Psycho Shoto

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Everyone else was at school and they were talking to Deku.
"Midoriya, you need to apologise to Todoroki", said Yaoyorozu.
"Why", asked Deku.
"One, he tried make me the new you", said Sero
"Two, he had a meltdown when we all walked out of the room", said Sato.
"He has been injured everytime he's been with his dad and has injured himself", said Tokoyami.
"He hasn't been eating much", said Yaoyorozu.
"And he bit me", said Iida showing his bandaged arm.
"Eewwww", said everyone except Iida, Yaoyorozu and Asui.
"Yeah it's true, he did", said Yaoyorozu.
"The boys gone pchyco Midoriya, now I'm really scared", said Kirishima.
"What if he had rabies, what if Iida has rabies now", said Kaminari freaking out.
"No one has rabies, Todoroki is just broken and depressed", said Iida.
"It's not my fault he's gone pchyco", said Deku sterned.
"Come on Deku you still care about Todoroki", said Uraraka.
"No I don't, I'm threw with him", said Deku.
"I can see the guilt in your eyes, you're just too stubborn to admit it", said Uraraka.
"She's right, without you Todoroki going to grow even more insane, maybe he might one day became a villain if you don't save him", said Iida.
"I can't believe I'm going to say this, WOULD YOU WANT THAT TO HAPPEN TO HIM YOU DAMN NERD", yelled Bakugo.
Deku started feeling regret but tried to distance from it.
"He's already been acting villainous with the urge of killing his father and trying to murder Kirishima", said Deku.
"If we find out what Endeavor's doing to him maybe we can get a clear answer why he's murdering anything red", said Tokoyami.
"How is that possible", asked Kirishima.
"We can find Endeavor and we can just as him", answered Kaminari.
"I don't think Endeavor would like us getting involved with his business, besides he won't answer that question", said Iida.
"Right, bad idea Kaminari", said Kaminari.
"The best thing to do is have Midoriya support him", said Yaoyorozu.
"Yeah, and don't worry Midoriya I forgive him", said Kirishima.
"Wait, you forgive him, after what he tried to do to you", asked Deku surprised.
"I can understand he's going through some hard times right now, something is driving him nuts and we're going to get to the bottom of this", said Kirishima.
"How", asked everyone.
"I have no idea", answered Kirishima.
"Maybe it's hopeless, if Midoriya wouldn't go back to Todoroki I guess he'll just stay pchyco forever", said Kaminari saddened.
"That's going to ruin his reputation as a hero", said Kirishima.
"Don't say that, I'm sure Midoriya will eventually compromise to Todoroki", said Iida.
"The only thing we can do now is restrain him like an angry dog, or an angry Bakugo", said Sero.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY", yelled Bakugo.
Sero laughed nervously.
Deku felt a strong sense of guilt and regret he could not fight back.
Later after school Todoroki all bloody and injured held his teddy bear with the Deku wig and walked around his trashed room mumbling about Endeavor.
"I won't let dad push me around like this anymore Midoriya, no he won't get me, not this time", mumbled Todoroki insanely.
Todoroki tightly hugged the teddy bear to his chest.
"You will always be with me and never leave my side, forever and ever and ever and ever".
Iida opened the door to bring Todoroki cold soba and found him drooling all over the teddy bear.
"Hi Iida, Midoriya and I are just having some fun here".
"Uhhhh yeah, anyway I brought you some cold soba", said Iida.
"Not hungry, must keep dad from getting me", said Todoroki insanely.
"Todoroki you haven't been eating much I'm worried about your health", said Iida.
"Just leave, Midoriya and I have important business to take care of", said Todoroki petting the wet Deku wig.
"What business", asked Iida uncomfortably.
"Just get out of here", said Todoroki throwing glass cup near Iida.
"Okay okay I'll just leave the soba in here incase you do want it later", said Iida terrified.
Iida shut the door right before Endeavor crawled in from the window.
"Shoto it's time for your training", said Endeavor.
"I have a small problem dad", said Todoroki.
"Why are you chained up", asked Endeavor strictly.
