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Bonnie let out a long sigh, staring at the woman sat in front of her. She was preparing herself to tell the story that she'd never told anyone, not even her best friend, Sam.

The story of her father, the abuse he put Bonnie's mother, Genevieve, through and the neglect that Bonnie and her older brother, Zane, felt.

Of course, most people knew that her father had left the family just over a year ago, but none of them knew the full story.

Even though the woman sat in front of her was a therapist, Bonnie was still nervous. She would have felt a whole lot better if her brother was in the room with her, helping her tell the story. But, Genevieve had insisted that the two children have seperate therapy sessions.

"Just start from the beginning," Dr Thomas said, giving Bonnie a reassuring smile. "What was your father like when you were a child."

What was her father like? She could barely remember, most likely because he was never home. He was always out banging a new woman.

"Well, he never really acknowledged me or my brother. I think the only time he ever did was when mom and him would argue and we'd try to step in. He never physically hurt us but the words he used..." Bonnie faltered, remembering the words, the slurs, the derogatory terms, at the time she hadn't understood what they meant but she knew they weren't nice by the way he'd deliver them.

Dr Thomas nodded, Bonnie could tell that she was already coming up with lists of words in her head.

"They got even worse as we got older too." She continued. "My dad often cheated on my mom, I didn't find that out until I walked in on him once. I was about 12 and it was on one of those rare occasions where he actually brought the girl home with him. I'll never forget the names he called me, and that woman he brought home, she decided to join in too!"

Dr Thomas didn't say anything in reply, she just took notes on her clipboard and then looked back up at Bonnie again, waiting for her to continue.

"I was so mad at my mom at first, for not telling me about dad's little fuck girls and for staying with such a horrible man! But now I understand. He paid the bills, she stayed with him so we wouldn't be out begging on the streets for food and shelter."

By the time her therapy session was over, Bonnie felt like a weight had been lifted off her chest. Earlier that morning, she would have never thought that talking about her experience would actually make her feel better.

"Hey baby, how was it?" Genevieve asked, giving Bonnie a hug.

Bonnie smiled, "It was good."

Genevieve let go of her daughter and then took a seat on the chair behind her, "That's great! Your brother still hasn't come out of his yet so we might have to wait a few minutes, do you want to wait here or in the car?"

"I don't mind waiting here." Bonnie replied, taking a seat next to her mother and pulling out her phone.

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