~Getting to Know Eachother~ {Pt. 2}

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"So, where do you wanna go, Saihara~Chan?" Kokichi asked the navy-blue haired boy, glancing over at him and grinning.
Shuichi put his head down and remained silent. He continued to walk down the hallway, keeping an even pace with Kokichi. Shuichi was afraid that if what he responded with was 'boring' that Kokichi would get mad at him. But that didn't really matter since Kokichi still got upset anyways... He hated being ignored. You know, because he loves attention.
"Shumai? Hello?!" Kokichi said loudly. He picked up his pace and walked backwards in front of Shuichi, Kokichi waved his hand in front of Shuichi's face to get his attention. Shuichi looked up from the ground and back at Kokichi, snapping back into reality again.
"H-Huh?- Oh, sorry, Ouma~Kun... I-I...- don't know what I want to do..." Shuichi responded, then looked back down at the ground again. An intense silence broke out between the two and all that was heard was the pitter-patter of their feet. Kokichi slowed down his pace, Shuichi didn't notice this and bumped into him. Kokichi quickly took the opportunity and snatched Shuichi's hat, then put it on his own head.
"Hey! What was that for?!-" Shuichi asked, looking away and trying not to make eye contact with Kokichi, "-Please give my hat ba-" Kokichi put his hands around the slim navy-haired boy's waist. He didn't even bother to put his hands on Shuichi's shoulders because Shuichi was a lot taller then him anyways and it would make his arms hurt... He wasn't about to waste his strength on an easily-flustered tsundere peasant.

"K-Kokichi! W-Wait! Wh-What... a-are you—"
"Saihara~Chan. Look at me." Kokichi said firmly staring straight into Shuichi's eyes, only for him to quickly look away once more.
"Saihara~Chan. Look at me." Kokichi said again, he really hated repeating himself. Shuichi reluctantly obliged, turning his head back to Kokichi and staring right back into his eyes. Shuichi's cheeks quickly flushed into a rosy-red color. The two fell silent once more until Kokichi decided to say something again.
"Don't lie to me." Kokichi said bluntly, suddenly looking pissed off, "-I hate liars! Liar, liar, pants on fire!" Kokichi suddenly raised his voice, startling Shuichi a little bit. He was one to talk... Kokichi literally always lies.
"I-I... didn't lie to y-" Shuichi said before getting cut off by Kokichi.
"Yeah, you did. A liar knows their kind. So, let me guess... You do know what you wanna do, but you think that I'll make fun of you for it and say that it's boring or stupid! So you said you didn't know, so that way I would have to choose what to do instead." Kokichi responded, still looking into Shuichi's eyes.
"H-How d-did y-?!" Shuichi started, getting cut off by Kokichi.
"Wow! So I really was right! Y'know, I should be the Ultimate Detective instead of you!" Kokichi chimed, grinning. Kokichi let go of Shuichi's waist and stepped back. Shuichi let out a small sigh of relief, then quickly snatched his hat off of Kokichi's head, only to put it back on his own head once more. Kokichi pouted but surprisingly shrugged it off.
Silence broke out between the two once again.
"Sooooo," Kokichi started, "What do you actually wanna do?" He asked Shuichi, putting his hands on his hips.
"Well... I-... D-Do you wanna go to the arcade here?-" Shuichi asked. By the way Kokichi's eyes lit up with excitement once he asked the question, Shuichi already knew the answer.
"I was actually hoping you would say that, Saihara~Chan!" Kokichi cheered, "One of my friends Gonta told me that the arcade here was awesome! And that's no lie~!" Kokichi added onto his response, a grin stretching across his face.
"O-Oh...!" Shuichi responded happily, "Lets go th-!"
"Lets get going, Shumai! I'm super-duper bored!" Kokichi chimed, cutting Shuichi off. Shuichi didn't mind this though, as he honestly preferred to talk a lot less. Shuichi could probably listen to Kokichi talk for hours and still be entertained, while for Kokichi it would probably be the exact opposite. Kokichi wasn't exactly the easiest person to entertain...
· Time Skip | Brought To You By the Gorgeous Girl Genius Miu Iruma ·
After around thirty minutes of Kokichi recklessly dragging Shuichi around the campus, The two finally arrived at the arcade. They walked through the entrance doors to be greeted by various loud noises coming from many different arcade machines. Turns out, the arcade was so much bigger than it looked.
Kokichi glanced over at the navy-blue-haired boy and noticed him slightly shaking, all of the noise must have been startling since he probably expected the arcade to be a lot smaller than this.
Usually, Kokichi wouldn't care about this type of thing. But for some reason, he stepped closer to Shuichi and gently grabbed his hand in an attempt to calm him down. Kokichi could barely see Shuichi's face under his hat, but he noticed his expression soften and that his breathing slowed back down to normal. Unfortunately, he was still shaking though. Hopefully he would get used to it soon enough.
Kokichi kept ahold of Shuichi's hand and walked up to the receptionist of the arcade, who's face also happened to be imprinted on the outside of the building along with one of the mascots of the school, Monomi. The woman had short, light brown hair. She had a red and white pixel clip attached to the side of her bangs; Though it was hard to make out any other feature of her face due to the constant flashes of lights coming from all of the machines and fancy lighting. One thing was clear though, her true identity. Chiaki Nanami, The Ultimate Gamer. Although that Ultimate may not seem to powerful or cool by first glance, Chiaki was on a whole new level of being a gamer. On the many game-streaming social media accounts she owned, all of them had over five million followers. She was practically Internet famous, and she was good at EVERY SINGLE game she played; and that's no exaggeration.

