Welcome To My World (Book 3)

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Chapter One A Million Different ways things could’ve played out

So it’s been a while since we last talked. So three years have passed. Oliver’s five, the twins are three. I’m almost done with college. I just need eight more months.

Okay, well let me tell you about how much has changed in the Moriarty household. Well, Xander and Haylee welcomed a son eighteen months ago. His name’s Alexander Mason Moriarty Jr., but we just call him Mason. Danny and Criss eloped to some state that allows gay marriage. They’re now living on their own, not to far from Xander and Haylee. Jace moved out too and lives at a dorm in the college he attends. Ami and Eli got married in the beginning of this year. Ami wanted a winter wedding. It was small and quiet. Just the way they wanted it. They opened up their own tattoo shop too.

Shane, my half brother is working at the tattoo shop with Ami and Eli. He has a fiancée, Kandace too.

Ian, he’s doing his second year of residency at a hospital in the next town over. He’s so busy we don’t see him all that much, but he never misses a Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Oh, you wanna know what’s new with me huh? Well, Over the last three years Loretta and I moved into our own four bedroom house. Her dad paid for everything. He even paid for furniture and beds. It’s a nice house too. Loretta’s going to school to become a nurse. I’m still working at the restaurant, but now Zeke owns it. Which is cool. He made me manager. I make at least 80 bucks a night. Uh, hmmm let’s see. What else is new? Uh, Oliver’s in pre-school, Loretta’s pregnant again, and oh, yeah we’re separated. Also I’m still just as deaf :p

Hehe, which one shocked you more? Her being pregnant again? Or us being separated? Well, yeah both are true. She’s twenty nine weeks. It’s a boy. Yeah, we’re naming him Hayden.

About the separation thing, we decided on that about four months ago. Oliver and I moved in with Zeke. He has a three bedroom apartment and needed a roommate, or two. I’ve also been seeing this girl, Annika for about three months. It’s nothing serious. We just hangout and stuff. No sex. Trust me. I am staying sex free until I’m dead. Thank you very much.

I’m about to pick up the twins and Oliver from daycare right now. It’s October ninth and I’m getting out of my Pacifica. I’m walking up to the day care when I see someone waving at me. I look up to see some girl. ‘Auggie Moriarty?’ She signs

I smile and sign ‘Hi.’

‘It’s Kendra! I was in your fifth period Chemistry class senior year!’

‘Oh! Wow, hi! How have you been?’

‘Good, I just got here from New York, that’s where I’m living now.’

‘Wow, that must be cool.’

‘Yeah, I’m a fashion designer. I’m actually having a store opened here in a few weeks, you should come! Bring your wife too!’

Damn it, she noticed the wedding ring. ‘Yeah, she’d love that.’ I sign

The girl, Kendra digs in her bag and hands me an envelope. ‘well, I better go. It was nice seeing you Auggie.’ She signs

‘You too.’

I put the card in my back pocket then walk into the daycare and wave to the employees there. Tara, a woman in her thirties smiles and points to the back, indicating she’s gonna go get the kids for me. I smile and say “Thank you.”

I wait a few seconds and see my three kids run to me. I pick up Anna Beth and take Anne Marie’s hand. She takes Oliver’s and we go to the car. I put Anne Marie in first or she’ll complain. Then it’s Oliver in the back then it’s Anna Beth beside her twin. I close the door. I go to the front and get in. I turn on the car then drive off to my and Zeke’s apartment since I get the twins on the weekends.

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