We're never giving up.

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"Bye mom I'll see you after school. "I say to my mom as I make my way out of the kitchen screen door because I was to lazy to walk to the house main door which was 8 metres away from me knowing that if I run I'll reach it in know time because of my spead, and though the kitchen screen door was much closer to my boyfriend's car. "Don't be late for lunchtime!" My mom yells at me forgetting I wont hear her with our supernatural powers but she still has all the rights to act it out as my boyfriend was there we usually act human when someone is around that sometimes I forget that I'm a vamwolf.

"Sure!" I yell back to her as I make my way to my boyfriend's car he opens the passenger door for me and I make my way in the car,"where's my kiss? Huh?!?", he asks as he tries to get me out of the car to grab a kiss as I interrupt,"stop!... ah ..my parents are around , there's no privacy hh.."as I moan out of his hold ,"are you okay kids?" My dad calls out of his bedroom window on the second floor ,"no privacy" my boyfriend repeats slightly after what I said earlier. We're raped up in silence which I don't really like as my boyfriend interrupts the silence knowing I was bored,"so..... I'm taking you out for lunch after school" he admits ,"but my mom asked first, I..mean she you know , look I don't mean to be rude but I cant just be late for lunchtime after I reassured with a 'sure'" I usually talk with mean tones of voice without noticing, and some people take it seriously , technically if I knew he was going to interrupt the silence by asking me out on the same time that my mom asked me on eating lunch with the family I would rather have chosen to stay in the silence,"we could call her and tell her that we are going out and inform her , anyways my parents are going out today till next week to their honeymoon anniversary so we'll have a lot of privacy together" his parents usually goes on a honeymoon for a full week away from home on their anniversary as like an anniversary week something like that but technically he's so irresistible and he knows that I can't deny him,"K , fine I'll call her and let her know that me and you are having lunch together .","yes finally!"he says with eyes full of joy .
A while later in school,"I'll make sure to come and pick you up for our lunchtime together " he says as he make his way to my passenger door and opens it and gives me a kiss , his lips are just perfect,"do you know that no need for this kiss because we have the whole night together , alone !"I say to him for the first time disagreeing about leaving his embrace in public, "okay, so, catch up with you later","bye" I say to him as he makes his way to the car. 


