Chapter 87: Saving The World!

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This broom was fast! So fast, that when I looked around at the Leyline while we were whizzing through, I felt like being sick!

Y/N: We'll catch up to them in no time! It's just a matter of finding out where they all are!

Soon enough, we shot out the Leyline at the other end. The broom slowed down at last, giving me time to catch my breath and settle myself down.

As I passed over the town of Glastonbury, I could see a lot of people stood outside holding their phones.

Y/N: Looks like everyone knows about the missile! We gotta hurry and find out where the girls are!

The broom began to pick up speed again. We were still flying quite low and when I looked up above me, I could see the trail that the missile had left behind it.

Y/N: We're on the right track! This is promising! Just keep flying!

As we kept flying, I noticed that the broom seemed to veer off from the trail that we were following.

Y/N: Hey! This is the wrong way! Why are we-

I was cut off when the broom suddenly felt like it had extra weight. Quickly turning around, I could see the reason why.

Y/N: Constanze?! Jasminka?!

They both waved at me. I was so confused.

Y/N: did you both do that?! Where did you come from?!

Jasminka: We gave the others a boost! But that meant we had to detach and we were just falling!

It clicked in my mind then. The broom had gone off course to catch these two to prevent them from falling!

Y/N: Oh okay! Thank you legendary broom for helping me save them! Now we just need to get them down to the ground. The others might follow soon enough.

Within the blink of an eye, we were back on the ground again. The two girls dismounted and gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek.

Jasminka: We'll wait here and cheer them on! Go Y/N!

I nodded and before I could even say a word, the broom shot off again.

Y/N: Hey! I wanted to say something to them!

Obviously, I got zero response as we raced on to get back on course. It wasn't long however before we broke away again. Any moment now, I was expecting someone else land on the back of the broom.

Sure enough a moment or two later, I felt the added weight. Turning around, this time we had caught Lotte and Sucy.

Y/N: Welcome aboard girls! Hope you enjoy your flight! We'll be landing again very shortly!

Lotte: Y/N!! Is...this the legendary broom?!

Y/N: Mhm! It is! I was really surprised too! But I can't say much now! Once we drop you on the ground, we gotta go and catch anyone else!

Sucy: It'll be Amanda next. Just as a heads up.

I nodded as we reached the ground again. We were in a different place as before, but at least these two were now safe as well!

Y/N: Now just stay here. I'll come and get you both once this is over!

They nodded as once again the broom launched us away.

Y/N: You know, I can understand why your previous owner had such a hard time trying to keep you under control and lost you in the end! You have a mind of your own, plus can practically disappear at the speed of light!

[DISCONTINUED] Rehabilitation {Little Witch Academia Harem X Shy Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now