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Slamming her hand down on the alarm clock Tina rolled out of bed wrapping herself with the blanket she dragged it across the room and as her feet soaked into the soft fluffy tan carpet she shiver from the cold.

Opening the closet door she walked in looking for her black color panties and brawl set finishing putting on her langeri she left her bed room and descended the stairs.

Feeling her stomach growl she enter the kitchen washing her hands at the sink and opening the frig grabbing sausage links and a carton of eggs placing the item on the counter. looking under the sink and grabbing a pan.

Tina started on her breakfast finishing up she grabbed a plate, she scrapped the food from the pot on to it .

Washing the dishes she quickly made some coffee and grabbed her plate off the counter and sat down in the living room, clicking through the channels she turn on the Maury show, eating her food as some young women was getting the result of her cheating husband as Maury constantly said and you were not telling the true.

Finishing up her breakfast Tina sat the plate on the coffee table and sat back against her soft cream, cushions grabbing her phone she looked through it spotting 30 missed calls and 15 text messages from Tom, Tina rolled her eyes.

He can't be serious she thought sending him a text

Tom stop calling me you have what you wanted leave me alone

I quickly got a message back from Tom getting more angry every minute we continued our arguement.

Tina please just talk to me please

No dont call me Tom

Tina just hear me out

stop calling me who in there right mind divorces there wife for another women and then keeps harrassing the exwife

I just want to talk I love you Im sorry

Fuck you Tom your not sorry

Ending our conversation I put Tom on the block list I hate him feeling tears slide down my cheeks I angrily wipe them away "why do I care so much, why I screamed,"tossing my phone across the room, "I can't I just can't do this anymore," closing my eye I cried myself to sleep.

Waking up I looked around feeling a sharp pain in my head I rubbed my timples, pulling my self together before leaving the living room I grab my phone off the floor the I walked up the stairs to go grab something to wear pulling open the closet door I grabbed a long black dress that tighted at the waist pulling the dress over my curves I button the top two buttons and left out the house.

Climbing in the car I called my best friend Juan Calito, Juan was tall and handsome any girls dream except for mine he was a bad boy and he alway was introuble and I always had to bail him out. Hitting 4 for speed dial it called Juan.


"hey sweetheart I missed you,"

"I missed you too,"

"so what up baby girl,"

"Juan can you come to the movies with me or your busy screwing your whores, I said snappily."

"hey, dont start that snappy attitude shit again, so what did Tom do now miss attitude." Juan said sarcasticly

rolling my eyes he hasn't done anything other than divorced me for another woman, and tell me she pregnant than call me 30 times and then text me 15 times."

wait... he told you she was pregnant?

yes, Juan thats what he told me,"

wow, he's did a number on you love, you should have married me and we could of had little adoptive children running around throughout our house," he said jokingly

Juan I told you I don't see you in that kind of way,"

I know you don't sweet heart, but I know you would of aleast been happy,"

rolling my eyes again Juan has alway been in love with me, but I couldn't get past our parent being best friends and us growing up together like brother and sister.

"Juan are you coming or not,"

"yes Im coming, anything for you beautiful." he said sweetily

suddenly feeling butterflies in my stomach woah, what was that I thought I never felt like that after talking to Juan I thought shaking my head I pulled off.

Juan climbed in the car looking over at me his mouth dropped open,


"what, juan I said rolling my eye at his fake surprise,"

I never seen you where a dress before he said sounding shocked,"

"oh, its nothing I just threw it on,"


I climbed in the car looking over at Tina I couldn't believe my eyes for the first time, she wore a dress her dress was a simple long cotton dress that buttoned at the top it incinutated her waist and thighs and she was beautiful her brown hair cascaded down her back, she looked over to me asking me what and I explained I never seen her in a dress before, feeling my cock hardened I quickly fixed my pants once she pulled off from infront my apartment.

Pulling into the parking lot of Oxford Cenima me and Juan walked through the parking lot and entered the theater paying for our ticket we got popcorn and pepsi soda and walked the hall trying to find our theater.

Finding a seat we sat in the far back waiting for the movie to start Juan placed his arm around my shoulder looking over at him I raised a brow,

"What do you think your doing Juan I said curious to know his actions,"

"oh..,nothing just getting comfortable he smiled," why do you ask?

I was wondering why your acting as if this some kind of high school date, we go to the movies all the time this nothing knew,"

Juan took his arm from around me with a shrug "I was only getting comfortable, but since your taking everything personal Ill just let you have your space he said," sarcasticly

"Juan don't start that innocent shit, we both know what your trying to do and it not happening,"

Shaking my head we both quietly sat there eating our pop corn and watching the movie. The movie was alittle scary, but crazy I hated the part when the the people started becoming possesed and killing each other, by the time the movie was over I was so tired Juan a I fell asleep during the movie a couple times, but he stayed up for most of the movie.

I dropped Juan off at home and I went home jumping in the shower I washed up and climb in bed drifting off to sleep exhuasted.

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