Author's Note

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First of all, don't panic! In case any of you have noticed that this story had been marked complete, don't worry, this is not the end. 

Second of all, it is this story's 2-year anniversary today! Wow, I can't believe it. When I started this story I had only written one fanfiction seriously before (Scarlett's Sister - a Gone With The Wind fanfiction, still in progress). So my amazement is due to the fact that I have kept this up for two years, and updated it every week!

At the time I began writing this, I had only been an ARMY a few months (as per Anna's story) which in a way helped with writing this since as I got to know them more, so did Anna. BTS took over my life, and so did this story, and both basically got me through the past two years. If you're ARMY, then you understand.

This is my first in-story author's note. Personally, I don't like commenting at the beginning or end of chapters because sometimes they distract from the story, - you don't have them in a proper book -  and two they generally become irrelevant for later readers. I do post announcements on my profile to update you but I know that not everyone sees them, so let me tell you here how much I appreciate you all.

I read every single comment. I enjoy those who I see every week and new readers who give me a play-by-play as they make their way through the whole story. I love every time I get a notification that someone has voted or commented on a chapter. It's why I decided to post my story on Wattpad because here you can vote on each chapter, and comment on a particular paragraph. I also use your comments as feedback to inspire my next chapters, as I'm sure some of you have noticed.

This is getting longer than intended so to wrap it up. Why have I decided to mark this story as complete? I have always loved writing. I have loads of snippets of writing, began a dozen stories, but I have never finished any of them. So, while writing this story I have thought about how would it end. As I commented to someone before, this story could go on forever. I have no end in mind. However, one idea I did have was of  Anna when she finally made it onto her debut stage.

With the recent news of BTS beginning what they are calling Chapter Two of their career, it felt like this story needed a new beginning as well. So, I hope you all don't mind that this story will be continuing in a new story, called: 

Chapter Two.

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