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It was after the provisional hero license exam and everyone except Todoroki and Bakugo has gotten their license.
Everyone returned to the dorms and rested after being tired from the exam.
Todoroki got a text from his dad and sighed out of hatred.
"What's the matter", asked Deku.
"My dad wants me to meet him outside", answered Todoroki.
"Should I go"?
"Well, if you don't want him to burst in and have him yell at you in front of everyone, probably", answered Deku.
"I'll go, wish me luck", said Todoroki getting up.
Todoroki left the dorms and saw his dad (Endeavor) standing by the road.
"Shoto", said Endeavor sterned.
"What do you want", asked Todoroki.
"Follow me", answered Endeavor sterned.
Endeavor took Todoroki into an alley and stared at him intimidatingly.
"Father, what did you-", asked Todoroki.
Endeavor brutally punched Todoroki in the stomach before he could finish asking.
"I brought you here so I can punish you privately", answered Endeavor angerly.
Todoroki was on his knees holding his stomach that was in pain.
"You have failed your license exam, shame on you, you shouldn't have failed"!
Todoroki looked up at Endeavor.
"Father, if you would just-", said Todoroki.
"SILENCE", yelled Endeavor furious slapping Todoroki across the face.
"I will not have any excuses, for now on you will come here to this ally everyday after school where you will continue your training with me or I will have to pull you out of those dorms myself, starting tonight, understand".
Todoroki nodded.
"What if someone sees us", asked Todoroki.
"No one will see us, this is an abandoned part of the city we're in", answered Endeavor sterned.
Later at night Todoroki came back to the dorms beaten and bruised.
"Oh my God what happened to you", asked Deku.
Todoroki didn't want to talk about it, so he had to lie.
"I.... tripped and fell down some stairs", answered Todoroki.
"Are you sure those injuries didn't have anything to do with your father", asked Deku.
"Yes I'm sure", answered Todoroki.
Todoroki limped into his room and lied down on his bed.
Todoroki can feel an even stronger hatred towards Endeavor, after being abused in the alley he felt slightly traumatized.
The next day Todoroki was still sore but he still made it to school.
During lunchtime, he slurped his cold soba as he had thoughts of his abusive father harshly training him again in the alley.
Deku was able to pull him out of that thought when he shrugged his shoulder.
"Todoroki", said Deku.
Todoroki's traumatizing thought disappeared and he turned his face to Deku and Iida.
"Are you okay man you looked a little tense there for a minute", asked Iida.
"I'm fine, I just thought of something", answered Todoroki.
"Okay then, it's just you've been a little more distant with us today for some reason", said Deku.
"It might of been because we were busy with class", said Todoroki.
"No I meant before class, I said hello and you didn't respond", said Deku.
"Sometimes people forget to say hi", said Todoroki.
"Oh okay then I guess I'll just continue eating then", said Deku.
After school was over, Todoroki once again had no choice but to face hash physical training with Endeavor, actually even more harsh than ever now.

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