~Getting to Know Eachother~ {Pt. 1}

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Shuichi suddenly woke up, his memory of what had happened yesterday was a bit foggy, though luckily he could remember everything that happened from getting his dorm key and everything else that followed. Shuichi took out his headphones and rubbed his eyes, his phone battery had died since he had his music playing throughout the entire night. Shuichi simply shrugged it off and plugged in his phone to charge, he was quite tired though he knew he had to wake up so he could go out and learn more about the university in general.

Shuichi sat up in bed, and realized that he had a blanket covering his body this whole time. Shuichi didn't pack a blanket, since he had assumed the university would supply every dormitory with multiple blankets. Though, his assumption ended up being wrong, and it was too late to go out and buy a blanket... so who gave him their blanket?- It was probably Kaito, right?-
Shuichi let out a small sigh and climbed down the ladder of the bunk bed, he immediately glanced over at Kaito to see that he still had his blanket. The roommate that Shuichi hadn't introduced himself to yet still had their blanket with them, too.
So... Kokichi must have given Shuichi his blanke-?!
"Whatcha thinking about, Shumai?" Kokichi whispered to Shuichi, sitting with his legs crisscrossed in his bed. The sudden voice startled Shuichi, it startled him so much he lost his balance. Luckily, Kokichi had fast reflexes. Kokichi swiftly leaned out of his bed, then reached out and grabbed Shuichi's hand. Kokichi wrapped his other arm around Shuichi's waist to support his body. The two's faces were close to one another, their noses were almost touching. The two fell silent for a moment, until Kokichi grinned once more and decided to say something.
"Be careful, Saihara~Chan~! You wouldn't want to wake Momota up, he seems like the type to be really cranky after you wake him up." Kokichi whispered into Shuichi's ear.
Although he probably didn't mean it in any flirtatious/sexual way at all, It gave Shuichi the feeling of butterflies in his stomach. Shuichi's face turned a deep shade of red, and unfortunately he had left his hat on his bed, so he couldn't use it to try and hide his embarrassment.

Kokichi noticed this and his grin quickly switched to a neutral expression, Kokichi gently lifted Shuichi back onto his feet and let go of both his waist and his hand.
Shuichi looked down at the floor and let out a shaky sigh. Shuichi glanced back over at Kokichi, not knowing what to say.
"Soooo... what're you doing up so early, Saihara~Chan? It's Saturday, you know!" Kokichi asked Shuichi loudly, being the mischievous person he is, he wanted to wake up the others, but unfortunately they were both very deep-sleepers.
"W-Well, I... wanted to explore the campus..." Shuichi said quietly, trying his best to hide the fact that Kokichi's obnoxiousness was annoying him. He didn't want to be impolite in any way.
"That's less boring then what I was planning to do today~! I'll tag along!" Kokichi chimed happily, hopping out of his bed and looking up at Shuichi.
Shuichi tilted his head to the side, he wondered how Kokichi had the confidence to invite himself. Shuichi didn't even have half of the confidence to do something like that. Shuichi thought about it for a moment, and he figured this would be a good opportunity to get to know Kokichi.
"Oh, sure..." Shuichi responded, a small smile on his face.
With that being said, Shuichi headed to the bathroom to get dressed. Kokichi simply dressed in the bedroom, since both Kaito and Kiibo were both deep-sleepers, he knew that they wouldn't wake up.
After both of them were finished dressing into their go-to clothing, (Creator's note» They're wearing their in-game clothes, and yes; Shuichi is wearing his fuckin' emo hat now-), they walked out of their dormitory and locked the door behind them.

"So, where do you wanna go first, Saihara~Chan?" Kokichi asked Shuichi eagerly as the two walked down the hallway.
"Well.., I'm planning to go to the dorm reception desk..." Shuichi told Kokichi, the two stopped in front of the elevator. Shuichi pressed the elevator button and waited for the elevator doors to open.
"Hm? Why do you wanna go to a super boring place like that?" Kokichi asked Shuichi blandly, glancing over at Shuichi.
"W-We have to check out the dorm rules..." Shuichi responded. The elevator doors slid open, and it was surprisingly empty. The two boys walked into the elevator, Shuichi pressed the "☆" button that represented the lobby.
"Rules? That's sooooo boring, Shumai! I thought you wanted to explore, not read boring rules!" Kokichi said, turning to Shuichi. The elevator doors quickly shut, leaving the two alone in the elevator. Despite the elevator being quite big, Kokichi was standing close to Shuichi. (This lying little abortion has NO fuckin' boundaries-)

