining the crossbow, sighed heavily and looked up at the children.

"Norbert is gone... Dumbledore sent him to Romania to live in a colony." - he explained to his little friends.

“But that's good! His relatives are there." - Hermione tried to calm him down.

“What if he doesn't like Romania? What if other dragons mistreat him? After all, he is still a child!” - he did not give up.

"We'll write a letter to Charlie, he'll take care of him... Right, Ron?" - suggested Nesta.

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