~Moving In~

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[Creator's Note: None of the art in this chapter belongs to me, they belong to their original artists in which you can most likely find on Pinterest and such.]
Shuichi Saihara parked his car in the car park, hopped out of his car and dragged his three large suitcases out of the car with him. He glanced around the campus from where he stood, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself. Shuichi took his car keys out of his pocket and locked his car, then picked up two of his three suitcases. Though he could hardly see anything at all, Luckily his third suitcase had wheels so he could just push it alongside himself.  The dormitory building wasn't that far away either, so hopefully he wouldn't have to carry his suitcases for too long.

After walking for what seemed like forever, Shuichi reached what he supposed to be the dormitory plaza. He stopped in front of the double-door entrance, panting heavily. After finally managing to catch his breath, he nudged the door open with his hip and walked into the plaza. It was somewhat crowded, though for some reason there was no one in line for the dorm key pickup. He walked over to the receptionist desk, though he couldn't see the receptionist's face due to the two large suitcases he was carrying.

"Hello. I'm assuming that you are here to pick up your dormitory key, correct?" A monotone yet still feminine voice called out to Shuichi, for some reason it sounded familiar.
"U-Uh... y-yeah, I'm here to get the key to my dorm." Shuichi responded in between deep breaths, though his tone was still soft and rather quiet. 
"Oh, allow me to help with your suitcases. If you simply tell me your full name, I will be able to ship them over to your dormitory with the advanced technology we have in this university." The woman responded, all of the sudden she took the two large suitcases Shuichi was holding and pulled them over the counter, she set them on the floor and glanced back at Shuichi. The woman had silver hair, her bangs were covering one of her eyes. She was wearing a sort of... vintage?- Maid dress, though she still gave off an incredibly formal vibe.

"N-No way... you're Kirumi Tojo. You're the prime minister, aren't you?-" Shuichi said in awe, his eyes lighting up in slight excitement.
"Indeed, I am Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Prime Minister. Though, I was formally known as the Ultimate Maid. Despite still attending my first year of college, I was considered responsible enough to work the receptionist desk throughout the weekends of the entire school year. Though, I was only selected to work the receptionist desk on weekends so that I could still succeed in fulfilling my duty as the Prime Minister, as well as juggle the troubles of being a schoolgirl and a receptionist all at once." Kirumi said, nodding slowly as she spoke.

"Although, you still have not given me your name. I cannot give you your correctly assigned dormitory without being aware of your identity." She added, gesturing to the large chart of all of the dormitories covering the wall behind her.
"Oh, Sorry... I'm Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective." Shuichi responded quietly, a nervous smile on his face.
"Ah, I see." Kirumi said, turning to the multi-screen computer on her desk and typing something into it. The computer made a 'Ding!' sound, Kirumi glanced between Shuichi and the computer to make sure that he was actually whom he claimed to be. Kirumi nodded then picked up two of Shuichi's suitcases, putting them onto a now-moving conveyer belt. She reached her hand into one of the drawers within the counter, and shuffled around for a moment before finding the corresponding key to Shuichi's dorm room. She pulled out the key and handed it to Shuichi, a calm smile on her face.

"Your dormitory room is dormitory number 621, that is on the sixth floor on the left side of the dormitory building. If you have any trouble navigating, do not hesitate to ask other individuals for guidance. You will be sharing a dormitory with two male individuals and one non-binary individual, I am telling you this so that way you can check and make sure that no one snuck into your dormitory. Unfortunately your third suitcase is too heavy to put on the conveyer belt, so you will have to carry it with you. There is an elevator located at the back of the lobby." Kirumi said, tilting her head to the side a little. (Creator's note: Kiibo is cannonly non-binary incase you didn't know, despite going by he/him in Danganronpa. It is said that he/him are his preferred pronouns.)
"Thank you..." Shuichi thanked Kirumi, trying to take in all of the information. "I'll be going to my dorm now, thank you again for the help." He added onto his previous words, then grabbed the hook of his suitcase and walked away, awkwardly waving goodbye to Kirumi with his free-hand. Shuichi walked with his head down, and used his striped hat to shield his face from the small crowd of people in the lobby. Being the awkward and easily flustered person he is, he didn't want to interact with anyone he didn't know. He walked over to the elevator and clicked the button to bring it down to the lobby.

Shuichi entered the elevator, and it surprisingly only contained of one person. A person Shuichi already knew, Kaede Akamatsu. The Ultimate Pianist. Kaede had attended Hope's Peak High with Shuichi, along with a few of Shuichi's other friends that were attending Hope's Peak University along with the two.
"Oh, Hey Shuichi!" The blonde-haired girl said as Shuichi walked into the elevator and stood besides her. Shuichi clicked the sixth floor button, and Kaede clicked the fifth floor button shortly afterwards.
"H-Hey, Kaede." Shuichi responded, an awkward smile on his face.
"It's been a while since we talked.., but I'm so glad you're going to Hope's Peak University, too!" Kaede said happily, gently clapping her hands together. The elevator door shut, and now it was just the two of them. Usually things like this would feel awkward, but Kaede already knew Shuichi was gay, so she didn't mind being alone with him at all. Since they were already close, Shuichi didn't mind it much, either.

