Chapter 72: Forever In My Heart

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With the events of the wild hunt still at the fore front on my mind, I could see Ursula walking in my direction with the angriest look on her face I think I had ever seen.

I never imagined Ursula being angry, but right now she looked VERY angry.

Ursula: Can I talk to you please Y/N? This is very urgent.

I nod my head and stand up from my seat. She took my hand and dragged me to a quieter part of the school so we could talk.

Ursula: Sorry about sprinting this all on you. But the situation is beginning to reach its climax.

Y/N: W-what happened?

Ursula: Croix happened.

So after all this time that she been here, she had been playing all sorts of games in the dark.

In the background where no one is going to look, where she can hatch whatever plan she wants and succeed.

Ursula: She was behind what happened the wild hunt. From what I can tell, she was also what occurred at the Appleton Academy. When you said there were those black and red cubes?

Y/N: Yes. S-so that was her?

She nods and gently places her hand on my shoulder.

Ursula: While it still doesn't explain what she wanted you for, still assume that she is up to no good with it. And please do not give her anything again!

Y/N: I-I won't...and Akko?

She sighs and shakes her head.

Ursula: Just continue to keep a very close eye on her. Don't let her and Croix interact alone. If you need to, then ask some of the girls to help you out. This is crucial Y/N!

I nod my head and give Ursula my most determined face.

Y/N: Yes ma'am!

She giggles and pulls me into a hug.

Ursula: Good! That was cute by the way!

I blush and laugh awkwardly.

Y/N: J-just showing you h-how determined I am!

Ursula: And I'm glad that you are!

She gently kisses me on the top of the head and rests hers on my shoulder.

Ursula: We will get through all this. I know this isn't the life you would've dreamt of when you first came here, but once all this blows over I'm sure it will.

Y/N: This is all I ever could've asked Ursula! Normal or not, I absolutely love what I have here at Luna Nova! I will never take all this for granted!

In actual fact, the life I had here was so much better than what I had dreamt of in my absolute darkest moments in my old life. The times where I thought I didn't have very long left...

Y/N: Good thing I kept myself going! Otherwise, I would never have met the greatest set of people on the planet and fall in love with the loveliest girls ever!

For all they had done for me, I was going to make sure that I paid them back!

Ursula: I'd best let you go now Y/N. I've got work to do and the others will be wondering where you are.

Y/N: Yes! I will see you later on though. I-I still kinda wanna talk to you. Y-you know, when the atmosphere is less tense.

She smiles and nods her head.

Ursula: I was gonna ask about that, but didn't think the time was right. If you're free later in this evening, then I'll make some tea for us!

Y/N: Th-that sounds perfect!

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