Chapter 57: Vulnerable

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I followed the Professor out of the school towards her lab in the New Moon Tower. She stuck real close to me, almost like she was protecting me or preventing me from running.

I couldn't tell which one it was. But I did still trust her. She hasn't done anything so far to damage that.

Croix: Just keep following kid. Don't go too astray!

I nodded my head as I followed her up the stairs. They spiralled up and up until we got to a big set of doors which opened when we got close.

Croix: Here we are! Sorry about taking you all the way over here, but it's out of the way and I can tell you a couple of things.

She sits down in her chair and gestures me to come closer to her.

Croix: I don't really know what it is about you, but you've really managed to capture the interest of so many people. Whether it be, your power or love. Those girls are lucky!

Y/N: I-I'm lucky as well.

Croix: Maybe but my point still stands!

Silence envelops the room as she reached out and placed her hand on my cheek.

Croix: I promise you kid, I' my best to help you with finding out who you are. I have been told about your breakdowns and I am here if you need to talk.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes and smiled at her.

Y/N: Th-thanks Professor. I-it's means a lot.

Croix: I know it does kid.

She removes her hand and leans back in the chair.

Croix: Do you mind telling me more about your father? I would understand if you don't, but I just wanna know a bit more about what happened.

Y/N: S-sure. I-I guess I should.

I sat down on one of the roombas as it moved closer to the Professor.

Y/N: H-He wasn't a-always like this. I-if that's what y-you're wondering. I-I don't r-really know what happened, b-but he just sorta changed one day.

Croix: I see. He doesn't sound like a bit of a maniac!

Y/N: Y-yeah I-I guess.

I look down at the ground and sigh deeply.

Croix: What you were saying before about him sending people to kill you, was he actually trying to kill you you think he was trying to kidnap you.

Y/N: I-I think h-he wants to kidnap m-me and take my power. H-he can't get th-this power! I-I don't know what he might use it for!

Croix: What do you think he could use it for?

Y/N: I-I don't know. B-but h-he can't get a hold of it!

I did sound a bit desperate but a man like him having the power that I did? That's dangerous.

I know that I'm already a ticking time bomb, but he is something completely different. Magic does not belong with someone like that.

[Croix POV]

The things that the kid was saying was really opening my eyes. That maniac would probably use the power for something dangerous!

Croix: I can't assume anything too early though can I? The poor kid is so paranoid!

He was probably so confused and just overall scared of what the power could do in the wrong hands.

Everyone should be. But I know that I for sure would be able to use the power anyway!

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