Slight backstory(?): [You see, the two had dated in the past... They only lasted two weeks though. Although Shuichi thought he loved her, something was always just there... to others he was straight- but apart of him always said otherwise. Once they shared their first kiss, that's when Shuichi realized it- He didn't like girls. He liked boys. He had never exactly felt attracted to a girl before in the past, he simply just confused his awkward personality with the feeling of love. When he finally mustered up the courage to tell Kaede, she was so accepting and understanding so instead of dating, they broke up and remained close friends like they used to be. So, the two were always quite close despite being in a romantic relationship with one-another before.]

"Yeah, it has been a while. I'm glad to see that you're still doing okay though..." Shuichi responded, a smile on his face.
"Thanks, Shuichi! It's actually nice to get to talk to you again, we've been so busy with studying lately we barely talked anymore." Kaede said with a laugh, turning back to Shuichi.
Shuichi nodded, still smiling. "Did you end up deciding on law?-" Shuichi asked her quietly.
"Oh, yeah! I'm guessing you decided on law, too. Since you're the Ultimate Detective." Kaede said. The elevator door opened up, revealing the sixth floor. Kaede put her arm out into the doorway to make sure the door wouldn't shut on Shuichi.
Shuichi nodded at Kaede's words, a calm smile on his face. "Thanks." Shuichi thanked Kaede for her kind gesture, then walked out of the elevator. He quickly waved goodbye, then grabbed his suitcase and proceeded to walk down the hall as the elevator doors shut.

After walking for a bit, Shuichi arrived at his dormitory to see his two large suitcases in front of the door. He wasn't too surprised by the sight, considering Kirumi had already told him the conveyer belt would send two of his suitcases to his dormitory. Shuichi pushed the two suitcases in front of the door to the side, and glanced at the dorm number once more to make sure it matched the number on his keys.
"621... Th-This is the one." Shuichi whispered to himself quietly, clutching his keys tightly. He let out a shaky hand to the doorknob, putting his keys in the lock and twisting it. The doorknob made a clicking sound, so Shuichi had assumed he unlocked it. Shuichi quietly whispered both words of encouragement and words of doubt to himself, then took one last deep breath and opened the door.

Shuichi dragged his suitcases into the dorm and locked the door behind him, slightly surprised to see that no one but one person was in the living room. The one boy sat on the couch, seemingly interested in what was on the television screen. And that person was the one and only.., Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! *(Also known as the Ultimate Astronaut™️)*
The purplish-pink-haired boy who's hair defied all laws of psychics glanced over at Shuichi, suddenly grinning. He got up from the couch and rushed over to Shuichi, giving him a fist-pump.
"Hey Shuichi!" Kaito said loudly, grinning. "I'm lucky I at least got to share a dorm with you! That other guy back there is so annoying! And I don't even know where the other person is, they haven't showed up..." Kaito added, rubbing the back of his head with an awkward smile.
"Oh, I-I see..." Shuichi responded, not exactly knowing what to say. "A-Anyways, I'm going to go unpack my things. If you need anything, feel free to call me." Shuichi said to Kaito.
"Eh, okay." Kaito responded lazily, yet still in his usual loud and obnoxious tone. He plopped back onto the couch without a word.
Shuichi awkwardly waved goodbye and continued to explore the dormitory for a short while, dragging his suitcases along with him. After exploring for a while, he came to the conclusion that there was one large bathroom, a living room, a large kitchen including an expensive marble counter with chairs, a dining room, a storage closet (Creator's note: Ohno- Watch out for the grape, Shuichi _), a completely empty small room.., and last but not least, what Shuichi assumed to be a bedroom. It was the only thing left for him to explore.

Shuichi opened the door to the bedroom, surprised to see how big it was. There were two pairs of large bunk beds, each bunk bed was in the back corner of the room. The room had a large fuzzy grey carpet, many bookshelves hanging to the wall, a few desks/nightstands, a gaming computer, and different posters that Shuichi assumed his roommates had put up. There were two beanbags randomly placed on the floor, too. And snowflake colored fairy-lights were hung across the top of the walls of the dim room. Shuichi started in awe, maybe this wouldn't be as bad as he thought it would be. All of the sudden, Shuichi noticed a purple-haired boy staring at him with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. The boy was sitting on the bottom bunk bed located in the back left corner of the room. All of the sudden he hopped off of his bed and walked over to Shuichi. The petite purple-haired boy held out his hand for Shuichi to shake.

Shuichi hesitantly reached out his hand to the boy, and the boy quickly took his hand and shook it. "I'm Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Serial Killer!" The boy said, grinning.
"W-What?!-" Shuichi said in sudden shock, he couldn't believe someone would be so open about an ultimate like that.
"Nishishi~ That was a lie. I'm actually the Ultimate Supreme Leader, the leader of an evil villain organization called D.I.C.E!" Kokichi chimed,  not letting go of Shuichi's hand.
Shuichi let out a shaky sigh, assuming he had to introduce himself now. "I-I'm Shuichi Saihara... The Ultimate Detective..." He said quietly, pushing his hat further down his face with his free-hand in an attempt to hide the fact he was embarrassed.

