Chapter 32: Paving the Way

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Hannah POV

All of those dark thoughts about him potentially taking his own life because of the state he was in would not leave my mind!

Barbara was the same.

Diana kept telling us that there was no way that he would.

While I want to agree with that, it's just I love him so much and I can't afford to lose him!

He has become such a big part of our lives.

I don't really know how plain and boring life would be without him around.

Hannah: We'll find a way to help you get through this Y/N! I promise!

I began to cry as I held onto him.

Looking at his peaceful, sleeping figure put me at ease a little.

But I would prefer if he was awake and talking to us.

I hear the hurried footsteps of Y/N's little monkey friend that he had kept after metamorphosis class.

Honestly the two of them were so cute together!

He climbs up onto Y/N's back and sits down.

Kilo: Y/N? Are you ok?

Hannah: H-he's in deep sleep Kilo.

Kilo: O-oh....

This creature must be so attached to him because he looked as just as worried as us!

Kilo: What is wrong with my friend?!

He makes his way along Y/N and wrap his arms around his neck and lies on his shoulder.


This was actually so sweet!

I smile a little and pet Kilo slightly on his head.

Hannah: H-he'll be fine! I-I know he will!

He watches me get closer to Y/N's face as I place a kiss on his lips.

Hannah: S-sleep well Y/N. I-I love you!

I walk away and wipe the tears from my eyes.

Lying down on my bed, all I could think about was how I was gonna help him.

As soon as he woke up, we would shower him with all the love he needs!

I think that's all he needed right now.

People who loved him to come forward and show him what he is in their eyes!

Now, we just had to wait for him to wake up.

~~Time Skip~~


Waking up I felt absolutely terrible.

Flying high in the air on a cold day like today was not a very good idea.

I think I had a cold now.

Sitting up from my sleeping position I hear the Kilo chattering next to me, jumping up and down.

Kilo: Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!

Y/N: H-hey pal. *sniff*.

I wipe my nose which was starting to run and pat him on the head.

Kilo: What is wrong with you Y/N?

I was a bit taken aback by that very forward question.

Y/N: I-I u-ummm.

That really did catch me off guard.

Y/N: I-I'm j-just not feeling myself right now.

Kilo: Oh I see.

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