Shuichi pushed down his hat, shielding his face from Kokichi in an attempt to hide the fact he was very embarrassed.
"Nishishi~! But I guess since it's for Saihara~Chan, I'll do it!" Kokichi chimed, a grin plastered on his face.
Shuichi's face turned a deep shade of red. Luckily since Shuichi's hat was covering his face, Kokichi didn't notice it. The elevator doors opened, and the dormitory lobby was now in front of them. It was much more crowded then it was the day before. Shuichi whimpered, he was absolutely terrible at interacting with other people. Kokichi noticed Shuichi's worried expression and grinned mischievously, suddenly having an idea to make this work in his advantage. He grabbed Shuichi's hand, Shuichi tensed up, both shocked and confused. Kokichi walked out of the elevator and into the lobby, dragging Shuichi along with him.

"W-What... a-are y-you... uhm..." Shuichi asked quietly, his voice cracking multiple times as he spoke.
"Nehehe! I'm just making sure you don't get lost in this huge crowd of people, Saihara~Chan~!" Kokichi responded, getting louder as he spoke which turned a lot of heads their way.
"W-Why-... are- y-yo-you...— wh-what.." Shuichi whispered quietly, he let go of Kokichi's hand and was now clinging onto Kokichi out of embarrassment due to everyone staring at him. Kokichi continued to grin, he got exactly the results he wanted... well- not really. He only got amusement-, but something deep down inside him wanted more then that. Kokichi simply shrugged it off, he was probably just getting bored of always embarrassing people?-
The individuals staring at the two boys went back to doing whatever they were doing before, though, Shuichi didn't let go of Kokichi. Kokichi glanced over his shoulder and at Shuichi, only to see that Shuichi's face was a deep shade of red. Shuichi realized what he was doing and quickly let go of Kokichi, pushing his hat down over his face to hide his embarrassment once more. Kokichi chuckled and continued walking to the receptionist desk, gesturing for Shuichi to follow.
Shuichi quickly followed after Kokichi, he stopped and stood silently next to Kokichi at the receptionist desk where they were greeting by Kirumi.
"Hello, Shuichi and Kokichi." Kirumi greeted the two, a neutral expression on her face. Shuichi was slightly surprised at how Kirumi had remembered their names, she probably met tons of people at the receptionist desk every day, and yet she remembered their names... That was actually quite impressive to Shuichi. Kokichi surprisingly remained silent, so Shuichi just gave her a smile and a wave to try and cover up Kokichi's rudeness of not returning her greeting.
"Is there anything that you need assistance with?" Kirumi asked them, ignoring how Kokichi ignored her greeting. This question caught Shuichi off guard, he had forgotten what he had come to the lobby for in the first place due to Kokichi making him so flustered.
"W-Well I—.... Th-That's uhm..- I-I- J-Just-t...-" Was all Shuichi managed to say before Kokichi budded into the conversation.
"Saihara~Chan needs the pamphlet! You know, about the rules. Since everyone who gets a dorm has to read it." Kokichi told Kirumi, though he said the last two sentences in a very dull tone.
"Ah, I see." Kirumi responded while turning around and opening a drawer. She pulled out a small pamphlet and handed it to Shuichi.
Shuichi simply nodded in a way of thanks, being too scared to say anything since he thought he would most likely screw up again.
Kokichi suddenly grabbed the crook of Shuichi's arm and dragged him outside of the dormitory building, Shuichi was struggling to keep up with him. At this point Shuichi didn't even bother to ask what Kokichi was doing, since he thought that he would probably have to get used to Kokichi's demanding and obnoxious behavior. It wouldn't be too hard to get used to, He's best friends with Kaito Momota after all.

Kokichi stopped in front of a concrete slab on the sidewalk and let go of Shuichi's arm, he sat down on top of the concrete slab and scooted over to the side, leaving space for Shuichi to sit. Shuichi took the hint and sat down next to Kokichi, holding up the pamphlet for Kokichi to see, too.
Shuichi read the rules, and surprisingly enough Kokichi read them along with him. Though, the only reason Kokichi read the rules is because he really had nothing better to do.
» Dormitory lights must be turned off by 10:30 PM. No later then that. However, you will not be given a designated curfew due to many students having midnight classes that last for more then four hours. Therefore, you may be out of your dormitory all day as long as you turn off the lights by 10:30 PM so you do not disturb other students.
» Do not throw a party without permission from one of the dormitory receptionists. (Kirumi Tojo and *insert random name here*).
» Do not use the conveyer belts for things that are not suitcases, briefcases, backpacks, etc, without proper permission from the receptionists.
» If you wish to order items from areas outside of the campus boundaries, you must direct it to the lobby instead of your dormitory incase any students order anything not allowed on campus, and so that way the receptionists can make sure no one steals your items.
» Report any suspicious activity to the principal, Makoto Naegi, or the assistant principal, Kyoko Kirigiri, immediately.

