Chapter 6

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Appa landed right into the lake. We all jumped of him right into the water.
I started splashing water on Sokka. At first he was mad, but he started laughing and tried to drown me (???). I looked at Appa. He seemed to love the water as much as us. Then i saw Toph still up there. I climbed back on Appa and looked on Toph.
"Why aren't you in the water with the rest of us??"
She looked at me (well not really but ykwim)
"Well maybe its becouse i can't swim. And i also don't see a shit in the water"
I blushed. "Oh right.. Sorry"
She smiled a little.
"is there a rock to sit on?
I looked around
"Well there is one. But its kinda far from here. And since you can't swim.."
"You can swim. I could maybe climb to your back and you will transport me there :)" she gave me an evil smirk.
Before i could say anything, she was right next to me.
"Ahhh.. Ok"
I slowly got in the water. It was slightly above my shoulders, so i could barely walk. Toph slided off Appa's back and i caught her. It would be too risky to try to catch her right on my back, so i simply turned around and catched her normally.
As I was standing so deeply in water. This was kind of a problem.
("oh god")
My heart was racing
Toph had her hands around my neck, her face a little too much close to mine, her legs were around my waist, so i had have my hands on her.. Bottom to carry her. I felt really weird.
"What are you doing y/n?" Asked Katara.
"Um.. Im carrying Toph to a rock so she can see and.. Anything"
"Oh I see" Katara slightly smiled "And why is your face Red?"
I slowed. My heart started racing even more.
Toph pulled her body closer.
"Why is your heart beating so fast?"
She whispered in my ear.
I tried not to panick but i was breathing heavily all of a sudden.
She put her head on my shoulder.
"W..what are you doing-"
I almost lost control in my legs.
As I went to the rock, i found out the water was deep there. I stopped in the edge where it was still good. At the moment Toph slightly moaned in my ear. I lost control of my legs for a second and stepped in the deep part. When I relized, I was scared. I started drowning, and raised Toph as high as possible to get her safe. I was under water for a few seconds and suddenly I gasped for air. Instead i inhaled a lot of water. I slowly blacked out... be continued...

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