"Doesn't matter, just unchain me", answered Todoroki.
Endeavor untied the chains from the hooks.
"I'm sure those chains won't be a problem, come on", said Endeavor carrying Todoroki.
"This is your time to strike Shoto, show him you don't want this training anymore", said Todoroki's thoughts.
"Ah you're all wet, how did that happen", said Endeavor crawling down.
Kirishima and Kaminari were walking around in the abandoned area.
"Are you sure this is legal, this place looks abandoned", asked Kirishima.
"Relax this is a perfect place for our best friends picture", answered Kaminari.
"Okay but did we have to be in our hero costumes", asked Kirishima.
"I just thought it would make our picture look even cooler", answered Kaminari.
"Oh I see now, let's do it", said Kirishima excitedly.
"We just need to find a good spot for our picture", said Kaminari.
"There's one", said Kirishima pointing to a brick wall.
They ran to the brick wall and set up the camera.
"Hey I wonder how you found this place anyway"?
"I just found this area yesterday when I was strolling around the city, pretty crazy isn't it", answered Kaminari.
Kaminari was aiming the camera for a perfect shot.
"Okay let's get a good shot here".
"Yeah I'm hyped for this", said Kirishima doing several poses.
As they were preparing the photo they heard a crash not far away.
"What was that sound", asked Kaminari.
"I think it came from that ally over there", answered Kirishima pointing to the ally.
Kirishima and Kaminari ran to the alley and peaked around the edge.
They saw Endeavor harshly training Todoroki.
"Is that Endeavor and Todoroki", whispered Kaminari.
"What is he doing to him", whispered Kirishima.
Todoroki was on the ground trying to get up.
"You're not making any progress Shoto, why are you getting beat down so easily", asked Endeavor strictly.
Todoroki started hearing Endeavor's words in his head and his past words as well.
He then pictured his childhood where his mother was trying to protect child Todoroki.
The flashback ended and Todoroki got up very furious.
"It's because of you", said Todoroki mad.
"What did you say", asked Endeavor.
Todoroki started going insane and snapped.
"You, it's because of you I'm living a miserable life, everytime I see anything red I see you, I felt like killing you everytime I see and hear you, I almost murdered one of my classmates because I saw you on him, and now I lost my supportive friend because of that", yelled Todoroki furious.
"Kill me", asked Endeavor terrified.
Kirishima and Kaminari were terrified.
"You have abused me as a child, and you're abusing me now right here in this ally, you can never seem to give me a break all because you wanted to surpass the former number one hero who is now retired", yelled Todoroki furious.
"Abuse, surpass, I'm starting to see why he's gone psycho", whispered Kirishima terrified.
"You've beaten me, you've abused me and mother and is now in that mental institution because of you, I HAVE HAD ENOUGH", yelled Todoroki insanely furious powering on his quirks.
Endeavor grew horrified.
"This is getting ugly", whispered Kaminari horrified.
"Shoto let's not do something you'll regret", said Endeavor backing away horrified.
"I'm going to make you regret everything you have done to me", said Todoroki pulling a lead pipe out of his shirt.
"Wait Shoto what are you doing with that lead pipe", asked Endeavor scared.
Todoroki didn't answer and started inching forward holding up the lead pipe.
"No Todoroki don't", said Kirishima and Kaminari scared.
Todoroki ran up and tried to wack Endeavor with the lead pipe.
Endeavor grabbed the pipe and pushed it back.
"Shoto don't do this to me", said Endeavor horrified.
"Come on we gotta stop him", said Kirishima.
Kaminari and Kirishima ran in and grabbed Todoroki.
"What are you doing let me go", yelled Todoroki struggling for freedom.
"Todoroki please calm down this isn't like you", said Kaminari.
Todoroki smack Kaminari in the shin causing him to let go and punched Kirishima in the face knocking him down to the ground.
Todoroki stared at Endeavor menacingly.
"You're not really going to do this to me are you", asked Endeavor scared.
Todoroki charge at Endeavor about to swing the pipe again.

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