Panic Attack

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Todoroki limped back to the dorms that same night all bruised and beaten.
"Todoroki what happened to you", asked Sero.
"I got hit by a bus", answered Todoroki sobbing.
"You seem so sad, this looks like more than a bus", said Shoji.
Shoji picked up Todoroki and carried him.
"He's been so sad ever since Midoriya threw him out of his life 'ribit'", said Asui.
"Yeah but what caused the injuries", asked Sero.
"I told you I got hit by a bus", answered Todoroki sobbing.
"Todoroki, some of those wounds are burns, that wasn't a bus that hit you", said Iida.
"Are there criminals beating you up", asked Kaminari.
"No, I don't want to talk about it", answered Todoroki sobbing.
Shoji comforted Todoroki.
"What are we going to do", asked Uraraka.
"I don't know, it's not easy without Midoriya", answered Iida.
"Maybe we can play a game with him", said Hagakure.
"I could teach him some baking skills", said Sato.
"How about we watch a movie together", said Aoyama.
"I don't know if those will help", said Asui.
"What does he like to do", asked Iida.
"I don't know ask Todoroki", answered Sero.
"Is there anything you enjoy Todoroki", asked Iida.
Todoroki was too busy crying to answer Iida's question.
"Wait I have an idea", said Yaoyorozu.
"What is it", asked Kaminari.
"Maybe we should take him out somewhere", said Yaoyorozu.
"This late", asked Kaminari.
"No I meant tommorow after school", answered Yaoyorozu.
"You mean give Todoroki an experience", asked Iida.
"Yeah", said Yaoyorozu.
"But where will we go", asked Iida.
"I heard there's a place with a medieval show", said Asui.
"Oh yeah, the medieval dinner show", said Sero.
"What is that place", asked Iida.
"You never heard of the medieval dinner show, they have jousting, sword fighting, archery, etc", answered Kaminari excitedly.
"Can we go there please can we can we".
"Okay okay, medieval dinner show it is", said Iida.
"Yes", said Kaminari happily with his hands in the air.
"Did I hear medieval dinner show", asked Deku walking in.
"Yeah we're planning on taking Todoroki somewhere fun to help him overcome his depression, also you're coming too", answered Iida.
"Ack, with Todoroki, no way", said Deku.
"Yes way, you need to make up with him for those harsh words you said and we all think you hanging out with him would possibly bring him back into your friendship circle", said Iida.
"I don't see that happening", said Deku turning his head away.
"This could be a perfect opportunity for you two to bond back together, just look at Todoroki right now", said Yaoyorozu.
Shoji revealed a crying Todoroki to Deku.
Deku looked at Todoroki and felt a little guilty, but he kept pulling away from his guilt.
"Why would I make up with him of he keeps on attacking Kirishima", asked Deku sterned.
"Just talk to this guy, he needs you", said Kaminari.
"Yeah can't you at least help him with his problems with Kirishima", said Sero.
"He refused to tell me, he said he didn't want to talk about it", said Deku.
"Okay since we're going out tomorrow we better keep an eye on Todoroki and make sure he doesn't attack anyone", said Iida with his arm out in front of him.
"We're possibly going to have to keep him on a leash", said Yaoyorozu.
"He's not a dog", said Kaminari.
"No I meant we put chains on his arms and torso and we would be the chain keeper to restrain him", said Yaoyorozu.
"Ohhh that kind of leash, still that's kinda like restraining a wild animal", said Kaminari.
"Sorry Shoto", said Yaoyorozu.
"I deserve it", said Todoroki sobbing.
Shoji continued to comfort him.
"You better take him to his room", said Iida.
"Sure", said Shoji.
Shoji took Todoroki to his room but accidentally bumbed into Kirishima and Bakugo.
"Sorry, I'm just taking this kid back to his room", said Shoji.
Todoroki took a glance at Kirishima and quickly turned away sobbing.
"Get him away from me", said Kirishima panicking.
Shoji continued forward.
"Oh man that was close, I'm really scared to be around Todoroki".
"Whatever he's being watched by the others", said Bakugo.
Later on, Todoroki was having a panic attack and can't get his dad's voice out of his head.
"I can't get him out of my head, why can't dad just leave me alone", asked Todoroki crying.
Todoroki looked at himself in the mirror and saw Endeavor on his left side.
Todoroki punched the mirror out of fear and it cutted his causing it to bleed.
He sat down breathing heavily and saw his left side bleeding and saw his dad again.
"Leave me alone dad", said Todoroki trembling.
"You will become my successor", said Endeavor's voice.
Everyone was doing their own thing and they all heard Todoroki cry everywhere.
Many was startled by Todoroki's cry.
"He's losing it", said Kirishima scared.
The next morning, everyone was getting ready for school and Iida walked in to get Todoroki and saw the whole room trashed and Todoroki on the ground bleeding and hurt.
"Todoroki what did you do to yourself", asked Iida stunned.
Todoroki did not answer.
"Okay come on let's get you cleaned up for school today".
Iida was picking up Todoroki and Yaoyorozu ran in to help.
"Okay I hope Aizawa doesn't mind if we restrain him from Iida", said Yaoyorozu.
"Leave me here, I'm just going to be nothing but a pchyco", said Todoroki.
"No way you're going to school pchyco or not, that's why we're chaining you", said Iida.
"Okay let's get him ready", said Yaoyorozu walking in with chains.

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