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Juan POV

I was on my way to pick up my date when my phone rang. I answered pushing the bluetooth connect on my steering wheel.


Juan, it's me Tina." I was wondering if you wanted to come over for a movie night?

"sorry Tina, but I can't I have a date tonight."

"oh, ok well I guess it will just be me and Jason."

"Jason.....who is Jason, Tina?

"uhm...Jason's my neighbor." I was going to introduce you to him tonight, but your busy soooo...uhm I'm just going to hang with him the rest of the night."

"ok...just be carefull and call me before you go to bed."


"fine, Juan your so paranoid she said, rolling my eyes at her sarcasm I said good bye and turn off the bluetooth on my steering wheel."

Pulling into the drive way I got out of the car and walked up the side walk towards the house. The house was enormous it was all white with blue shutters there was a huge bay window and the porch wrapped around the house in a rich cherry wood. The red door stood out, hanging on the door was a writhe, walking up the porch steps I knocked on the door nervously waiting.

Hearing someone unlocking the door they pulled the door open and my breath caught in my chest. This woman was beautiful I could feel my jaw drop."

"uhm...the woman cleared her throat lost in her beauty she had the most amazing emerald eyes she wore a all black dress that showed her delicate back but snugged every curve of her body my eyes scaling her body came back up to land on her beautiful pink perfect lips. "oh she was gorgeous and no one I met compared to her, not even Tina, staring in awe at her hair, it's was a fiery red that fell in waves around her face.

"Excuse me, hello! "Don't you here me talking to you?

"uhm...clearing my throat shaking my head no."I am sorry you just.... you look stunning I complimented smiling politley." hi, I'm Juan and you must be Shakira."

"yes, I am she smiled, so are you ready to go?

"yes. "Just give me a minute while I get my purse and we will be on our way."

I watched, as Shakira disapeared down the hall, very quickly she came back into view stepping aside she locked her house door. Looping her arm through mine as we walked down the steps to the car I opened the passenger door for her as I watch her slide in closing the car door I walked to the driver side and then I pulled out of the drive way. We now was on our way to Poluski Italian restaruant.

Ordering our food as the waiter wrote down our orders once we were done Shakira and I talked and I felt as though we connected she was beautiful ambitious and funny. She was open about everything and definately was not afraid to be herself. The waiter finally arrived with or food and even then while we ate we couldn't help but to talk I learned that she was a college professor and that she loved kids she was just waiting for the right guy she, also has two sisters and one brother. Her parents died in a car accident and she is the yongest out of her three sibilings.

We finished our dinner and I took Shakira home and made my way home as well hearing my phone ring I turn on the car blue tooth once again.


It's Tina,

hey wassup?

"nothing I just was calling you, I'm going to bed.

"wait, Tina how was movie night with Austin?

his name is Jason and it went great we eat popcorn, watch 20 movies, and I fell asleep on Jason. But he left before It got to late." So how was your date man whore?

Do I sense a bit of jealousy right now I joked, do I?

no! she half yelled giggling

"Actually it went very well she was the most amazing woman besides you I ever met, she's a college proffessor."

"what! shut up you lucked out so what does she look like is she cute?

"she's hot, thats all I can say."

"are you going to keep seeing her?

"of course unless she decides one date was enough, but yeah hell yeah."

Great! movies night next friday I want to meet the woman that has my best friend in such a loving and happy mood."

"okay! I'll ask her."

"okay, bye Juan Love you"

"Love you too mama, talk to you next friday and make sure you have some good movies."

okay bye."

hanging up with Tina. I unlocked my door and climbed the stairs to my bed room skipping a shower I kicked my shoes off, and flopped on my bed surrendering into the dreams and fantasies of Shakira.


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