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Everytime Todoroki limps home from Endeavor's abuse, he kept on thinking about it more and started hearing his voice at certain times.
One time he heard his voice behind him in the kitchen.
"Why aren't you training Shoto", said Endeavor's voice strictly.
"Dad I thought we were done for tonight", said Todoroki annoyed.
He turned around and realized it was only Kirishima.
"Todoroki what are you talking about", asked Kirishima confused.
"I'm sorry, I thought you were my dad", answered Todoroki.
"Dude I'm Kirishima, are you okay man", asked Kirishima worried.
"I'm fine", answered Todoroki.
"Okay, I was going to ask you to hand me a water bottle from the fridge", said Kirishima.
"Oh sure", said Todoroki.
Todoroki got a water bottle from the fridge and turned around and saw Endeavor with his fire on.
"You better block this next punch", said the Endeavor hallucination.
"Enough", said Todoroki throwing water at the hallucination.
The hallucination cleared up and he saw Kirishima again all wet.
"Dude, what the heck is wrong with you", asked Kirishima confused.
Todoroki felt shamed for splashing Kirishima.
"I gotta go", said Todoroki.
Todoroki ran to his room.
As Iida walked by and saw Kirishima all wet.
"Kirishima did you fell in a lake or something", asked Iida.
"No Todoroki splashed me with water and I don't know why", answered Kirishima.
"Okay that's weird", said Iida.
"Tell me about it he thought I was Endeavor", said Kirishima.
"Should we ask him", said Iida.
"I don't know, he probably doesn't want to talk about it", said Kirishima.
"It could be a phase he's going through", said Iida.
"Yeah probably", said Kirishima.
The next day everyone was in the gym training and Todoroki was paired with Iida going against Kirishima and Shoji.
"Okay Todoroki you take on Kirishima and I'll take on Shoji", said Iida.
"Okay", said Todoroki.
Iida started dashing at Shoji and Todoroki used ice to freeze Kirishima.
Kirishima activated hardening an punched his way through the ice.
Todoroki had a small wrestling match with Kirishima.
Kirishima accidentally punched Todoroki in the groin.
The punch felt exactly like Endeavor's and saw an hallucination of him again.
"How are you supposed to become the number one hero if you go down that easily", said the Endeavor hallucination.
Todoroki grew furious and stood up.
"I told you dad, I'm becoming a hero in my own way", said Todoroki angerly.
"What", asked Kirishima confused.
Todoroki stomped up to Kirishima and wringled his body.
"I said I'm becoming a hero in my own way", yelled Todoroki angerly.
Iida jumped in and stopped the fight.
"Alright break it up", said Iida.
Todoroki's hallucination disappeared again and saw Kirishima.
"Todoroki what is your problem with me", asked Kirishima worried.
"I.....I......", said Todoroki.
Todoroki hesitated and ran out of the gym.
Deku went outside and saw Todoroki against the wall.
"Todoroki are you okay you've been pretty aggressive with Kirishima lately", asked Deku.
"I'm fine", answered Todoroki.
"Are you, or do you have a problem with Kirishima", asked Deku.
"It's not Kirishima", answered Todoroki.
"Than what is it", asked Deku.
"I don't want to talk about it, I really need to be alone", answered Todoroki.
"Come on you can tell me, is it about your dad", asked Deku worried.
"I said I don't want to talk about it", said Todoroki sterned.
"Okay then, I'll just go back inside", said Deku.
Deku walked back in as Todoroki kept on thinking about his dad.
Later that day Todoroki was in the kitchen grabbing an apple until he saw Endeavor on the apple.
Todoroki dropped it out of fear then didn't see Endeavor after it hit the ground.
He painted in stress and someone came up behind him.
"Come on Shoto, we have training to do", said Endeavor's voice.
"No dad", said Todoroki.
"What did you say", asked Endeavor's voice.
"I said I'm not coming", answered Todoroki.
Todoroki felt his shoulder being grabbed
"Shoto you better come with me this instant", said Endeavor's voice strictly.
Todoroki slapped the hand away in rage.
"You know what, I've had it with you, all you can think about is being number one and making me number one, I won't go through with this anymore, never", said Todoroki in rage.
"You listen to your father Shoto", said Endeavor's voice strictly.
"That's it", said Todoroki angerly.
Todoroki leaped on the figure and strangled him.
Everyone ran in and saw Todoroki strangling the figure.
"Todoroki stop", said Deku running to Todoroki.
Iida and Kaminari tries to remove Todoroki from the figure.
"Todoroki let go, you're strangling Kirishima", said Kaminari.
Todoroki's hallucination disappeared and saw himself strangling Kirishima.
Todoroki letted him go and felt guilty.
"I..I'm sorry Kirishima, I didn't mean to", said Todoroki.
"I don't think I can trust those words", said Kirishima terrified and breathing heavily.
Deku grew furious.
"No really I am", said Todoroki.
"Are you sorry, first you splashed water on him, then you yelled at him, now you were strangling him, what is your problem", yelled Deku furious.
"Midoriya, I'm just going through something", said Todoroki.
"Is that any excuse to suffocate Kirishima", yelled Deku angerly.
"Midoriya", said Todoroki putting his hand on Deku.
Deku smacked his hand away in anger.
"Just tell me what's wrong, is this about your dad", yelled Deku furious.
Todoroki did not answer.
"Okay you know what, this friendship is over, for now on we're just going to be rivals"!
Everyone was stunned by Deku's words, even Bakugo.
"Midoriya you're not really doing this are you", said Todoroki panicking.
"Why would I be friends with a murderer like you, you tried to strangle Kirishima", said Deku mad.
"Midoriya, I'm not a murderer, I'm a hero", said Todoroki.
"NO, YOU'RE NOT A HERO AND YOU NEVER WILL BE ONE", screamed Deku furious.
Todoroki was saddened by Deku's harsh words.
"You're on your own".
Deku walked away leaving Todoroki in a deep depression.
"Do you need a hug", asked Yaoyorozu.
"No, I...need to be alone", answered Todoroki sad.
Todoroki walked to his room with his head down.

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