Chapter 69: A Helping Hand

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It wasn't long before Akko shot up from Constanze's bed right into ceiling. She fell back down onto the bed and laid there groaning in pain.

Y/N: A-Akko! Are you alright?!

Akko: Y-yeah...

Her face was so red as I stood up to go and check on her.

Y/N: W-what happened down there?

Akko: Sh-she didn't believe what I was saying! I thought you would be there to back me up!

Y/N: I-I would've been, b-but I-I had to make sure Jasminka and Amanda were ok! I-it's really unfair that Jasminka hasn't seen me too much!

I glance back at her and smile as she blushes and smiles back.

Y/N: N-no worries Akko. I-I'll go and talk to Constanze tomorrow! F-For now we can leave her to do her work. I-if she needs help she might ask for it!

I know how much she liked to work alone, but no matter how well you might work on your own, sometimes you have to reach out and ask others to help you.

Amanda: I wouldn't worry about her kicking you out Y/N! In fact she'd love to have you down there!

Y/N: Y-yeah...a-anyway come in Akko, d-do you wanna go to the nurse and get that checked?

It didn't look like she look much damage, although he nose was bleeding a little.

Akko: I-I'm fine...

She did also look a bit dazed. I would just probably have to help her back to her room and clean up her nose.

Y/N: Come on then, l-lets g-get you back.

I take her hand and pull her up onto her feet.

Y/N: Night you two. Sweet dreams!

Amanda: Night babe~!

Jasminka: G-Goodnight!

I give them a smile and lead Akko back to her dorm. When we get back, she sits down on her bed and I help her clean the blood off her face and put a plaster on her nose.

Y/N: N-nothing else right? Th-that's all?

Akko: Y-yeah, thanks Y/N!

She quickly kisses me on the cheek and pulls me into a hug.

Akko: Why didn't she believe me? I thought I was doing a good job of convincing her!

Y/N: I-I m-mean t-to be fair Akko, y-you do have a record. I-I should've been there with you, b-but I-I really wanted to see Jasminka.

Akko: I understand. Like the rest of us, she really loves you and I often see how patient she is when looking at you.

Y/N: Y-yeah...I-I'm grateful that you all are so patient. I-it makes things so much easier.

Akko: It's because we all love you and know that we will get our turn!

Her hug gets tighter as she lays her head on my shoulder.

Akko: A-Are w-we still gonna help Constanze?

Y/N: O-of course! A-And I-I also have an idea of how maybe more of us can get involved.

Akko: How so?

Y/N: N-not sure...j-just let me think and then I'll come back to you on that.

I'm sure that some of the other girls would be willing to help us as well! I had a few in mind that I hadn't been with much recently. It was just a matter of finding them and seeing if they would want to.

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