After reading the rules, Shuichi quickly put the pamphlet into his jean pockets. Kokichi groaned, making sure to exaggerate it, so Shuichi could tell that he was bored.
"Ah... S-Sorry, Ouma~Kun. Now that we've finished reading the rules, what do you want to do now?" Shuichi asked Kokichi, turning his head and looking at the purple-haired boy.
"I'm super hungry! Let's go get something to eat!" Kokichi responded almost immediately, jumping up from where he sat and offering a helping hand to Shuichi. Shuichi hesitated, but took Kokichi's hand and got up. Shuichi let go of Kokichi's hand.
"Oh, I see... let's go to the dining hall then. I heard that the food there is actually really good, so I figured it would be a good place to get some breakfast at sometime..." Shuichi responded nervously, a small smile on his face.
"Well, If Shumai says that it's good, then it must be amazing!" Kokichi said happily, grinning. "Let's go, Saihara~Chan!" Kokichi added, immediately turning around and walking down the sidewalk without waiting for Shuichi. Shuichi quickly followed after him, once he caught up to Kokichi he slowed down to an even pace with him. Shuichi glanced around the campus as he walked, amazed by all of the stores and attractions they had scattered around the campus.
After walking for around fifteen minutes, the two boys reached the main building. Shuichi rushed over to the glass double-door entrance and held the doors open for Kokichi, Kokichi walked through to doorway without even thanking Shuichi for his kind gesture. Shuichi simply shrugged it off, he didn't want to be rude in any way, so it'd probably be best for him to just stay quiet about it.
Shuichi quickly followed after Kokichi, the two walked up to the receptionist desk. Shuichi quickly looked around, the lobby was a bit less crowded then it was the previous day. Shuichi was slightly surprised to see no one at the receptionist desk, but instead a small sticky note attached to the counter. Three large stacks of small pamphlets were next to the sticky note. Shuichi quickly began to read the note.

"Greetings. Hifumi was unable to work the main-building front desk today. He is not feeling well at all, and he requires time to recover from his terrible sickness. Because we were unable to find someone to replace Hifumi for the time being, in conclusion we have decided to leave a note and multiple pamphlets in the hopes that the pamphlets were all that our dear students were looking for.., and in the hopes that the pamphlets would cover all of your burning questions. There should be three stacks of pamphlets, each stack is specifically for a certain category. Simply read their designated labels and pick up the corresponding pamphlet that you have come here for. Truly, the deepest of apologies... Hifumi will return shortly.
After Shuichi finished reading the note, he glanced over at the three stacks of pamphlets. Shuichi read all of their labels and picked up a pamphlet from the pile labeled "Campus Layout". Kokichi let out a very over-exaggerated sigh, signaling to Shuichi that he was getting bored. Shuichi took the hint and quickly opened up the pamphlet. He skimmed through it as swiftly as possible, then closed the pamphlet and put it in his pocket.
"Th-The dining hall is this way, according to this pamphlet that Ms. Ludenberg left for us..." Shuichi said to Kokichi, walking over to an open doorway at the left side of the lobby.
Shuichi gestured for Kokichi to follow after him, and the two walked through the doorway together. They continued to walk down the hallways, Kokichi occasionally stopping to peer into any rooms that looked interesting. After walking down the hallways for around fourty five minutes (Including Kokichi constantly stopping by to snoop around in any "interesting" rooms... Which was practically every room they passed by), they reached the dining hall. Shuichi pushed his hat down once more, clearly nervous. Since the dining hall doors were almost always kept open, the two could very clearly see the large amount of people in the dining hall. Kokichi noticed this and decided to say something.
"Don't worry, Saihara~Chan! You can sit next to me so you'll feel safe!" Kokichi chimed, smiling.
Shuichi glanced over at Kokichi, his cheeks slightly turning a rosy-red color. "Thank you, Ouma~Kun..." Shuichi responded to Kokichi, a nervous yet joyful smile on his face.
Together, the two boys walked into the dining hall.

