Chapter 63: Never In Doubt!

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[Akko POV]

I felt the wind in my face as my eyes opened.

Akko: I fell asleep?!

Y/N: Yeah you did. It's no biggie! We have our reindeer though!

I looked around to see that we were flying over the snow covered fields again. My arms firmly wrapped around Y/N's waist.

Y/N: I was going to leave you to sleep, but I don't know how long this would take. A-And I don't want you to be alone a-as you turn...

The speck on my hand was growing. I turned my hand over and saw that there was a little more on the back of it.

Akko: I-I'll be fine. But thanks for not leaving me behind.

Y/N: We have to stay by each other's side. We're doing this together!

I smile and kiss his cheek and rest my chin on his shoulder.

Akko: I'm so glad I fell in love with you Y/N.

Y/N: And I'm glad I fell in love with you girls. I just now have to save you otherwise I'll never forgive myself.

He sighs.

Y/N: I wouldn't go back to Luna Nova. I'd just give myself up. I wouldn't be able to confront them all on it...

Akko: You won't have to! Because we are so close!

Y/N: Y-yeah.

I felt really bad that a time that was meant to spent together has turned out to be running around to try and cure a deadly disease.

Akko: He is right! Never a dull moment!

I look down to see the reindeer right below us.

Y/N: Right, all I have to do is gather them while he is doing his business right?

Akko: Uh huh! I'll stay back, you'd probably be quieter than me.

Y/N: We'll see. The snow is very crunchy underfoot. It'll probably get spooked.

He lands the broom and put his feet on the ground. He opens the jar and tries to sneak up to the reindeer while it was drinking in the river.

Right before he could do anything, it turned around and he froze on the spot.

Y/N: Oh...

It turned and ran in the opposite direction, leaving him stood in the snow.

Akko: Quick Y/N get on! We can catch up to it!

He turned back to me and sprinted back over and got back on. I put my arms around him and clung on tight.

Y/N: Yeah I would hang on tight! Because it's had a head start and we have catching up to do.

We took off and sped after it. Y/N really was getting to grips with flying on a broom!

Akko: Can you be my broom flight teacher? You're very good!

Y/N: Ahah! R-Really? I mean I guess I could!

Akko: You really are an equal for Diana! In fact I'd say that you're more powerful than her now!

Y/N: Th-that's been said a lot. B-But Diana has been learning it since she was little! I know nothing next to her!

Akko: But you catch on really quick!

He turned around and smiled at me and then returned his focus to flight.

Akko: You're so incredible Y/N! Always ready for what is set out in front of you!

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