Bringing Back Sanity

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The next day came and Todoroki was still restrained in the special soft room but is feeling calmer and tamer than he has been since he first grew insane.
Deku walked in as Todoroki was happy to see him.
"Midoriya", said Todoroki.
"Hey Todoroki, I see you're getting better", said Deku.
"I don't know about that, I still have some intentions to hurt my old man", said Todoroki.
"But you haven't been as vicious as before", said Deku.
Todoroki heavely sighed.
"I have once told you to never let your emotions get in the way, then I broke my words, I letted my emotions get the best of me after you abandoned me", said Todoroki.
"It was my fault you become this way, I've should've helped you instead of leaving you", said Deku.
"It's not easy forgiving someone who almost killed another, I was holding a grudge against my dad, it's not entirely your fault and I've probably shouldn't have took your unfriending so hard since I'm usually chill", said Todoroki.
"Your dad did pressure you in an alley and all I did was made you feel worse, oh speaking of that he's decided to abandon that alley training and leave you alone, he's letting the redeemable class help you for now on", said Deku.
"That's good to know, I may hate my dad but I kinda feel bad for attempting to murder him", said Todoroki.
"It's okay, he actually understands why you did, he doesn't want you to go pchyco again, and neither do I, neither does the class", said Deku.
"When I get out of here, I assure that I won't see my dad in anything red, especially Kirishima", said Todoroki.
"I hope that doesn't happen, I want the old Todoroki back", said Deku.
"I want my old self back too, cool headed and aiming to be a hero", said Todoroki.
"I can't wait for you to get out of here", said Deku.
A week passed by and Todoroki was finally released from the mental institution.
Deku walked Todoroki back to the dorms and saw Kirishima standing outside.
"Kirishima", said Todoroki.
"Todoroki you're okay seeing me right", asked Kirishima nervously.
Todoroki stared at Kirishima for a few minutes and didn't see Endeavor.
"I don't see my dad", said Todoroki.
"'huffed' thank god", said Deku relieved.
"What a relief, I was about to panic and run, but it looks like you've gained your sanity back", said Kirishima.
"I'm happy to be back to the way I was before, I never want to grow insane again", said Todoroki.
"Come inside then, everyone's waiting", said Kirishima.
Kirishima excitedly ran inside.
"Hey guys, Todoroki's finally back to normal".
Deku and Todoroki walked inside seeing a happy class 1A.
"Oh, Todoroki it's so good to finally see the old you again", said Yaoyorozu happily.
"She's right, we were worried sick", said Iida.
"Thank you guys, I think I'm going to take a nap now", said Todoroki.
"Sure, your room is all cleaned up and fixed", said Iida.
"Yeah, and your vase is about fixed too", said Kaminari helping Mineta glue a vase back together.
Kaminari and Mineta are covered in glue and the vase collapsed into pieces.
"(Laughs nervously), it's a working progress".
"'sighed to Kaminari and Mineta' I made a new one", said Yaoyorozu.
"It's okay that vase wasn't important", said Todoroki.
"When you take a nap, I hope you sleep peacefully", said Deku.
"I better sleep fine, who knows what my dreams await for me", said Todoroki.
"If you still have those nightmares, just yell to me and I'll be right up", said Deku.
"Okay", said Todoroki.
Todoroki walked to his room to go take a nap.
"Finally I don't have to worry about being murdered", said Kirishima sitting on the couch.
"Want to watch something", asked Kaminari joining Kirishima.
"Sure, how about Terminator", said Kirishima.
"Really, after all this Todoroki chaos", asked Kaminari.
"That situation put me in the mood for that movie, I don't mind", answered Kirishima.
"Okay then let's watch Terminator", said Kaminari.
"Midoriya", said Iida putting his hand on Deku's shoulder.
"Are you happy that Todoroki's back", asked Iida.
"Yes, but I'm even more happy that I still cared for him when I refused to interact with him, if I lost all careness with him he would've still been in that mental hospital", said Deku.
"I'm proud you made up with Todoroki", said Uraraka putting her hands on Deku's shoulders.
Deku got flustered by Uraraka.
"Yeah me too", said Deku.
Todoroki took a nap in his room and sleepped peacefully without any nightmares about Endeavor as he was hugging his Deku wigged teddy bear.

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