Chapter 1

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<Third person pov>
It was a great day. The sun was shining, animals were playing.. Just a perfect spring day. The team Avatar was practising some bending and fighting.
<Team Avatar pov>
"Is that all you can do, Twinkle Toes?!" said Toph "that is sad."
"Im trying!!!" shouted Aang as he was trying to lift up a giant rock.
"Wait! Did you hear that?"
"What do you mean, Toph?"
Aang, tired of practise, threw the rock away.
"There are people behind that rocky hill" Toph said quietly. "Tell everyone else to come here right now!"
The team sneaked slowly around the giant rock to see 3 fire nation soldiers attacing a girl. She was about the Age of 14 and.. She was also from fire nation.
"We gotta help her!" whispered Aang and stepped out.
"Are you Crazy?" Hissed Katara and pulled him back 

One of the soldiers turned at them
"Who is there?!"
He made a few steps closer, but got kicked in the stomach by the fire nation girl.
Toph, still hidden with others, smiled a little. "she is good."
"What did she do?"
Asked Sokka curiously.
"It doesnt matter. She is from fire nation. Lets go. Maybe she wanted to attack us!" Said Katara quickly.
"But what if she didnt" Aang looked at her again. "She doesnt look like a girl that want to attack us"
Katara sighed. "Ok do what you want to"
<y/n pov>
.. I dont want to surrender but they are really strong!!
Suddenly a boy jumped from the rock beside me and made some kind of air wave, throwing all the soldiers away.
"Daaaamn! That was hella good thank you!"
I turned around just to see that the boy was bald, with a weird arrow on his forehead. "Hi!" I started talking. "My name i-"
....To be continued....
Hiiii I hope you liked this story so far.
Its kinda hard for me to write in English so there will be a lot of 'said' probably. If you want to, you can text me in DC and tell me some words that I could use instead 😊💞

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