chapter 3

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Gaege's pov

I got woken up by my phone buzzing. All I heard was *buzz* *buzz* *buzz* I pick up my phone and it was from the group chat. So I decided to see what they are talking about.

Juicy Josh Narrator Mully Eddie

The no-no group

Mully: guys!! Let's record, I'm bored

Josh: fine, but what are we going to play?

Narrator: I'm down to record, why dont we do a horror map?

Eddie: I'm down to record but right now I'm making me and gabby breakfast. After im done I will jump on

Josh: wait! Where's juicy......

Narrator: JUICY!!!

Mully: Big juicy!!!!

Eddie: Big boy juicy!!! Where are you?

Juicy: you guys are blowing up my phone, I was trying to sleep. But I will jump in with you guys after I go get some coffee.

They all said okay. I swung my legs off my bed and got ready for the day. I drove to my local coffee shop. When I walked in I accidentally bumped into someone.

??: "oops.. I'm so sorry" her voice is so soft and so nice.
Gaege: "it's alright, here let me help you."
I bent down to help her pick up what she dropped. She looked up at me and looked away fast. Her face was red like I mean red red. I just smiled at her.
Gaege: "my name is Gaege by the way." I stuck my hand out.
Y/n: "h-hi my name is Y/N... also I kinda already know who you are. I watch your videos...."
Aww I can not get over her voice it's soft and so cute.
Gaege: "oh that's cool. You seem new here, want me to show you around?"
Y/N: "if you wouldn't mind I would really like that, and yeah I'm new here I actually just moved here."
Gaege: "okay well welcome to florida, let me just get my coffee and I will show you around."

(Time skip)

Y/N: "thank you again for showing me around. I had so much fun"
Gaege: "your welcome, I had fun too"
Then it hit me 'shit!' I forgot to tell the boys. They are gonna think that I died or something. I hadn't realized that I made a face and y/n made a confused face.
Y/N: "are you okay? Did something happen?"
Gaege: "yeah everything is okay I just forgot to tell my friends that I couldn't record today."
Y/N: "did I keep you from recording...if I did I'm so sorry."
Gaege: "No it's okay you didn't. I actually had a great time hanging out with you, than I would with the boys because they wanted to do a horror vr map."
She just nodded her head and smiled at me.
Y/N: "well I should head back to where I am staying. It was nice to meet you and we should do this again sometime."
Gaege: "we should it was really nice."
She waved as she walked away. Damn was she really pretty. I felt my cheeks heat up as I got in my car. I offered to give her a ride but she declined the offer. She said that she would rather walk and enjoy the fresh air. Which I completely understood. When I got home I heard my phone go off. It was a message from the group chat.

The no-no group

Mully: guy's where is juicy. It's been like 3 hours. I know it doesn't take that long to get coffee.

Eddie: I have no clue, he probably forgot about us.

Josh: I feel like he went back to sleep.

Narrator: josh I agree with you, he is probably asleep its juicy we are talking about.

Juicy: I didn't go back to sleep Josh and narrator. I did go get coffee but I met someone there, she just moved here so I decided to show her around the town. I completely forgot to tell you guys sorry.

Mully: ohh you fucker... you had me worried.

Josh: who is this girl juicy..........

Eddie: oOOooo it looks like juicy is a simp

Juicy: shut the fuck up taco man! I am not a simp. I was just being nice to her.

Eddie: whatever you say simp.......

Narrator: Eddie you have no room to talk, your a simp for gabby soooooo

Mully: yeah eddie you fucking simp

Eddie: shut up pendejo before I go full mexican on your ass!

Juicy: oh it looks like we made the taco man mad.

A/n- it looks like juicy is simping for you. The next part will be out tomorrow. I hope you guys liked this part. Let me know if you did or not. Love you guys💕

Word count: 792

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