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I been watching her through my bedroom window, as she stripped down to her full naked self she was beautiful, she walked towards her bathroom "god her ass, that ass was so round and luscious I said, to myself as I stroked my cock, she disappeared into the shower."

"I want her, I thought as my cock hardened she's been my neighbor for three months now and I never met her personally, waiting for her to exit the the bathroom I thought about what it would be like to fuck her through out my house and she moan and scream for more underneathe me.

She came out the bathroom my jaw tightened she had an amazing body her slinder legs connected with thick thighs and a plump round ass her breast was perfect the size of small melons, she was beautiful with her honey brown eyes, and pink pouty lips. She swept her dark chocolate hair in a pony tail and climbed into bed cutting the lights off ending my show for the night.

Groaning in frustration I was going to have her wether it be the death of me stalking towards the bathroom I definately need to take a cold shower.

Stepping out the shower I walked back towards my bedroom wrapping a towel around my waist I sat down on my bed and grabbed the remote off the nightstand, flicking through the channel I turned to ID, pulling back my cover I pulled the towel from around my waist and climb under the cover, folding my arm behind my head I watch the show called fatal attraction eventually I fell asleep.

Waking up from a loud knock on my door I walked down stairs to answer the door, rolling my eye at the man who stood infront of me.

what's up Lachlan

Lachlan raised a brow, "so are you best friend your not happy to see me I'm guessing."

sticking my head out the door to see if i could catch the neighbor but no luck, " come in bro,

"Thank you I was starting to think you didnt want me here he said, as he walked into the living room."

"So Lachland how is Tiara?

"oh, she fine, but her cravings are getting rediculous, she makes me get up to go get her ice cream at 5:00 every morning, she just fucking nuts, and then she have these mood swing where shes crying one minute laughing another and the shes crying and laughing at the same damn time he half yelled failing his arms in the air."

Chuckling "well man, you got her pregnant patting him on his back."

"so bro when is it your turn to settle down?

"well unlike you, my true love hasn't come to me to a club on my 34 birthday so I don't have high hopes, but I'm checking my neighbor out."

"aww man, are you stalking her?

" well, not really, I been in her panty drawler a couple times, but nothing big, It's not my fault she leave her side door unlocked."

"yeah, Jason and It's not her fault her neighbor is a crazy stalker he joked,"

"yeah your right shes my newest quest and I'm definately going to get her,"

"Lachlan stared a Jason as he beamed about his new conquest he wanted, raising a brow if he ain't fuck her yet and he's this excited about her he might be in for a rude surprise.

"I don't know jason. I think this one might be the one to put you in you place,"

"Naw I don't so, but I know I want her she hispanic I think she's thick in all the right places she's no slim jim I said, not really wanting to go into to much detail."

"well bro I wish you the best but I only stopped bye so I can get some air from that mad woman he said shaking his head

I burst out laughing " aww man, remind me to never get a women pregnant I said, as I walked him to the door."

Lachlan mumbled something, but I didn't hear what he said as he walked do the drive way to his blue masarati.

I stood in the door way as he pulled off shaking my head, my friend you have your hands full I thought to myself.

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