Chapter Seven If I go crazy will you still call me Superman?

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Auggie’s POV

I’m hanging out with Zeke, Danny, and Alex at this deaf bar in the next town over. ‘Dude, Criss will freak when he finds out you were in a car accident!’ Danny signs

‘It’s why I’m not going to tell them, smart one.’

I reply

‘None of them? Not even Xander?’

Zeke asks me

‘No and I don’t have to. I’m okay, right? Besides we’re here to relax, not give me anxiety.’

I point out

Alex orders us another round and we take the beers. ‘What I would have given to see you beat that pathetic ignorance’s ass though!’ Alex signs

I laugh at that. ‘Okay, it was pretty great.’ I admit

‘You should have been there at the art show! That was pretty kick ass!’

Zeke chimes in

‘I cannot Condon this type of behavior. I’m happily married to a pacifist.’

Danny signs and we all start laughing

‘Miss the single life much?’

Zeke asks

Danny looks at me. ‘Oh, that question was definitely directed to you.’ I tell him

‘Well, not really. I like waking up to Criss. Him smiling and still half asleep. Him sleeping only in his boxers is a perk too.’

Danny signs with a smirk on his face

‘Whoa, dude. No. That is my baby brother you’re talking about in a disgusting way. Shush!’

I sign

‘Well, I dunno. I guess I’d rather be on my own.’

Alex admits

‘Yeah, I guess same here.’

Zeke signs ‘Don’t get me wrong, I like being in relationships and when I saw you and Loretta or Criss and Danny, I thought “Hey, maybe, I could…?” but you know, I don’t think I’m cut out for it.’

‘I just think I’m not meant to be in a normal stable relationship.’

I tell them

‘What? Why do you think that?’

Danny asks me

‘I mean look, Lyla and I were great. She gets pregnant, I cheat, she dies tragically. I suddenly meet Loretta, fall madly in love, she gets pregnant twice then she cheats. It’s like cosmic or karma, I guess.’

‘It’s not and you know it. Auggie, everyone makes mistakes, okay? Look at Eli! That idiot’s made millions and will probably make a million more, but that doesn’t mean Ami’s going to just give up on him.’

‘So, what are you saying? That I should give Loretta another chance?’

‘Right now, no. But figure out what you’re feeling first, then try working on her and your marriage.’

‘Wow, little brother, that was deep. So deep, I think I’m going to need another beer.’

Alex signs then leaves our table to go order our next round

‘My brother’s highly allergic to anything remotely emotional.’

Danny explains

‘Oh, that’s the reason.’

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