Shuichi looked around the lunchroom from where he stood, seeing a lot of familiar faces. One individual that specifically stood out to Shuichi was a female brunette his age. The girl had her hair in two low-tied pigtails that were pretty close to touching the floor, her eyes were a dark-ish red; She wore a dull-red schoolgirl(?) uniform. Maki Harukawa, the Ultimate Assassin. Maki was commonly known as the Ultimate Child Caregiver, though that was just a cover-up for her true talent... she only hid her true talent from people because she knew that others wouldn't want to be around someone who was practically a serial killer. Shuichi didn't mind being around her, since she was Kaito's girlfriend. Shuichi figured that since Kaito was dating her, she must have been a good person... and it turned out, she was a good person. Besides her serious lack of humor, she was an amazing friend.
"H-Hey, Kokichi... is it okay if we sit with a good friend of mine?-" Shuichi asked Kokichi, glancing over at the petite purple-haired boy.
"Huh? Oh, sure." Kokichi responded, too bored to pay attention. He just wanted food.
Shuichi smiled and then quickly began rushing over to Maki, Kokichi following short behind him. Maki noticed Shuichi out of the corner of her eye and waved at him, although she had a neutral expression on her face. But, once she saw Kokichi, it quickly turned into more of a pissed-off glare. Shuichi tried to ignore it though.
"Is anyone sitting here?-" Shuichi asked Maki, Maki shook her head. "Ah, okay. Can I... sit here?" Shuichi added onto his question.
"Oh..., sure." Maki responded. Kokichi had caught up to the two, and was now standing next to Shuichi.

"Hi, Maki-roll!" Kokichi greeted Maki. Her expression hardened even more.
"Don't call me that." Maki hissed, Though Kokichi only chuckled and smiled at her.
"W-Well... I-I'm just going to get breakfast..." Shuichi quickly said to the two, wanting to get away from the conversation. Shuichi turned to Kokichi. "Any particular requests?-" He asked Kokichi, a nervous smile on his face.
"I'll just order whatever you're ordering, Saihara~Chan~!" Kokichi chimed, grinning.
"Saihara~Chan?-" Maki muttered under her breath, Shuichi's cheeks turned a pale red. The nickname was even more embarrassing when someone who wasn't Kokichi said it.
"D-Do you want anything, Maki?-" Shuichi asked Maki, pushing his hat down. Maki simply shook her head.
Shuichi quickly nodded and speed-walked away, heading to the ordering counter of the dining hall to get the food.
Shuichi reached the counter to see two men in a black, white, and red uniform talking to each other in the kitchen. (The kitchen has glass doors) The taller male was an albino, his hair was messy/wavy and he had grayish-green eyes. The shorter male was a brunette with emerald-green eyes, he had a large ahoge that was very oddly shaped. The brunette was holding a bagel, and he said something that Shuichi couldn't quite hear as he handed the bagel over to the albino. Shuichi didn't want to interrupt the two, so he merely waited for the two to finish talking. All of the sudden, their voices became just loud enough for Shuichi to hear their conversation.

"Wow, I can't believe such worthless trash like me got a bagel from someone as hopeful as you, Hinata~Kun." The albino said, smiling brightly. Shuichi assumed that Hinata was the brunette's last name... Because- Well, who even uses things like Chan/Kun for first names?- Shuichi continued to watch/listen in silence.
"Stop saying that! You aren't worthless trash." Hinata told the albino, crossing his arms.
"Well, If Hinata~Kun says something, I guess it must be true. Even though Hinata~Kun is just a talentless reserve course student, he's still worth way more then I am." The albino responded, chuckling.
"God, what am I going to do with you...?" Hinata muttered. Even though he didn't act like it, every time the albino called him 'just a talentless reserve course student', it actually hurt his feelings. A short silence broke out between the two. Finally, the albino opened his mouth to say something.
"Here, have a bagel to feel better about yourself." The albino said happily, holding out his hand with a bagel for Hinata to take.
"Nagito! That's the same bagel I gave to you just a second ago..." Hinata told the albino, face palming. Nagito was probably the albino's first name.
Suddenly, Nagito glanced over at the glass entrance of the kitchen and noticed Shuichi staring at him and Hinata from in front of the counter. Hinata saw Nagito staring at something and looked in the same direction Nagito was looking.
Nagito waved at Shuichi, smiling yet again. "Oh, hello there. You must be waiting to order some food, right...?" Nagito asked Shuichi. Shuichi simply nodded, a bit creeped out by the albino. Hinata walked over to the glass-door entrance of the kitchen and slid it open, walking out to the (back) counter area.
"Sorry about that.., What would you like to order?" Hinata asked Shuichi, looking Shuichi in the eyes. An awkward smile was on his face. (Creator's note» Props to anyone who gets why he's nervous about this—)
"U—Uh..-" Shuichi mumbled, he realized he didn't decide what to order yet. "T-Two omelets.. p-pl-please..." Shuichi muttered, pushing his hat down to cover his eyes.
Hinata nodded, "I'll be back with your food shortly." He told Shuichi, typing something into the computer on the counter. Hinata turned around and walked back into the kitchen with the albino, whom was eating the bagel that Hinata had given him.

