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                      CHAPTER 1

"Last book I breathout a heavy breath as I scanned the Library book for Lisa,

   "here you go Lisa I said as I handed her the book."

thanks Miss Morell she said smiling

Your welcome, I replied as I watched her slide the book in her back pack.

"oh, Lisa sweet heart your book is due the 20 of this month sweety."

"ok Miss Morell, thanks."

okay bye I wave at Lisa as she walked toward the exit, smiling to myself Lisa was a smart girl I thought she's one of the many teenager beside the children I read to who come to the Library faithfully. Walking around the counter I called out to see if anyone was still in the Libray,

"Hello! if anyones here can you please come to the front to check out you book I half yelled,"

searching down the ilse I looked up to the platform to make sure no one was searching for books on the second floor. Spinning my body in a complete circle Looking up at the platform no one answered the library was always so quiet but this was a creepy dead silence. Shaking my head I checked my wrist watch it was now 7:49pm It was time for me to close up.

Walking back around the counter to the check out I shut the computer down and headed to the office, grabbing the keys off the desk I cut the light off and locked the office door the rest of the lights were on a timer so I grabbed my purse sweeping it up onto my shoulder and headed out the door, locking up I walked to my car in the back of the library and pushed my unlock button on my car keys pulling the door open I climbed in and reached over the passenger side popping the glove compartmen open  tossing the library keys inside and closed it. Pulling my phone out of my purse I saw one miss call from my ex husband calling him back I quick pushed 1 having him on speed dial



"Tom why did you call me?

"I wanted to talk to you."

"about, what Tom where divorced, we have nothing to talk about I said clenching my teeth."

Tina.... I don't kn....and uncomfortable silience lingered as I waited for Tom to explain why he called me.

"What Tom? I snapped tired of his silience.

"I'm gonna just come out and say this, but Carol is pregnant.....I'm sorry."

wh-what...she's pregnant, Tom how could you I asked as tears spilled down my face."

"Tina I know, It was wrong, and I'm sorry I was wrong for cheating on you with Carol and my mistake has cost me my wife, but now I have no choice, but to deal with Carol,

I'm about to be a father I know It hurts because you can't have children, I really wanted you to know." 

Hardening my grip on the phone I place my head on the stirring wheel.

"Tom..I said placing the phone to my ear, I hope that you and Carol and you unborn child have and amazing new life, bye Tom."

"Tina... No no no wait."

Tom had hurt me so bad with then these last three years of our marriage I was now 34 years old and now a divorced, meserable, lonely women. Pulling down my visor in the car I stared at myself in the mirror, am I ugly, what is so wrong with me I thought, that my husband would go and cheat on me, divorce me and now he has a child. Tears erupted maddenly down my face Is it because Im barren I thought as I cried louder.  whimpering because no more tears would kiss my cheeks trying to pull myself together I drove home.

Pulling up in front of my four bedroom house I grabbed my purse and got out of the car pushing the automatic lock and headed for the steps unlocking the door I climbing the stairs and went straight to the bathroom stripping out of my clothes I climb in the shower and let hot water roll over my tan skin.

After showering I climbed into bed pulling the blanket over my cold naked body not bothering to grabb any pajamas closing my eyes I drifted to sleep

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