Chapter 44: Confrontations and Confessions

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Diana: Hold still Y/N.

Diana was trying to take a look at the mark on my face that was left from when I got injured yesterday.

Y/N: O-ow y-yeah th-that stings!

Hannah: Do you know who it was?

Y/N: I-it was o-one of th-those p-people f-from th-the other time. Y-you know the people who cornered you all.

Barbara: But why were you by yourself? Someone should have been with you!

Diana: You were with Akko, Lotte and Sucy right? One of them needed to be with you. They know how dangerous it is out there.

Hannah: That's very irresponsible!

Y/N: I-I d-didn't w-want them to get hurt.

Diana: You can't keep making excuses for them Y/N. It's sweet and proves your loyalty, but they do have to own up to things from time to time.

I was going to protest but couldn't as Diana begins to softly stroke my cheek and smiles at me.

Diana: That's why we all love you. You are such a sweetheart. Maybe sometimes too much for your own good.

She leans in and kisses my cheek.

I smile and rest my head on her chest.

Y/N: C-can I-I s-stay like this for a while? I-I feel really tired.

Diana: Of course you can. Did you not sleep too well last night?

Y/N: N-no.

Hannah: Awww Y/N. You should have told one of us!

Y/N: I-I d-didn't want to wake any of you.

Barbara: Again, like Diana said you're too much of a sweetheart! You have to think about yourself as well Y/N!

Y/N: Y-yeah b-but I-I still think back to when I acted selfish. I-I'm still trying to make up for the damage that I caused....

Diana: That is in the past now and we forgave multiple times. We know how much you love us and we know how much we love you. That's all that matters!

I feel two more sets of arms around me hear Hannah whisper something on my ear. I couldn't really understand what she was saying but her voice was just so relaxing. Barbara soon does the same and I could feel myself just melt away.

Before I knew it, my eyes were shut and I was asleep.

[Hannah POV]

I could see Y/N's eyes slowly shut and his breathing becoming a lot slower. What me and Barbara were doing had worked like I thought it would.

Hannah: He really needed this!

I rest my head against his and shut my eyes too. If I wasn't kneeling on the floor I would have fallen asleep with him.

Diana: Indeed. But I wish he would stop thinking that he could do everything himself. I think he's trying to be a little too unselfish.

Barbara: All we need to do is support him! That way he'll recover faster!

Diana: We do. And we always will!

We would!

Diana: Anyway, I think it would be best to find Akko ask what the hell happened to him yesterday. They have to hold themselves accountable.

Hannah: Y/N can't take the blame for this! It's so irresponsible of them to do that!

Barbara: After this, how can we trust them to take care of him?! They seem incapable!

[DISCONTINUED] Rehabilitation {Little Witch Academia Harem X Shy Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now