~ The Beginning of a New ~

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  It had been a long day, almost evening to be precise. The entirety of the day, I had spent trying to build the courage to go out of the dorm's wall. Normally, I waited until night when all four of the young huntresses in training were asleep..  but today I thought maybe that it'd be easier to do it while they were all in class. As a Faunus borrower, it was just a tad more difficult to get stuff or survive, considering that we don't stay with packs like normal borrowers. It made going outside during day hours risky, yet I knew I was low on supplies, and waiting for the night would be even more of a rush.
  So I took my chances.
  Being quick, I poked my head out from my hole, which was located under one of the girl's beds, and did a double-check to make sure that no one was around. After doing so, I scampered towards the wooden desk first, hoping that maybe there would be some paper or tissue on top of it. Maybe if I was lucky, there would be some leftover food as well.
  There was no hesitation as I clamped my handmade claws and started clambering up the side of the shelf. It wasn't long before I reached the top. Once on top, I was met with tons of tiny scraps of paper, a few paperclips, and a paper crane that was the same height as myself. A smile found its way onto my face at the sight. So, after a few moments of stuffing my satchel with all I could, I approached the crane and examined it. It seemed to have been made of newspaper or a gray thin material.. If there had been more than just the one, I would've taken it with me back to my home, but because there weren't any others I decided it was best to leave it alone.
  So, I finished up my gathering, hoping to get back to my home, empty out my stuff and come out for another round, but as I stood up, something on one of the beds caught my eye. On the bottom bunk to the left, there was an open book laying on the blankets.
  Curiosity spiked inside of me. Reading was something I trained myself to do a long time ago, and I haven't ever read an actual book, so normally I wouldn't go investigate, but this time was different. I wanted to go read it. It would be fine.. right? The group of girls were still in class. So they were hopefully going to be gone for a while.
  And with that conclusion, I decided to journey over.
  The air brushed against my face as I rushed to the edge of the drawer and leaped to the bed, scrambling straight for the book the second my feet touched down on the surface of the velvet blankets. Pretty soon, I was standing at the very top of the page, examining the words.
  At first, I couldn't quite tell what it was about, but I decided to read it anyways. There wasn't any way for me to get to the beginning, plus I didn't want to leave any traces of me being here. Moving pages could make them think someone was in their room.
  Pushing off my thoughts of evidence leaving, I began to scan the words, fully engrossing myself in the story as I tried to figure it out.
  One could say I was too distracted.. and soon enough I had read the entire page and got up to start the next, but when I stood up to do so, I saw three of the four teenage girls who occupied this room. They were just staring at me with shocked expressions and almost instantly I felt as though I was going to pass out, yet my eyes were glued on them. Running away wasn't going to happen either. No matter how much I wanted to run, my legs wouldn't move. I was frozen in fear.
  At that moment I had the regret of leaving my home today. It was a huge mistake and now I was trapped under the stares of giants.. The only thing I could feel was the overwhelming feeling of vulnerability.
  "What is it..?" One of them asked, their voice hushed. It was the one wearing red.. Her name was Ruby from what I've heard from behind my walls.
  "It looks like.." The one wearing black, who they have called Blake, leaned forward to get a better look at me. My legs finally moved, but only enough to drop me onto the bed. Hurriedly, I tried to scramble backward, keeping my eyes on them. "..a Faunus?"
  "But it's so small..? How is that even possible?" Ruby spoke just barely above a whisper. As a shiver of an overwhelming fear ran through my body, I attempted to back up more. Maybe I could escape when they turned away..
  "I think it's scared, Blake.. What do we do?" The third finally decided to chirp in the conversation. That must've been who they called Weiss..
  The question seemed to cause a pause in their conversation, but I just sat there helpless, feeling as though my heart was going to jump out of my chest. What were they going to do..? Blake then leaned forward a bit more, but not in an intimidating way. She gave me a soft smile, yet it did nothing to calm my nerves.
  "It's alright.. We aren't going to hurt you. I promise." She explained, setting her hand in front of me as if to want me to get on it. How did she expect me to just willingly hop onto her hand?? Nothing inside of me was even wanting to move, so I didn't. I kept my place on the bed, my thoughts constantly repeating curses. The night would've been such a better time to go gathering..
  "Are you lost..?" Ruby questioned. My eyes quickly darted from Blake to Ruby, but hesitantly I shook my head, only getting a slight nod in response.
  A crazy thought crossed my mind.. Maybe if I spoke they'd leave me alone? So I cleared my throat and tried to calm my nerves before I even uttered any words.
  "I was.. just getting some scrap paper.. I was just about to leave.." My voice was shaking, as well as my ears, but I stood my ground and hoped they would understand and let me leave.
  "Did you need food?" Blake asked, slowly inching her hand towards me. Fear instantly spiked as I stared at her hand. Before I even had the chance to respond, her hand slid underneath me and lifted me off of the bed. Instinctively, I let out a terrified squeak and tried to keep myself sturdy. She had lifted me up to be directly in front of the three of them.
  Violently shaking in fear, I shook my head. It was a lie. Food was always something I needed, but I couldn't think properly, plus I had no idea what these people were planning on doing to me. Keep me captive? At this point, I couldn't tell.
  "Hey.. Calm down. I'm not going to hurt. It's alright.." She explained, reaching her other hand above me. I hadn't noticed it until one of her fingers rubbed up against my back. Another squeak escaped as I moved away from the touch.
  The girl started to examine me closer, seeming to take notice in my attire and look. Though I was terrified, I didn't try to get away as she did so.. She must have noticed that I was filthy and my clothes were fairly tarnished because the next thing I knew, she was asking both Ruby and Weiss to run some 'errands'.
  "Ruby, could you run to the cafeteria and get something for her to eat.? Maybe some bread or something?" Blake asked. Ruby nodded, then took off out of the room. After that, Blake then turned to the other. "Could you set up a bed or find a small blanket?"
  "Of course."
  "I'm going to go find something for clothes and maybe set up a bath. Is that alright with you?" Blake was now talking to me again. I was taken aback. Why were they being nice to me? This wasn't anything that I was expecting..
  I was even hesitant to answer, but just the thought of using a bath with actual soap seemed like an amazing idea. After that.. maybe Then I'd ask to be released. "Uh.. Sure.."
  With a slight smile, Blake nodded then cupped her other hand underneath me for stability and headed out of the room. After a few moments of silent walking, she arrived at a locker room area. At the far end, there was a sign above a pair of doors that said, 'restrooms'.
  Taking a glance up at Blake, who was steadily walking towards the far door, a part of me didn't feel as though she was a threat to me. I may have been a mouse Faunus..and much tinier.. But there seemed to be such a calm attitude about her. Like she somehow understood what feelings I was feeling. It made me want to at least give them all a chance, even though I was still afraid of them and wanted to go back to my hole.
  The more I thought about it, I felt as though I really didn't have much to lose if I stayed around with them.
  "Here we are. I'll set up a little bath for you and while you clean yourself, I'll see if I can find any substitute clothing for you." Blake explained in a calm tone, knocking me out of my thoughts as she rubbed my back with a finger. This time I didn't jump from the feeling, but I nodded to respond.
  She set me on the sink, turned the water on, and started to fill a small bowl. The soap she added, caused the steamy water to bubble up and for some strange reason, the sight of it made a smile form on my face.
  "Okay, I'll be back in a moment. Oh! I will also put a sign on the door after I leave so people don't just randomly come in." Blake explained before petting the top of my head and exiting the room. I watched her leave then as soon as the door clicked behind her, I rushed to the bowl, practically diving in.
  Finally.. I could be clean.


