Patience is a Virtue

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Even if Anna could have kept the cakes from Jungkook's sight, she couldn't have stopped his sensitive nose from smelling them. She supposed it was better to eat them now when they were fresh, even though she was sure such things weren't on their pre-performance diet plan. It also meant she didn't need to find a way to transport them to Japan. Can you take food through airport security?

They had gotten up extremely early the next morning for their flight and when they arrived in Japan, they went straight to the venue to start rehearsals. Although the boys told her she could go and rest in the hotel for a bit, she declined. Anna would rather be close to them, than in a hotel room all alone. The first concert went well, and the boys felt recharged after a few weeks without performing.

That night Anna discovered that although they booked a room each in the hotel, she supposed it was for appearance's sake, but that didn't mean the boys kept to their rooms. She knew this when after a knock on her door she opened it to find Jungkook asking if he could sleep in her bed.

"But its your birthday tomorrow, wouldn't you rather wake up with one of the others?"

"On my birthday, I want first thing I see is Anna."

The next morning consisted of cuddles and breakfast in bed, where they were soon joined by the others as well. When Anna gave him the card she had made, he was amazed at her creativity, but she thought his reaction was a bit over the top.

Soon the birthday celebrations were over, and the boys had to get back to work. They were a little sad that this was the last concert of their tour but were also determined to make sure they did their best. As she had done before, Anna was lounging around in the room backstage while the boys got ready. It was then that she realised something.

It had been twenty days. Anna could barely believe it when she had counted the number of days since her appointment at the Soulmate Registration Office. She had ten days left until she would technically be living in the country illegally. She had ten days to buck up the courage to kiss one of her soulmates. It sounds so simple. Why can't I do it? Could I do it?

Anna was knocked out of her thought by the sound of her name being called.

"Anna can do it. She watched me before as well as last night."

"But that doesn't mean she can replicate what you did!"

"There isn't anyone else!"

Since they were speaking so fast Anna barely caught more than her name from the conversation between the make-up artist and another member of staff. She looked over at Namjoon who was standing nearby. He looked her way and smiled at her before beckoning her over.

"What's wrong?"

"We need you fill in as a makeup artist."

"What! Me?"

"Apparently you like watching us have our makeup applied."

"Well, not you guys specifically..."

"I can't do all seven of them on my own!"

"Fine! Do whatever you want!"

Namjoon watched the other staff member leave with narrowed eyes, while Anna looked at the makeup artist.

"Anna, you will do Jin's, Suga's and J-Hope's makeup, okay?"


"Great! I organised it all for each member and there are reference pictures. Good luck!"

Anna watched the makeup artist with wide eyes as she left, dragging Namjoon with her, presumably to do his makeup. Then she looked down at the makeup supplies. Oh my god, are they seriously trusting me with this? Anna looked around the room for one of her three victims and sighed when a sleeping Yoongi was the only one she could find.

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