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It was the next day and everyone but Todoroki were in U.A. about to start school.
"Alright everyone take your seats", said Aizawa.
Aizawa noticed Todoroki was missing.
"Uh, where's Todoroki", asked Aizawa.
"He said he wasn't feeling well, something about being abandoned", answered Iida pointing his arm at Deku.
"What, he tried to kill Kirishima", said Deku.
"Not on purpose", said Uraraka.
"Yeah he might be going through something really bad", said Iida.
"I can't help him if he can't tell me, if he's going to keep attacking Kirishima he needs to be put in a mental hospital for some help", said Deku.
"No we're not putting him in a mental hospital", said Iida.
"Iida has a point, I've been through worse before", said Kirishima.
"It doesn't matter he shouldn't be strangling you", said Deku.
"Wait Todoroki strangled you", asked Aizawa.
"Yeah, that might be because he thought I was Endeavor", said Kirishima.
"Wait he wouldn't kill his father would he", asked Deku.
"Well, Endeavor isn't the nicest guy around, he might be driving his son nuts since he failed the license exam", answered Aizawa.
"Sure Endeavor can drive him nuts but that doesn't make any excuse to strangle people", said Deku.
"Like I said, he thinks I'm his father at times, I wonder what's causing that", asked Kirishima.
"I don't know but it's slowly turning him insane", answered Yaoyorozu.
"Okay he needs support", said Uraraka.
"Oh support a murderer", said Deku sterned.
"Midoriya he's not a murderer", said Kirishima.
"He nearly killed you", said Deku sterned.
"Midoriya, I don't think you completely threw him out of your life, you're probably just mad at him and wanted a break", said Kirishima.
"Kirishima I'm not going back to him", said Deku.
"Midoriya I'm sure you will go back to him eventually, there's no way you would stay mad at Todoroki forever", said Kaminari.
"No that's not happening", said Deku sterned.
"Midoriya", said Iida.
"Why are you guys siding with a pchyco", asked Deku mad.
"Midoriya you were pretty harsh on him, I think it's best if you just talk to him and apologize", said Iida.
Deku turned away mad.
"Midoriya, we'll give you time to apologise to Todoroki", said Aizawa.
"Seriously you too Aizawa", said Deku surprised.
"Midoriya you're better than this, Todoroki needs you", said Aizawa.
"I'm sorry, I can't do that right now", said Deku sterned.
"That's why we're giving you time to calm down", said Aizawa.
"That could take days, or weeks", said Tokoyami.
"Well we can't have Todoroki depressed that long", said Yaoyorozu.
"Until Midoriya finally makes up with him, we'll keep him stable enough where he doesn't go mentally insane", said Iida with his arm out in front of him.
"Maybe even try to keep him away from Kirishima", said Kaminari.
"No worries I'm going to hang Bakugo", said Kirishima.
"At least Kachaan doesn't strangle you", said Deku mad.
"Come on guys let's just get class started we're already behind", said Aizawa.
"Sorry", said everyone.
After class everyone came back home and Iida, Yaoyorozu, and Kaminari went to check on Todoroki.
They saw Todoroki lying on the floor very sad and filthy.
"Hey buddy, how are you doing", asked Iida.
Todoroki groaned in depression.
"Oh come on, so Midoriya left you, it's not the end of the world he'll come back".
"Maybe not, and he's right about me not being a hero, there's just so many things shadowing me that I can't escape", said Todoroki.
"Don't say that, you are a hero", said Yaoyorozu.
"Prove it", said Todoroki.
"Well, you rushed in to help Midoriya and I with Hero Killer Stain", said Iida.
"And you helped us rescue Bakugo from the league of villains", said Yaoyorozu.
Todoroki rolled over on his left side still very sad.
"Then I tried to murder Kirishima", said Todoroki saddened.
"Todoroki we're not mad at you, I'm sure it has something to do with your dad", said Iida.
"He looks so cute like that", said Kaminari.
Iida smacked Kaminari on the back of the head.
"Try to have some sympathy", said Iida.
"Oh right sorry", said Kaminari.
"What we're saying is don't let your emotions get in the way, you've said that to Midoriya when he was at the hospital", said Iida.
"Yeah but this is different", said Todoroki.
"How is this different", asked Iida.
"Just get out of my room, I want to be alone", snapped Todoroki.
Yaoyorozu made a blanket for Todoroki and layed it on him.
"Thank you".
"No problem, it's in case you get cold", said Yaoyorozu.
"Come guys let's g...", said Iida.
Iida notices Kaminari missing.
"Kaminari where did you...".
He then saw Kaminari with Todoroki.
"Awww so cute I just want to tickle you", said Kaminari.
Kaminari started tickling Todoroki until Todoroki slapped his hands away.
"Don't do that, come on he wants to be alone", said Iida.
"Ahh okay", said Kaminari.
Everyone left the room and shut the door.
Todoroki layed on the floor silently sobbing until someone came in through the window.
"Shoto, it's time", said a voice.
"I'm not in the mood", said Todoroki.
The figure was the real Endeavor.
"You're coming anyway, I told you if you didn't come I would have to come in and grab you myself", said Endeavor grabbing Todoroki.
Todoroki saw the window door open.
"Wait, you came in through the window", asked Todoroki.
"If I'd used the front door I would of been seen, now let's go we have training to do", answered Endeavor.
Todoroki was once again taken to the ally getting harshly abused by Endeavor's training.
"Why are you going down easy, get up"!
Todoroki was on his knees sobbing in pain.
"I said get up"!
Todoroki finally got up and Endeavor slapped him on the face.
"I am very disappointed in you, if you want that license you need to be prepared for it"!
"I do but...", said Todoroki sobbing.
"Then let's continue", said Endeavor.
Endeavor then punched Todoroki all the way in a dumpster.
Endeavor walked up to Todoroki looking very angry.
"What gives Shoto, you should've used your ice to protect yourself, but you didn't, why"!
All Todoroki did was cry.
"Okay fine, we'll hold it off for tomorrow, but that means even more training"!
Endeavor walked away angerly as Todoroki continued to cry in the dumpster.

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