Im waiting outside of the school's main gate as usual but there's no show I can't see him anywhere,as people from high school start to leave by bus or car but most of them are bus so that helps me scan all the cars but no red Dodge car with '69xlc' license plate to be found at all ,by the time passes I feel really worried so I take out my HTC desire 310 ,contact list,'Nicolas ma sweet heart' and then press call... One ..two..three..four..five..six.."looks like the person your trying to call is not answering,please try again some other time. Thank you." the lady's voice says through the phone as I dial his number again and again until I heard his voice on the fifth ring ,his voice is so shivery ,"Nic are you okay..Nic,Nic?!?" I say waiting for him to reply in fear,"Rose, I love you, I love you Rose!" he says through the phone in shivers as if he's .. Giving up on life for a suicidal or something as such ," Nic stop creeping me out I'm serious what's going on why aren't you here yet and please stop playing those wicked games kind of thing and come to pick me up so we can be home alone together" I say wishing what fear which may be going on isn't going on by now,"I wish I could " he says in a shiver and then I hear a bang sound I race with my half vampire speed ignore what people would think if they felt me or if they took a video of it or something. I race to his house which is 6 blocks away from home ,which is 2 blocks away from town ,as I race to the back yard thinking of how romantic this would be to surprise him if his pranking me or something as I race to the back yard I see that the front door is crashed from the front yard at a glance I slow down in a nervous slow motion that makes me fly off to the main road as I hit my head really hard but all I could think of was him and how that wasn't a prank,I get up barely standing up on my feet I run to the nearest door to the main road which was the crashed front door I saw earlier ,as I enter what do I see? I tell myself ,the floor is cracked ,everything is literally crashed and our favourite making out couch doesn't have any good part left in it, as continue my tour looking for him,making sure his was alright or something happened to him as I step into some liquid ,I open up my smelling talent and all what I smell was his amazing blood scent exactly under my feet as I look to where it leads to the leaving door which is the only door which is left with no cracks on or a broken door handle I walk towards it hoping its not him as I open the door all I can see is blood all over the place and the end of the room there lays his mom Mrs. Clayton in her lake of blood I never knew he had the same blood type as she did as she always buy those expensive long lasting strong perfumes from Police and Remy Marquis. She's stabbed with a kitchen meat cutting knife which looks like she's been stabbed with the same knife several times in the same place right on the side opposite to the heart as she says in a low tone of voice that no one can barely hear,"Go to my son ,go to Nic ,go to him he needs you to be with him at this time more than any other time .."her voice rattles after that into nothing as tears fall all over my cheeks making them feel warm as I escape from the room running upstairs towards his room but no hint for him to be seen I rush down stairs again forcing myself to the kitchen which didn't exactly look like a kitchen anymore his dad's head is far in the beginning of the kitchen then shows up the rest of his body,as look at it ,"OMG!"I murmured with a shiver mixed with fear in my voice who would do such thing as I knew that his family were so lovingly and sweet with everyone except that Nic and I are bullies but that's not our subject because if it was Nic was going to be dead by now not taken away by some stranger(s) who crashed the whole house to kill innocent people and kidnap their bully who bullied them once in a life time me and Nic technically bully people but we don't concentrate on a specific one because usually we end up bullying them for a reason because we're not those type of bullies who like to bully the weak just for self-entertainment,so if there's a revenge coming back as karma it was just going to be for Nic and me not to his poor innocent parents who were supposed to celebrate their anniversary in a nice honeymoon for a full week but died instead I feel a hint of a faint but as I look around in blur eyes I fall to the ground and as I look to the wall in front of me there's a message in my Nic's blood and this time I recognized it's his blood the handwriting is really tiny as the person who wrote it didn't use a lot of my Nic's blood which relaxed me I used my eye sight talent to read what was written and it said, 'FINALLY YOUR MINE NOW!' and all I could hear is the cops sirens and ambulance sirens all around the place as my dad picks me of off the floor and give me to one of the ambulance car which was free and as they set me on the bed is all I could feel it must because of the way I got hit in my head,"are you okay a good voice for a guy in that age I looked up at him as I ask,"who are you? Where's Nic? Where am I?" I scream as I ask ,"look mam I don't know anything I'm just a neighbour from across the main road ,so here's the thing I heard noises coming from the Clayton's place so I called the cops as soon as I heard the noises","why didn't you save him ,why didn't you?" I pull hard from his shirt ,oh God does he even has a hint of calcium in his body ? Or maybe because I'm angry right now and so confused don't know from where to look for my Nic I get this more strength in my body that makes me feel like every one's nothing and I'm everything ,it's a feeling I never felt before because no one ever took my mate away and punished me this horrible punishment before,I want Nic,I want him so badly ,I leave that neighbour's shirt as he stumbles to reach his feet ,"Hi,my name is Damon Hunter,and you must be.."he for a while as I interrupt,"Jennifer Rose Jacques,Nic's girlfriend,the one got taken by some horrible person because I'm sure that if I knew who did this horrible will get a horrible revenge from me as a present for exchange because they just messed with the wrong person!"I say so confidently ,so sure of what I'm saying,knowing what my life plan is. "Okay ,chill,chill here is a loving,friendly place where no one can hurt you and if they did then they'll regret it because they'll be messing with the wrong man"he says so confidently,as I smirk remembering how I just pulled him of the ground just by pull of his shirt,"What you don't believe in my abilities or what?"he says as he gets me to laughter,"no it's just...nothing"I say helplessly remembering that someone took away my mate and our breathless moments together away from me as he interrupts my thoughts,"look I can help you finding your mate!"I glare at him in disbelief to what he said usually no human on earth knows about the mating kind of thing ," him .. finding him.." ,"how do you know about the mating thing?" I ask in disbelief, "its just that ..." ,"hmm...","I learned about it in English class our teacher gave us a story book that we should make a research on, do you know about it I thought maybe it can help me out doing my research project?"he asks pointless ,"where do you study Damon ?" I ask,"I study in high school around here in town", yes technically Nic as I said earlier lives out of the town I live in, so this means Damon is in this town not my town ,"so you used to school with Nic?","yes but we never spoke together as he drives to school with his own car","Oh! Wish you knew each other that would've been a lot much easier.."I sighed,"I can still help you looking for him ,I can borrow my dad's car and we can stay on the road until we find clues like work as detectives and as the cops will also work on this case it end up for years and they might leave out the case as they do with all cases that end up this way,so what do you say?" He kind of has a point of view ,I nod as he says to me with a deep reassuring voice ,"We're never giving up on this until finding out clues".


Copyrighted all rights reserved by Shamstarek16

I'll be uploading more chapters/parts and please don't steal ideas because it's copyrighted and sincerly get ideas of your own if you like gimme votes and for the ones who don't like it don't comment cuz I won't give a shit*

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