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Pulling up infront of my house I grabbed my purse and cell phone out the car. Walking up the walkway I heard someone clear there throat looking around to see whoever made the noise surprised when a man walked over to me he wore blue basketball shorts and no shirt he had hedge cutters in his hand staring at his body as the man came to stand infront of me my eyes roamed his delicious body licking my lips my eyes scanned down to the front of his shorts I wondered how big he was tilting my head to the side in curiousity


the stranger cleared his throat holding his hand out for me to introduce myself I quickly snapped out of my fantasy and shook the strangers hand

"oh, Im sorry my name is Tina Morell and you are I said, raising a brow in question,"

"hi, Tina I'm your neighbor Jason johnson."

"So Jason how long you been here?

"I been here for about three months

"and how do you like it,"

"it fine, quiet,"

"wait you look very fimiliar she said touching her pointer finger against her bottom lip."

"well I have been around town lately, oh and I stopped by the library but it was brief I didn't stay I could not fine the book I was looking for."

curious as to whaz book he was looking for whats the name of the I can tell you if its in our library or not

really he said raising a brow in question,"

yes, I manage the library in town

ok its called ALL I NEED IS HER by Santia Lee its a romance novel he explained Taliah watch as the heat rose up in his cheeks she guess from embarassment for his intrest in romance.

Actually we do have that book that author also has another book called HELL BOUND she smiled, one of the student checked it back in yesterday afternoon, I can get it for you If you like.

oh no you don't have to do that ill stop by and check it out myself."

giving him my most dazzling smile, nice to meet you Jason as my eyes roamed all over his body once again god why did he have to be so sexy I thought.

oh, ok

uhm miss, waving his hand in my face I snapped back out of my fantasy oh, I'm sorry I said clearing my throat "so uhm, Jason would you like to come over for dinner sometime its just me by myself sometimes Juan or Tierra and her cousins Angela stops by, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you came to hang out sometime.

"oh sure,

how about friday well watch a movie and have dinner she said smiling god she was beautiful

"ok Jason she said walking up her porch steps entering her house, yes I definately will be having her for friday night going back to gardening I was sweaty and tired finishing up cutting the hedges I ran up stair hopped in the shower and started on dinner.


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