Catching Up With Jealousy

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As she could have predicted, Anna didn't post much on her new social media accounts. After the group photo, she didn't post much apart from a selfie with Jimin on his birthday. Anna had gone shopping with Hobi to find Jimin some earrings for his birthday present. She had always loved the dangly earrings he often wore. The birthday boy loved her gift, immediately putting them on and even showing them off to ARMY on his birthday V Live.

After the initial uproar at their announcement had passed, part of Namjoon's plan was finally put into place and Anna began working at HYBE. Anna had protested at first, not wanting them to give her a job just because of who her soulmates were. In the end, she gave in, partly because she couldn't resist the opportunity to work at HYBE. From what she had heard since they moved into the new building, the cafeteria food was enough of a reason to want to work there.

Her job was more like a placement program or an internship. She worked for a bit in all the departments, wherever she was needed, and Anna enjoyed seeing how everything worked behind the scenes. It was interesting. She was told that they were trying to focus more on their relationship with international fans. A big part of that was translations. Although they had started adding subtitles to their YouTube videos for almost two years now, even Anna herself had some ideas of where they could improve.

Hoseok had continued to give her weekly dance lessons, his schedule permitting, and she had learned a few more dances. Her other soulmates would occasionally join them too if they were free, but they tended to be more of a distraction than a help. Anna could manage one soulmate, but she found that the more of them she was around, the more flustered she became. With each lesson the dance captain continued to push her, the dances got harder and Anna was sure that if he had the time, their lessons would have gotten longer too.

Not wanting to disappoint her soulmate, or waste his precious time, Anna decided it was time for her to get into shape and Yoga just wasn't going to cut it. So, she asked her exercise-obsessed soulmate for help. Jungkook showed her the gym in their building at home, as well as the one at work, and recommended an exercise plan. Although, he made sure to state that he was not a professional and he himself has a personal trainer.

She still had her Korean lessons every morning. It was still a struggle and she never felt like she was making any progress, but her teacher said she had improved a lot. Though sample conversations about particular topics or situations were one thing but translating her everyday thoughts was another.

Working at HYBE was probably helping her a lot with her Korean. Although some of the people she worked with were translators and liked conversing with her in English. To be honest it was a relief to talk to someone who actually understood everything she said.

Of course, Namjoon was always happy to speak English with her, but with his extra duties as leader, he was probably the soulmate she saw the least of. Despite this, Anna definitely saw a lot more of her soulmates now that they worked in the same building. Anytime they had a break they would come looking for her. It seemed that all the staff, not just the ones that worked directly with them, had a soft spot for her boys. As an ARMY, Anna didn't find it surprising that no one was immune to their charms.

Jungkook was the one who took advantage of this the most, which surprised Anna a bit. If she had to guess which one of her soulmates would use his charms to get what he wanted, she would have said Taehyung. That boy could get away with anything.

Whenever Jungkook would steal her away from her work, it was to work on the song she had helped him with. The maknae had decided to include it in his mixtape, which was finally close to being finished. The song had turned into a duet, and he said he needed her to practice it with him. It was a love song, and it suited Jungkook perfectly. This ended up being the only quality time she spent with her youngest soulmate, as she couldn't remember the last time she had slept in their bed with him.

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