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Anna thought about all the time she had been spending with her soulmates since she arrived in Seoul. Apart from Yoongi who seemed to always be at his studio, she realised there was one person she hadn't spent any alone time with. Taehyung. So, she decided it was her turn to make an effort with her soulmates. Anna knew Taehyung was off today, so she went around the apartment looking for him. She found him in the room he shared with Namjoon, but as she stood in the doorway her confidence left her and her insecurities took over. Maybe he's busy? Would he want to spend time with just me? What would we even do? I'm so boring.


Apparently, she had been lost in thought so long that Taehyung had noticed her presence.

"Hi Tae."

There was a pause while he waited for her to speak.

"Umm, do you... I was wondering if... are you... would you like to... I mean..."

Watching Anna stumble over her words caused Taehyung to study her closely. Why does she look so nervous?

"Are you busy?"



Although she wanted to spend some time with him, Anna didn't have any ideas of what they could do. She looked around the room for inspiration and spotted some photos.

"These are nice photos."

"You like? I take this photo."

"All of these?"

"All. Yes."

"You're a good photographer."

"You take photo?"

"Not really. I wish I could."

Taehyung contemplated this for a moment before walking around his room and getting his camera out. When he handed his camera to Anna, she took it with a confused expression.

"I show, I teach you."

"Oh, I didn't mean, you don't have to..."

"You no want?"

Tae was looking at Anna with the saddest expression. I bet he knows exactly what he's doing. Nevertheless, she couldn't say no to that face.

"Yes, I do want to!"

"Are you sure?"

"Tae? Will you teach me to take photos? Please?"


Anna couldn't help but smile as his face broke out into a boxy grin.

They ended up going outside to a small garden area in between the blocks of flats. Taehyung showed her how to line up shots and did his best to explain how to get the best lighting. They spent the afternoon taking photos together.

However, Anna did notice that Taehyung was careful never to get too close to her. It puzzled her because he had no problems giving her hugs when they were around the others, but now they were alone he kept his distance. Is he still thinking about that morning in the hotel room? Honestly, looking back Anna feels like she may have overreacted. She now thinks of that morning in a very different light, looking forward to sharing a moment like that with Tae in the future when she's ready.

"Now, I photo you."

"Huh? No, I don't like having my photo taken."


Tae brings out the puppy dog eyes and once again Anna can't say no.

"Okay, fine, but you have to tell me what to do."

And he did. He put her in different poses. He made her smile and laugh by doing silly things and acting cute. He told her that she was doing a good job and he told her how pretty she looked, which made her blush and shake her head in denial. They carried on until the sun started to set and they took a few last pictures in the waning light.

Afterwards, Tae dragged Anna back to his room so that they could look at the pictures on his computer. The photos she had taken weren't bad and she was satisfied with the results of her first lesson. Will there be more lessons?

When they got to the pictures of her, at first Anna had her normal reaction to photos of her. She didn't like them. She looked awkward and fake. However, she started to notice a difference the longer they went on. By the time they reached the last photos of the sunset, she was amazed.

"Is that really me?"


Did he just say... no, he couldn't have?

Suddenly Namjoon entered the room and dropped his bag on the floor next to his bed. He looked stressed and worn out. Seeing Anna was in the room with Taehyung, Namjoon walked over to them and wrapped his arms around Anna. He held her tightly and buried his face into her neck. She was a little startled at first, but Anna returned the embrace, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

"You're home early, everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just needed to see you."

Anna felt his breath against her neck as he whispered his reply. He needs me? She rubbed one of her hands across his back in a comforting motion, while the other reached up and stroked his head. Anna felt the tension leave him as he relaxed in her arms.

After a few minutes, he pulled back, giving Anna a kiss on the cheek, before leaning down and giving Tae a kiss. This surprised Anna the most, as she hadn't seen any of her soulmates show each other much physical affection, at least not in front of her.

"Hyung are you okay?"

"Yes. Just ready for some time off."

Taehyung pulled Namjoon onto his bed so they were both lying down. Seeing Anna awkwardly standing next to the bed, Tae gestured for her to join them. Namjoon was lying on his back, while Tae and Anna were curled up against him on either side. Although, while Tae was practically lying on top of him, Anna was just laying close to Namjoon's side.

"That reminds me. Anna, do you know the schedule for next week?"

"No. Actually, I've been meaning to ask you about that."

"Okay. So, the concerts are Tuesday and Wednesday. We have an early flight to Japan on Tuesday morning and then we fly back early Friday morning."

"What's happening on Thursday?"

"We've planned a surprise for Jungkook's birthday."

"Oh no!"

"What's wrong?"

"I haven't got Kookie anything for his birthday!"

"Don't worry. We found you. That's the best present we could have asked for."

Anna decided to ignore Namjoon's words, although he didn't miss the roll of her eyes.

"Do you know where I can buy some craft supplies?"

"What kind of supplies?"

"Patterned card and paper mostly. I like to make birthday cards."

Namjoon asked Taehyung, who immediately started searching on his phone. When he had found what he was looking for he showed Anna.

"Yes, perfect."

She noted down the name of the website so that she could have a proper look tomorrow, while her soulmates were at work.

The next day Anna received a parcel of craft supplies. Who? Taehyung!

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