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Class 1A were getting ready to see Todoroki in the mental hospital especially Deku who was saddened.
"Midoriya, are you okay you've been acting really strange", asked Iida concerned.
"I'm just...", answered Deku.
Deku started crying out of guilt.
"Are you upset after what happened to Todoroki", asked Kirishima.
"Yes, I feel so guilty I have to apologise to him", answered Deku crying.
"Are you for real, you said yourself you wouldn't go crawling back to him", asked Kaminari.
"Truthfully, I still care about him, I was just mad because I thought Kirishima was going to get killed by him, I've should've just talked to him about his problems, I regretted ignoring him the moment I unfriended him", answered Deku crying.
"Awwww Deku come here", said Uraraka comforting Deku.
"You guys probably hate me now for calling him a murderer", said Deku crying.
"What are you talking about, we don't hate you", said Iida.
"We can understand it's not easy forgiving someone who almost murdered another", said Yaoyorozu.
"She's right, we actually almost got mad at Todoroki until you blew up in his face for us, although we wouldn't unfriend him", said Iida.
"I just hope Todoroki isn't too far gone", said Deku crying.
"Alright guys when we get there he might charge at us but he will be behind glass so take this visit seriously", said Iida with his arm out in front of him.
"Yes sir", said everyone.
Everyone went to the mental hospital to visit Todoroki.
They were in the lobby with Endeavor who is bandaged on the face.
"What did you do to him Endeavor", asked Kirishima.
"I...I.... might of taken Shoto to that abandoned alley everyday after school to train him", answered Endeavor.
"It looked more like you were beating him up", said Kirishima.
"Okay I was a little tough on him", said Endeavor.
"A little, he was on the ground in agony", said Kaminari.
"Okay, I was very tough on him, I was angry when he failed the license test so I trained him so he can pass his redemption one", said Endeavor.
"And you went overboard with the training", said Kaminari.
"What were you thinking, he's always hated you for whatever reason and now he hates you more", said Iida sterned.
"Not only that, he hates you so much he sees you whenever he sees something red, including me because my hair is dyed red, he's attempted to attack me a couple of times", said Kirishima.
"He's struggled eating, sleeping, he's hurted himself, and a rift has happened between him and Midoriya, oh and he bit my arm", said Iida.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted him to be a success, I never thought this would happen", said Endeavor.
"Let's just hope it's not too late to save him", said Yaoyorozu worried.
Aizawa and All Might in his weak form walked in the lobby.
"Okay guys he's in the room, now don't cause any shenanigans he basically has a mind of an untamed dog right now", said Aizawa.
Everyone walked in the visiting room where there was Todoroki chained to a pole and all bandaged up in a soft room behind the glass.
He was chained on the arms, legs, and torso.
He had on a muzzle on to keep him from biting and a collar to cancel out his quirks.
Deku was struck with fear after seeing Todoroki heavely restrained.
"Hey Todoroki", said Iida.
Todoroki growled and leaped at the window attempting to attack.
He banged on the glass frightening everyone.
"Midoriya, Endeavor do something", said Sero.
"Son, I will promise you no more training in the alley, for now on I'll let the school train you, will that make you happy", said Endeavor.
Todoroki growled in anger.
"I guess not", said Kirishima.
"Why did he get mad, I promised him no more training in the alley", asked Endeavor.
"Lier, lier", said Todoroki insanely with his hands on the glass.
"I don't think he believes you, he's far gone, there's gotta be someone who has to get past his psychotic shell and reach out to his soft and sane inside", answered All Might.
"That would be me, I'm ready to apologise for throwing him out of my friendship circle", said Deku.
Deku walked up to the glass where Todoroki was sliding his hands on the other side the glass.
"Todoroki, I'm sorry I unfriended you, can we please talk".
"You're just saying that to make me feel better", said Todoroki insanely.
"No I mean it, please we want the old Todoroki back", said Deku.
"LIES", yelled Todoroki banging the glass.
"That's it I'm going in there", said Deku.
"What, Deku are you as insane as Todoroki it's dangerous", said Uraraka.
"I have to really show I'm still his friend, the best way is contacting without glass between us", said Deku.
"Midoriya I wouldn't go in there", said Aizawa.
"What Todoroki needs is a hug from me, I can't do that with glass", said Deku.
Deku walked in the soft room and Todoroki was ready to charge when he saw Deku.
"Nice Todoroki".
"You called me a murderer and now you came to apologise, you said loud and clear you didn't want to be my friend anymore, why would you want to apologise to a murderer like me", asked Todoroki insanely.
Drool came out of Todoroki's muzzle.
"I've never really ment that, you're not a murderer, that was just my anger talking, you're were just a person who needs help, I understand why you wanted to kill your dad now, he's done bad things to you recently, I should've been more open to you when you were going through this phase, this has been torture for me to see you like this, I was a fool to act this way, I didn't know why I acted like that but it was wrong and I'm sorry, I know the real you is still deep under that temporary pchycotic skin, please come back Todoroki, we missed you", answered Deku.
Todoroki charged at Deku aiming to attack him.
Deku ran towards Todoroki.
"What is he doing", asked Iida panicking.
"He's going to get mauled", said Kirishima panicking.
Todoroki leaped in the air after Deku and Deku leaped in the air as well with his quirk on full cowl 5 percent.
Todoroki was about to claw Deku with his fingers but Deku saved himself by hugging Todoroki.
"You are a hero Todoroki-kun".
Todoroki started crying as everyone was amazed by Deku's kind words.
"You...... do you really mean that", asked Todoroki.
"Yes, I mean it", answered Deku.
"I missed you Midoriya, I'm sorry for everything", said Todoroki in tears.
"Me too, I never want to hold a grudge again", said Deku in tears.
They hugged each other for an hour.

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