Random Gifts & Silliness

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Anna was sitting on her bed thinking about all the things she left behind in the UK. After the boys asked her to join them for the rest of their tour she didn't have long to pack. She had mainly brought clothes and electronics, as anything else was easily replaceable. Apart from her books and DVDs, the only other thing she was really missing was her craft supplies.

When it came to art, Anna didn't consider herself to be anywhere near Jungkook's level. She never really got the chance to develop her skills. As a student who was good at maths, she had always been pushed in that direction. It didn't matter if she was good at art and music as well. Society considered them hobbies and not a serious study path, especially if you were good at maths or science.

Where would I find a Korean craft store? Google it? No, they use Naver here right? Anna tried searching for an art and crafts shop in Seoul but quickly realised that this would be a long process considering everything was written in Korean. I think going to a physical shop is the best solution. Anna sighed.

"Do you need help, Anna?"

Anna jumped at the sound of Jungkook's voice right next to her. She held her hand against her chest as she turned to look at him. Jungkook was staring wide-eyed at her and looked very apologetic for scaring her.


"Are you shopping for art supplies?"

"Yes, well trying to anyway."

"I can help you?"

"Oh, that's okay. I decided it would be easier to go to an actual shop."

"What is it that you want to buy?"

"Umm, nothing in particular. I was just thinking of all the things I didn't have room for in my suitcase."

"Did you leave a lot behind?"

"Nothing that can't be replaced."

This made Jungkook think. From what he had gathered Anna had only packed essential clothing, there must be so much that she didn't bring. Looking around the room, he realised that it still looked like his room. She must feel like a guest. Obviously, Anna had no personal items. No bedding, cushions or plushies. No pictures, ornaments or any kind of belongings. I need to do something about this. How can I make this our room?


When Anna went to bed that night, she noticed a box of face masks on the bed. Picking them up, Anna thought about what happened last night.

Yoongi opened his eyes and searched around for Anna until he noticed her kneeling by his bed. He patted her on the head and then got up.

"You want one too Hoseok?"

"Yes, please, Hyung."

While Yoongi was getting the face masks Anna stood up. He handed her two packets.

"Thank you."

When she didn't leave straight away, Yoongi watched, waiting for her to say something else. Anna was internally debating again.

"Are you not joining us?"

If Anna hadn't been looking directly at Yoongi at the moment she would have missed the slight look of surprise on his face at her question.

"Okay. I'll come down in a minute."

Anna and Hobi made their way back downstairs to wash up before putting their masks on. They stood side by side at the twin sinks as they washed their faces.

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