After waiting for about eight minutes, Hinata came back out of the kitchen with two plates, both with an omelet sitting atop them. Hinata placed both of the plates on top of the counter.
"A-Ah, thank you..." Shuichi said to Hinata, taking out his wallet. "How much?-"
"You actually don't need to pay, since this university is funded by both the Future Foundation and the Towa Group, the school already gets enough money as is." Hinata responded, smiling.
"Ah, I see..." Shuichi responded, "Th-Thank you." Shuichi picked up the two plates, one in each hand. Luckily, he had a very good posture and balance. Hinata nodded as Shuichi walked away with the plates.
"You thanked me twice!" Shuichi heard Hinata call out after him, Shuichi felt his cheeks turning a pale red from embarrassment.
Shuichi walked back to the table that Kokichi and Maki were sitting at. Shuichi set down one of the two plates in front of Kokichi and put down the other plate at his own seat. Maki was reading a novel, she just wasn't in the mood to put up with Kokichi's bullshit.
"Thanks, Saihara~Chan!" Kokichi thanked Shuichi, then popped open a bottle of Grape Panta in which he got from a vending machine while Shuichi was ordering their omelets.
"No problem, Ouma~Kun." Shuichi said to Kokichi quietly, then glanced over at Maki. Kokichi began eating his omelet.
"Hey, Maki... Are you sure you don't want anything?- The food is free..." Shuichi asked Maki, he didn't want her to feel left out in any way.
"No, I'm fine. But, have you seen Kaito?- He was supposed to have breakfast with me today." Maki responded in a dull tone, now looking at Shuichi.
Shuichi sighed, He would have woken Kaito up if he knew that he was planning to spend time with Maki.
"Kaito is still asleep. You know, because he's lazy." Kokichi suddenly said, budding into their conversation.
"I was asking Shuichi." Maki hissed, though Kokichi merely grinned at her.
Shuichi sighed once more and quickly began eating his omelet, Kokichi did the same.

After Kokichi and Shuichi had finished their breakfast, they stayed at the table to try to keep Maki company as she waited for Kaito. After ten minutes passed, Kokichi began complaining that he was bored.
Maki quickly got annoyed by Kokichi (Because, well- He's Kokichi.) and told the two they could leave and that she didn't mind waiting for Kaito to arrive on her own. Shuichi took the hint and quickly got up from the table, picking up both his and Kokichi's empty plates and stacking them atop eachother.
"A-Anyways.., We should get going, Ouma~Kun... We still have a lot of the campus to explore." Shuichi said, turning to Kokichi.
"Ooh~! Sounds like a plan, let's go!" Kokichi responded quickly, grabbing Shuichi's wrist.
"B-Bye, Maki!" Shuichi said to Maki as he was dragged towards the exit of the dining hall by Kokichi. Kokichi stopped by the plate/tray disposal bin, knowing that Shuichi still had their plates in hand. Shuichi gently dumped their platters into the bin and Kokichi began dragging Shuichi alongside him once more.
The two boys exited the dining hall, standing in an completely empty hallway leading back to the main-building lobby. They stood in complete and utter silence for a few seconds, then Kokichi decided to say something to get a conversation to spark once more.
"So, where do you wanna go, Saihara~Chan?"

『~』End  of  the  first  part   of   this   Chapter!
The   chapter  will  be  split  into  two  parts  due  to chapters -
-being   too   long。𝗧 𝗵 𝗮 𝗻 𝗸   𝘆 𝗼 𝘂   𝗳 𝗼 𝗿  𝗿 𝗲 𝗮 𝗱 𝗶 𝗻 𝗴!♡︎

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