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Todoroki was walking down the hallway chained and bandaged while Iida and Yaoyorozu were holding the other end of the chains.
"Sorry buddy it's for your own good", said Iida.
"It's okay, I needed this", said Todoroki sad.
They stopped when Bakugo and Kirishima were in front of them.
"Uhh, can I run now", asked Kirishima nervously.
"Now hold on let's have Todoroki look at you for 5 minutes maybe he won't attack you", said Iida.
"Okay but I have a feeling he might", said Kirishima nervously.
Todoroki and Kirishima stared at each for one minute and Todoroki already is starting to see Kirishima inverting into Endeavor in his hallucination.
He thought Endeavor was about to punch him and Todoroki used ice to protect himself but it was for nothing since the hallucination wasn't real.
"Why did he use his ice", asked Kirishima confused.
"To avoid your punch dad", answered Todoroki sterned.
"He probably thinks you're his dad again", said Bakugo.
Todoroki melt the ice with fire and started going after Kirishima.
"I had enough of you dad", said Todoroki mad.
"No no Todoroki snap out of it, short leashes Yaoyorozu", said Iida panicking.
Iida and Yaoyorozu were tugging the chains to keep Todoroki from moving any further to Kirishima.
Kirishima backed away as Todoroki was struggling to move any further.
"Can I go now cause he's trying to kill me again", asked Kirishima scared.
"Yeah you better run he's at it again", answered Iida tugging the chain.
Kirishima and Bakugo ran as Todoroki was struggling to break free.
"Take it easy Todoroki your dad is not here", said Yaoyorozu tugging the chain.
Todoroki's arms and body were completely restrained and he still struggled for freedom.
"I had enough of you dad", yelled Todoroki.
"Settle down your dad was never here", said Iida struggling to keep Todoroki restrained.
"Wait he's not", asked Todoroki.
"No, you're hallucinating again", answered Iida.
Todoroki stopped struggling and losened himself.
"That's it Shoto take it easy", said Yaoyorozu soothing Todoroki.
"I almost attacked Kirishima did I", asked Todoroki sad.
"Yeah but don't worry we're going to somehow fix this even if Midoriya won't help", answered Yaoyorozu.
"Now come on let's get to class", said Iida.
They finally reached the classroom and Todoroki saw Deku talking to Uraraka.
Deku took a glance at Todoroki chained up.
Deku shook his head out of disappointment.
Todoroki dropped his head down in sadness.
Aizawa then rolled in his sleeping bag right behind them.
"I can see Todoroki's here but why is he all chained up", asked Aizawa.
"It's to keep him from attacking anyone, mainly Kirishima", answered Yaoyorozu.
"Oh yeah, I wouldn't recommend bringing him here if he's attacking people", said Aizawa.
"Yeah but he can't just skip school, he needs to get out of the dorms", said Iida.
"True, but if he attacks someone he's going back to the dorms", said Aizawa crawling out of his sleeping bag.
"Agreed", said Yaoyorozu.
Everyone else sat down as Iida and Yaoyorozu were tying the chains to something heavy.
"It should be loose enough for you use your pencil", said Iida.
"Yeah, thank you", said Todoroki.
Todoroki saw Endeavor again in his imagination.
Todoroki grew furious but he tried to clear his mind.
"No Shoto, it's not real, he's not the real Endeavor".
The Endeavor hallucination disappeared and he saw Kirishima.
During lunch Todoroki was not eating much of his cold soba.
"Todoroki you haven't been eating much, you're going to starve to death", said Iida worried.
"I'm not hungry", said Todoroki.
"You said that everytime we give you food, you must be having an eating disorder", said Yaoyorozu.
"Come on Shoto, don't let your depression get in the way of your soba", said Todoroki to himself.
Todoroki took a bit of his soba until he saw Deku and Uraraka walked by.
"Hi Iida may we sit with you", asked Uraraka.
"Sure", answered Iida.
"No way, not with Todoroki", said Deku giving Todoroki an intimidating stare.
Todoroki stopped eating his soba and dropped his head down in the soba groaning in sadness.
"Oh no Todoroki your head's in the soba", said Yaoyorozu.
"Come on Deku can you at least sit across from him", said Uraraka.
"Huh, okay fine, but I'm only doing this for you Uraraka", said Deku.
Deku sat across from Todoroki and Uraraka sat next to Iida.
"So are you still planning on going to the medieval dinner show", asked Uraraka cheerfully.
"Of course we are, we're all going after school today as a class, hopefully this will help Todoroki with his depression", answered Iida lifting Todoroki's head up.
"Oh and Midoriya when we go tonight, you're going to sit next to Todoroki", said Iida.
"What no way", said Deku sterned.
"Yes way, you need to hang with him so you can support him, the poor guy has been slowly growing insane without you", said Iida chopping the air with his arm.
"I still don't know why he sees Endeavor on Kirishima", said Uraraka.
"Maybe Endeavor is doing something really bad to him", said Yaoyorozu.
"Do you think his dad is the one responsible for his injuries when he gets back to the dorms", asked Uraraka.
"That's what we've been thinking this whole time, but Todoroki wouldn't admit it", answered Iida.
"We don't know what Endeavor's doing to him", said Yaoyorozu.
"That doesn't entirely explain why he's been attacking Kirishima", said Uraraka.
"He's been attacking red apples too, and not the green ones", said Iida.
"I'm assuming he sees Endeavor on anything red, that could explain why he's attacking Kirishima", said Yaoyorozu.
"You have figured out one of my problems", said Todoroki.
"I don't want to hear a peep out of you", said Deku angerly slamming his hands on the table.
Todoroki started sobbing.
"Let the man speak Midoriya", said Iida.
"I can believe I'm going to be sitting next to a murderer tonight, in fact I'm sitting across from him right now", said Deku angerly.
"For the 25th time he's not a murderer, he's just having some hallucination problems", said Iida.
"Besides, he'll be having too much fun at the dinner show to even think about Endeavor, well I hope", said Yaoyorozu.
"Yeah you hope, I don't need this I'm outta here", said Deku angerly standing up.
"Deku", said Uraraka trying to stop Deku.
Todoroki continued leaking tears.
"I've seriously never seen him cry before", said Iida.
Bakugo walked by when he noticed Deku left the table.
"Did that damn nerd just walk away", asked Bakugo.
"Yes he did", said Yaoyorozu.
"I'll go get him for you, half n half's panic attacks are keeping me awake all night and I would finally like to get some sleep", said Bakugo angerly.
"No Bakugo it's okay", said Yaoyorozu.
"DEKU YOU GET BACK HERE", yelled Bakugo racing after Deku.
Bakugo caught Deku and was brought him back.
"NO WAY, WHY DO YOU CARE", yelled Deku.
"Bakugo put him down", said Iida.
Everyone were talking over Bakugo as he was screaming and Todoroki just sat there crying.
Nezu came in to break up the fight.
"Hey hey hey", said Nezu.
Everyone stopped.
"Please no fighting in the cafeteria, there are people here".
"Sorry, he was just about to put Midoriya down", said Iida signaling to Bakugo.
Bakugo sighed and put Deku down.
Nezu noticed Todoroki crying.
"You seem quite upset Todoroki, do you need a hug", asked Nezu.
"Yes", answered Todoroki crying.
Nezu went up and Todoroki hugged him like a teddy bear.
"The medieval dinner show better work", said Iida.

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