Nothing Matters More

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It was early in the morning when Anna was woken up. When she opened her eyes, she found Tae standing over her.


"Want to take you somewhere. Please."

One glance at Tae's pouty expression and fluffy bed head and Anna couldn't say no to him.

When they reached their destination, Anna let out an excited squeal. She recognised where they were from k-dramas. They were at the bottom of the cable car for the Namsan Tower.

"I can't believe I'm here!"

"Jiminie recommend. Anna happy?"

"Yes. Very happy. Thank you."

The place was deserted, and Anna realised the reason Taehyung had woken her up was so that they could get here before it opened. She had noticed that the members of BTS generally tried not to use their idol status and money if they could help it, but obviously, their fame had gotten to a point where sometimes they had to if they wanted to have a peaceful outing.

In the cable car, Anna marvelled at the view as they got higher and higher above Seoul. Taehyung stood next to her and pointed out some famous landmarks and places he thought Anna might recognise. When they reached the top, they went for a walk around the grounds.

Anna couldn't help but notice as they walked that Taehyung kept his distance. She thought about reaching out and taking his hand, but she wondered if it was because they were in public that he was holding back. She hadn't been sure before if she was the type of person who would enjoy public displays of affection, but at this moment she knew she wanted at least to hold hands.

It made her think. Would they never be able to do such things in public? Would she never be able to hold her soulmates' hands or be close to them outside of their home? Is this what being the soulmate of Idols meant?

At some point, Taehyung had taken out his phone and begun taking pictures. At first, it was just of their surroundings, but then he started pointing his lens toward Anna. Once she noticed this, she started trying to hide her face from him, laughing as Taehyung playfully continued trying to outsmart her and catch her out.

This then turned into a game, Anna running away and Taehyung chasing after her. It didn't take long for him to catch her, but as he reached out and grabbed her, they both ended up tumbling over each other onto the ground. Luckily, they landed on the grass, but with Anna on top of Taehyung.

Raising her head, Anna found herself inches away from Taehyung's face and she couldn't help but stare. How can someone be so beautiful? How can someone so beautiful be hers? However, Taehyung was hers, at least for now, and so Anna decided to take what was hers for once in her life.

As she moved in closer Anna looked into his eyes, searching for any sign that Taehyung didn't want this, but she found none. All she saw was love, happiness and desire. A flicker of nervous panic rushed through her before she felt Taehyung's hands on her back, one rubbing up and down in a comforting motion and she relaxed. She was safe here in his arms.

As she pressed her lips to his, the rest of the world just disappeared. Any other thoughts left her mind as she focused on the feeling of Taehyung beneath her until it overwhelmed her. Desire took over and Anna never wanted to stop, she couldn't.

Taehyung's arms tightened around her before she suddenly found herself with her back to the ground and Tae looming over her. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Anna was impressed that he managed to reposition them without breaking their kiss.

He continued their passionate embrace until they had to break for air, but his lips never left Anna. Instead, he kissed along her jaw to her neck only pausing to whisper in her ear.

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