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Jason was in the yard measuring his deck platform marking the ground with spray paint he soon started digging to start the base. haft way done he pulled hisself out of the hole just was half way finished digging and walked into his sliding door that connected to the ketchin, heading to the frigerator he grab the orange juice and drank straight out of the container. He sighed from the cool liquid sliding down his throat. Placing the orange juice back into the fridge he went back to digging about the time he was done he started gathering his tools to put them away heading to the tool shed he stopped right in his track

"oh Jason", she creamed

Jason looked around his yard for the voice but he didn't see anything shaking his head.
I must be hearing thing he thought as he continue toward the shed, until he heard The voice once again and it sounded like a plead, of lust and want and it gave him a rush that traveled through his veins, Jason followed the voice and looked up at where the voice came from. He watched in pure shock at what was taking place before him dropping his tools he held to the ground, not even a few minute he was ready to put them away and hop in the shower then crash on his bed. But everything he had planned turned into something predatory Jason gritted his teeth feeling his cock stiffen at the sight before him his eyes ran across each globe of her pink round breast he watch as she stood in the window pleasuring herself not only was she just standing in her window pleasuring herself she was completely naked. Jason grip his cock and squeezed hoping it would stop expanding having his shorts feel tighter. Her head was tilted back licking her lips. He watched as she orgasmed screaming his name. When she was finally finished her eyes came to rest directly on him in shock she quickly moved away from the window.

Jason was confused still looking at the empty window he would have never guessed his neighbor had the hots for him. He knew he wanted her since he met her but this just confirmed everything he was going to have a talk with her. Gathering the tools off the ground he walked to the shed on the side of the house and put the tools away he then started toward the gate and he walked across the lawn separating the two houses heading up the steps he rang the door bell. Standing there for five minute he rang the bell again what is taking her so long he thought to hisself. Growing more inpatient he checked the door nob it was locked. Rolling his eyes he went in his pocket and grabbed his cell dailing her number he placed the phone to his ear.

"Come on dammit answer the phone, still no answer, he said waiting for the ring to stop."
Realizing that she wasn't going to answer the door or her cell he decided to go an have that cold shower cause his dick wasn't cooperating, re-adjusting his shorts he descended the porch stairs and ran across the lawn and into the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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