Kokichi was slightly annoyed by the fact Shuichi was mumbling, but at the same time he found it cute. Kokichi stopped shaking Shuichi's hand, yet he didn't let go of it for some odd reason. "Nice to meet you, Saihara~Chan~!" Kokichi said, he had already taken a liking to Shuichi even though they had just met.
"S-Saihara~Ch-Chan-n...-?" Shuichi whispered quietly, his face turning a deep shade of red. He used his hat to try and hide his embarrassment once more.

"Nehehe! Anyway, You should probably pick out which bunk bed you want, you know... before the last person we share a dorm with comes." Kokichi said, since he was already holding Shuichi's hand, he quickly rushed over to the bunk beds, dragging Shuichi along with him.
"You can pick whatever top bunk you want, since Momota and I already took the bottom bunks." Kokichi told Shuichi, a neutral expression on his face, and he finally let go of Shuichi's hand.
"O-Okay..." Shuichi responded, still flustered from what had happened. Shuichi left his suitcases in the corner of the room next to the door so he could remember to unpack it later. Shuichi walked back over to where Kokichi stood and climbed up the ladder, crawling onto the top bunk. Shuichi sat with his legs crisscrossed on the bed, it was pretty comfortable and he still had a lot of head-space.

"I-I'll... take this one." Shuichi called out to Kokichi, peeking over the side of what was now his bunk bed.
"Wow, I get to share a bunk bed with an Ultimate Detective~! Nishishi~ I'm so excited, Shumai." Kokichi responded in a flirtatious tone, a grin plastered on his face once more. He looked up at Shuichi, staring right into his eyes to see his reaction.
Shuichi's face immediately turned a dark shade of red once more, and he fell back onto his bed. Kokichi let out that same mischievous giggle. Kokichi quickly hopped back onto his bed and continued doing whatever he was doing before their first interaction, still grinning.

After Shuichi had finally managed to calm down a bit, he began unpacking his things. Kokichi glanced over at him every once in a while when Shuichi wasn't looking, he couldn't really help himself. Something about Shuichi was just so attractive to him. After Shuichi had finished unpacking, he climbed up the ladder of the bunk bed and lied down on his bed. He plugged in his headphones to his phone, turned on his e̶m̶o̶ music and closed his eyes, trying to relax.

After a while, Kokichi could hear Kaito talking to someone from the living room. Even though the bedroom door was shut, Kaito always talked incredibly loud so he could still hear him. Kokichi assumed it must be the last person finally arriving at the dormitory and simply shrugged it off.
The bedroom door suddenly opened and a human-like individual walked in. Except, they weren't human. They were a robot. Kokichi could tell this because- Well, they had metal body parts from the neck down.
"Wow! A real robot! You look superrrr convincing. I almost thought you were a human for a second... but, you aren't. You're just a robot." Kokichi said, a mischievous grin on his face.
"I-Is that a robophobic remark?!" The robot said loudly, clearly upset. They sighed, somehow they were able to able to calm themselves down quickly. "Nevermind that.., I am K1-B0, the Ultimate Robot... But you may call me Kiibo." They said, "I am non-binary, though I prefer the pronouns he and him. If you have any preferred pronouns then your biological gender's pronouns, please tell me as of now so I do not misgender you in the future." Kiibo added, a small smile on his face.

Kokichi nodded, still grinning. "Kokichi Ouma, I'm the leader of an evil organization called D.I.C.E! That's why I'm known as the Ultimate Supreme Leader!" He chimed, "Oh, and my pronouns are he and him. I'm a boy, soooo..." Kokichi added blandly.
Kiibo nodded, still smiling. "Thank you for the information, Kokichi. My suitcases are still on the way here, so I will be in the living room with Kaito." Kiibo said, he waved goodbye and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Hey, Saihara~Chan, how come you didn't introduce yourself to Kee-Boy?" Kokichi asked Shuichi, not moving from where he was sitting on his bed. Kokichi waited for a while, and there was no response. Did Shuichi seriously ignore him? Kokichi hopped off of his bed and climbed up the ladder to the top bunk.
"Hey! Saihara~Ch-" Kokichi quickly stopped himself, realizing that Shuichi was asleep. If this was any other person, he would have woken them up without hesitation... but Shuichi seemed so peaceful and- Cute. Kokichi noticed that Shuichi didn't have a cover, and Kokichi rolled his eyes and climbed back down the ladder and to his bed, he ripped his cover off of his bed and climbed back up the ladder to Shuichi's bed. Kokichi gently laid his cover on top of Shuichi's body, but made sure that the cover only covered his shoulders down.
Although Kokichi wanted to stay up with everyone else, he figured he should just let Shuichi rest. Kokichi sighed, then hopped off of the ladder. He stretched his arms and walked over to the door, opening the door and walking out of the doorway. Kokichi glanced back at Shuichi one last time from the hallway and smirked, then made sure to turn the mode of the lights from 'dim' to 'off'. He closed the door, leaving Shuichi to rest.

[DISCONTINUED] "We're Roommates!" (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now