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Every day was the same I would go to work and come home. I have no life no one to talk to except Juan, and all he wanted was more than our friendship. Frustrated with how my life got this way, how did I become this boring person with no life, no children, no love and definately no sex. Gathering the books in the library I walked down the ilse putting the books back in the right place, each book numbered, and initialed by author and genre bending over to the bottom shelf to find the right author to place the book back I could hear a slight moan, looking around the ilse I saw no one hearing the moan get a little louder I wondered if the moan was coming from the next ilse over so I pulled three of the books off the shelf peeking through the hole to the other side I gasped covering my mouth quickly.

Some guy was fucking some girl in my library I watched in disbelief as he pumped his large cock into the girl, his hips moved slowly as he hiked up the women legs as she tighten them around his waist. Quickly putting the books back I quietly walked back up the ilse and sat down to gather my mind together trying to process everything taking a deep breath and getting back on my feet I waited for the kids or adults to come out of the ilse.

It had been forty five minute and still no one has came out the ilse I quickly scanned books that the students were taking out,

Hi Miss Morell,"

looking up at the blue eyed blond hair beauty, hey Lisa how are you? I asked, scanning her books she placed on the counter,"

oh, im fine so how are you? I haven't seen you around town lately,"

well I haven't been in town lately but hopefully I will go tomarrow, I said handing over her library books.

thanks Miss Morell she said as she walked torwards one of the tables."Looking back towards the ilse a man and a women finally emerge from the shelves the women wore a red tight dress with black heels she had curly long blond hair that was now wild and sticking up in certain places I'm pretty sure from the wild library sex she had. The woman clung to the man, biting my lip he was tall and gorgeous his hair was a dirty blond and he had a five oclock shadow along his sharp features his eyes were a light green he wore a white t-shirt and dark blue jeans. I watched as the man slap her across her behind while the women giggled and they headed toward the exit.

The man apon exiting turned his head and smiled then winked at me feeling a blush burn my cheeks I lowered my gaze, who was that man I thought, "oh my gosh, did he know I saw them behind the shelfs I said to  myself as realization dawned on me quickly gathering the returned books from the return box I processed them and checked them in on the computer heading back down the ilse I went to put the book away my day went on like this until 7:45pm closing and locking up I headed home.


Me and the blond Carol entered the library I been fucking her for months now and she claim shes pregnant, but I know it not my baby I always used a condom with her dragging her down the one of the ilse. Shoving her against one of the shelves and smashing my body into hers our lips clashed together, reaching for her dress I hiked her dress up while she spread her legs as I slid my hand down to cup her wet sex, she moaned leaning her head back against the shelf, sliding my third, and fourth finger against her swollen nub I watch as she writhe in pleasure.

Barely able to keep her balance removing my hand from her soft core I quickly unbutton my jeans leting my cock spring free I lift her up by her thighs,

"Carol wrap your legs around me, doing as she was told" I entered her slowly building up our climax gosh she felt good I thought, and I pumped into her making her moan in pure pleasure. I fucked her for aleast 45mins to and hour pushing deeper I was ready to explode quickly pulling out I spilled my seed gripping my cock as it spilled down over my hand looking up at Carol I placed my hand to her mouth.

"lick it I said in a commanding voice

she lapped up all my cum, droping down to her knees she licked the rest off my cock as I moaned in pure bliss the woman could match me in everything and I loved it she wasn't afraid of sex to perform anywhere. Gripping her hair I pulled her head back away from my dick,

"Get up it time to go, I said almost breathless from her expertised tongue."

"ok she said, climbing to her feet leaving the ilse and she clung to me as we walked towards the exit spotting the librarian out the corner of my eye I watched as she oogled me biting down on her lip.

I'm use to those kinds of looks from women all the time. Carol continued on smacking Carol on her ass as we exited the door turning around to look at the librarian I smiled my most charming smile and I wink laughing to myself as I left out the library.

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