Chiaki seemed to be in the middle of a phone call, one of her hands was ontop of one ear blocking out the rest of the noise from the arcade, and her phone was ontop of the other.

"Uhm..." Shuichi started, "Excuse me, ma'am-"
"Nagito!" Chiaki hissed, still talking to the person she was on a phone-call with. Wasn't Nagito the name of the albino haired guy at the cafeteria?-
"Hey!" Kokichi said, trying to get her attention, "Hey! Hey! Can we have s-"
"No, can you please just leave Hajime alone?! We're supposed to be helping those two girls prepare later today for a party tomorrow, remember? If you do that with Hajime, then he won't be able to help!" Chiaki said loudly to the person on the other end of the phone, clearly frustrated... Which was odd, considering she was known for being poker-faced and calm.
"Hey! Hey! Wh-" Kokichi started again, only to get cut off once more.
"I don't care if you wanna give him the pleasure of hope! You can give him hope after the party tomorrow, okay? Good. Thanks, now can you please just be quiet? I need to serve a customer. Okay, bye." Chiaki said before hanging up on the phone. Chiaki sighed before putting her phone into her jacket pocket.
"Sorry, That call was really important... Anyways, Welcome to Monomi, Nanami!! Arcade. How can I help you?" Chiaki said calmly to the two boys, she was now back to her calm persona.
"We need some tickets, y'know, so we can play games." Kokichi responded bluntly, he was probably upset about having to wait.
"Oh, right. Hmmmmm... Let me get some tickets for you..." Chiaki responded before quickly turning around and shuffling in between the drawers of the counter.
"Don't we have to pay first?-" Shuichi asked quietly, a nervous expression on his face.
"What was that?" Chiaki asked, turning back to the two boys. She now had a small bucket full of tickets in her hand.
Shuichi kept quiet, clearly too shy to repeat himself. God, it was annoying but cute.
"He asked if we need to pay." Kokichi said, stepping in for Shuichi.
"Oh, I see... Did no one tell you yet?"
"Tell us what?" Kokichi asked, now suddenly intrigued in the conversation.
"You don't need to pay for anything here," Chiaki responded, Handing Kokichi the bucket full of tickets; "Everything on campus is free, since it's funded by huge groups like the Future Foundation and the Towa Group. I guess you could count your payment for everything here as even getting into the school in the first place, since everyone who was accepted here is the best of the best... It took a lot for all of us to even get here, afterall. Even if you aren't the smartest or most talented of people, you have to admit that it took a lot to get where we are now.... Even if you come across someone like Hajime who has no ultimate, he was accepted for a reason that no one else was accepted for. And even though Nagito has a good-luck—bad-luck cycle, his good luck can be really, really great sometimes." Chiaki finally finished, a calm smile on her face.
By the look on Kokichi's face, it was clear that he regretted asking in the first place.

