Beautiful Destiny

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"You are the beauty,
You are my destiny,
You are the beauty.
It's a beautiful life you and I."

Anna was rocking out to her latest musical discovery in Namjoon's studio. She was waiting for him to get back from a meeting so that they could work on the lyrics for her songs. It still didn't seem real to her that she was working on her own album that she would one day, in the not-too-distant future, she would record, release, and perform on stage. Instead of thinking about it too much, she was just taking her wild new life one day at a time.

"'Cause I'm the beast but you are the,
'Cause I'm the beast and you are the,
You're beauty!"

The music was so loud that Anna didn't hear when her soulmates entered the room. Namjoon and Jin stood by the door as they watched their oblivious soulmate sing along unreservedly to the music she was listening to. Jin had to lean in close to Namjoon's ear so that the leader would be able to hear him over the music.

"I like seeing her like this."

Namjoon agreed. While Anna was comfortable around them, most of the time, he had noticed occasions where she still seemed a little shy and unsure in their presence. After thinking it through he realised it was times when she hadn't spent a lot of time with them.

With Jungkook Anna seemed consistently comfortable, even with Yoongi and Hoseok she was at ease, but for Namjoon in particular, she could be slightly awkward at first. Seeing his soulmate like this, with her walls down, free of worries, caused him to have conflicting feelings and he resolved to speak to her about them soon.

While the leader was lost in his thoughts, Jin crept up behind Anna and scared her, making her jump. The oldest then proceeded to laugh hysterically. Anna spun around on the chair, a hand over her racing heart. She smiled shyly when she spotted Namjoon and spun back around to turn the music off.

Jin had since collapsed onto the sofa, still chuckling, which Anna pouted at making the leader smile. Namjoon pulled up his spare chair next to his desk so he could sit close to her. He reached up and patted her gently on the head.

"Ignore him. Who was that you were listening to?"

"Oh, um, The Rose? I recently discovered them because they released a new song called 'Beauty and the Beast' and it caught my attention. They're a Korean band."

Namjoon smiled softly as Anna nervously tripped over her rushed explanation. He got the feeling that she didn't want to seem too interested in this other group, and the leader internally winced at the consequences of his and his fellow members' jealousy.

"I'll have to check them out. Shall we get started?"

Anna nodded in reply, while Jin got comfortable and held up his phone.

"I'll hang out here if you don't mind."

"As long as you're quiet. We don't need any commentary on your games while we're trying to work, Hyung."

Jin scoffed, but said nothing more, turning his attention to the game on his phone.

For the next hour, Anna and Namjoon worked on her lyrics, refining what she already had and coming up with ideas for parts that were still missing.

"I'm sorry I don't have more time to focus on this with you."

"It's okay. I've got to go practice for my next assignment anyway."

"Before you go..."

Anna waited for Namjoon to continue, but he seemed unusually lost for words.

"What is it, Joonie?"

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