Chapter 18: Movie Night

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A/N: This one took a little longer to write because I kept on being so indecisive with what I was gonna put in. In the end I just went with my instinct so if its bad then please tell me and I can try to improve it.

Take care and enjoy!


I awoke to the wind and the rain pelting against the window.

It was still dark so I just closed my eyes to fall back to sleep.

Hannah: Y-Y/N? A-are you awake?

I open my eyes again and flip over and see Hannah looking at me.

Y/N: O-oh h-hey Hannah.

I rub my eyes and yawn.

Y/N: A-are you ok?

She shakes her head and shuffles closer to me.

Hannah: I-I'm s-scared o-of the storm.

It was a very noisy storm so I could understand. There was a flash of lightning and soon a loud rumble of thunder.

Hannah jumped and hid her head in my chest and clung onto me.

She was shaking.

Y/N: H-hey i-its ok. Th-there's n-no need to be scared.

I squeeze Hannah tightly and put my hand in her hair and begin to play with it.

Y/N: I-I'm here.

I continued to play with her hair and slowly she stopped shaking and she looked up at me.

Hannah: Th-thank you Y/N. I-I hope you don't think its silly.

Why would she think its silly?

I take my hand and push her hair out of her face and then cup her cheek in my hand.

Y/N: I-its n-not silly! E-everyone m-must be scared o-of something and i-if you're scared of thunderstorms then that's n-natural!

A smile slowly spreads across her face and she leans in to kiss me.

Hannah: I love you.

Y/N: I-I love you too.

She rests her head on my chest and soon I can hear her softly snoring.

Putting my head down on the pillow I soon join her in the sleeping realm.


The storm from the night before had continued into the next day but had calmed down a slight bit.

It still wasn't much inspiration looking at the rain trail down the window in class.

All it really did was dampen my mood.

Finally when lesson finished I was approached by Mary.

I hadn't spoken to her in a while so it was nice to talk with her.

Mary: Do you like movies Y/N?

I didn't watch very many movies because I wasn't able to. However, it was something that I was interested in.

Y/N: U-uhhhh I-I haven't watched many movies, but I-I would like to!

She thinks for a moment and looks back at me.

Mary: W-would you like to have a look at the movie collection that I brought with me? I have a DVD player as well so we could watch some!

That actually sounded really nice! Like I said I wanted to watch more movies.

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