"Wow, You talk way too much." Kokichi said, rolling his eyes.
"O-Ouma~Kun! Don't be rude!" Shuichi anxiously whispered to Kokichi, just barely loud enough for him to hear.
"Ugh, but then this whole conversation will just be super boring!" Kokichi responded loudly. Chiaki looked shocked for a split second, but then sighed. Chiaki's expression quickly transitioned back to her usual poker-face.
"Ah, Sorry." Chiaki said, though no emotion was in her tone, "Anyways, These tickets should be able to last you until the nighttime hours depending on what games you play. If you need more tickets, just come back here and I'll give you some."
"'Kay, thanks." Kokichi responded. Chiaki handed Kokichi the bucket, only to have him rudely snatch it out of her arms with his remaining free hand. Despite the rude action, Chiaki's face remained with her usual lack of expression.
"S-Sorry about that...," Shuichi said quietly to Chiaki, "Th-Thank y-" Kokichi tightened his grip on Shuichi's hand once more, causing the navy-haired detective to let out a small squeak. Kokichi quickly rushed away from the counter, dragging Shuichi along with him.
· Another Time Skip | Brought To You By the Registered Class Thot, Miu Iruma ·
Shuichi and Kokichi ended up playing almost all of the arcade games for the rest of the entire day, by that I mean up until the scheduled nighttime hours. While the two boys were playing the arcade games together, they happened to have a lot of fun. And, surprisingly enough, even shared some common interests.
The two boys walked out of the arcade together, although they both won a lot of games, they didn't go and exchange their points for any prizes..., After all, They wanted to save up for a cooler prize the next time they went to the arcade together. The only thing that Shuichi had in hand was a Frappuccino that he picked up from the mini coffee-bar in the arcade, whilst Kokichi was empty handed.
"Wow, that was super-duper fun! Thanks for taking me on this date, Saihara~Chan!" Kokichi chimed, a huge grin stretched across his face.
"D-Date?!-" Shuichi asked, his cheeks flushing a rosy-red color.
"Nishishi! Kidding, I'm just messing with you!" Kokichi said quickly. Although he was still grinning, there was a slight hint of panic in his eyes.
"Well...," Shuichi started; Then took a sip of his coffee and looked away, "Thank you... F-For coming with me." Shuichi finished, his cheeks flushing into a slightly redder color.
Kokichi nodded, "No problemo! Also, I got a lil' something for 'ya!" Kokichi said, then almost out of thin air, pulled out a plushy of a certain someone.
"Wh-What?-" Shuichi asked quietly. Kokichi tossed the plush to him, and luckily Shuichi was quick-witted enough to catch it in his free hand. Shuichi stared down at the plush-doll in his hand, it was a chibi-doll of his favorite detective (and also the Vice-Principle of Hope's Peak University), Kyoko Kirigiri.
Shuichi's eyes lit up with excitement, a bright smile soon appeared on his face. "Thank you, Ouma~Kun!-" Shuichi looked up from the plushy in his hands, only to see that Kokichi had disappeared.

"Ouma~Kun...?-" Shuichi whispered to himself, looking around for where Kokichi could have gone. Shuichi looked down on the ground and noticed that there was a small white note attached to the sidewalk where Kokichi was previously standing. Shuichi bended down, put down his coffee cup, and picked up the note; Shuicui then stood up straight again. The note had black-ink handwriting on it, the hand-writing was childish and sloppy. It must be Kokichi's..., Shuichi quickly read the note to himself.
"See you tomorrow, My beloved Saihara~Chan!"
Shuichi opened his mouth to say something, anything...., But no words came out. How does he always manage to slip by everyone? Shuichi looked around for Kokichi once more, but there was no sign of him. Shuichi stared at the Kyoko plushy and the note, he could feel his cheeks heating up again. Shuichi had so many different questions such as:
Where is he going? Is he like this with everyone...? Is he actually attracted to me?-
But, the question that Shuichi mainly wanted an answer for was:
Am I seriously falling for him so quickly?
Shuichi smiled down at the plushy and sticky note, then started to giggle a bit. Maybe he could ask Kaito and Kiibo tomorrow if Kokichi treated them the same way.
Shuichi gently put the sticky note and Kyoko plushy in one of his pockets; He then bended back down and picked up his coffee cup that he had placed on the ground before.

Shuichi took another sip of his coffee and sighed, Kokichi really was a... mysterious person.

[DISCONTINUED] "We're Roommates!" (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now