  Showering didn't take too long and soon I was dried off, other than my hair, and was wearing oddly fitted clothes that seemed to belong to a doll of some sort. It was better than nothing I suppose.
  As Blake carried me back to the dorm room, I let myself heave a sigh, releasing the tension and scatted thoughts that were taking up storage in my brain. I didn't feel afraid, nor did I have much of a need to. It was like being cared for.. Which I hadn't ever felt before.
  "So.. I see you are a Faunus as well.?" Blake stated, seemingly wanting to start a conversation. With a confused expression, I turned to look at her but nodded regardless.
  "What do you mean by.. As well?" I asked, tilting my head slightly with the question. Blake suddenly seemed to become sheepish, almost as if she didn't mean to ask the question the way she did, but she then reached for the bow on the top of her head. I watched her take it off and reveal two black, pointy cat ears.
  Instantly, I felt my hair stand on end.
  "You're a Faunus.. A cat one.." I muttered, trying to bite through the fear. At first, I was heavily afraid, but as Blake nodded slightly, her expression turning to one of guilt, my assumptions left my head. My ears fell against my head, knowing that my words probably hurt her feelings. So.. I took a leap of faith and confidence, stood up on her palm, and reached my hand out. Seeming to catch on to what I was wanting her to do, she carefully lifted me up to her face. Gently, I placed my hand on her nose and looked at her with a softened expression, and smiled. "I still will try and trust you. You are still you."
  Blake's countenance changed once again as it seemed like she was greatly relieved by the words I said. After a moment, she lowered me away from her face and I sat back down. She continued to walk, scratching me gently behind the ear as she did so.
  Maybe I didn't need to go back to my home.. It was dangerous to live there.
  I felt safe here.



I hope you like it 8Cyber8!
There was a struggle at trying to figure out the best scenario for this one, which is one of the reasons why I fell behind, but I hope you like it!


Word count : 2182

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