Samurai and Shinobi

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Kage Search Arc

Chapter 8 - Samurai and Shinobi

"Normal Speaking"



"Amaterasu Telepathy"


Previously. . .

The Daimyo of Hi no Kuni came to Tetsu no Kuni to negotiate for Ammy's return to his lands, however, a political incident of assault coming from the Daimyo's son and hier turned the tables on the Hi Daimyo forcing him to relinquish Ammy to Tetsu no Kuni. However, unknowingly, the Twelve Guards kidnap Ammy as she was traversing the palace. After being kidnapped by theShugonin Jūnishi, Nobunaga, Mifune, and a platoon of samurai head out to retrieve her before they cross the border. Eight move to confront the samurai while the rest try to reach the border, however, Amaterasu takes over and holds of the shinobi long enough for the samurai to arrive. Ammy then returns to Tetsu no Kuni's palace and asking to be trained in the ways of the samurai upon her return.

Tetsu no Kuni Palace, Two Years Later. . .

"Are you certain this is a good idea?" Mifune asked the men in front of him. Currently, the Tetsu Daimyo was in a meeting with his advisors and the two samurai taishous discussing something that greatly effected the military style of the country as a whole. "The ramifications of this action, upon Tetsu no Kuni and its heritage as a samurai, neutral nation in the absolute traditional sense of the wor-"

"We understand your concerns, Mifune-taishou," the Tetsu Daimyo cut him off with a stern but calm and reassuring tone. "And we aren't trying to say that the samurai aren't doing a good job or that they are being replaced. We are simply adding to our arsenal and broadening our options."

"But do we need to go to the extent of a Hidden Village and so suddenly as well?"

Over the past couple of years, Tetsu no Kuni's neutrality had been greatly affected by the actions of both Nobunaga and the Hi Daimyo during the incident two years ago. While citizenship for the young jinchuuriki over which the whole incident centered around was transferred to Tetsu to Kuni, other countries quickly got the news as well. Reactions varied but it was clear most countries had a sense of caution now, especially Konohagakure's and Hi no Kuni's allies. Tetsu no Kuni's neutrality was clearly starting to fade, as many predicted it might well do within a decade or even more, but this incident made the idea all too surreal for Daimyos and Kage alike.

The samurai had caught a few spy missions into Tetsu no Kuni ranging from shinobi from Konoha to Suna to even Kumo. It was clear, however, samurai weren't as prepared for such fights. While a samurai could go toe to toe with shinobi in an open fight and it was acknowledged that in a straightforward fight samurai likely had the upper hand, it truly did take a shinobi to catch onto all the shinobi tricks. It was clear that Tetsu no Kuni needed shinobi in some way, shape, or form to counteract the shinobi nations starting to grow aggressive in their interest towards the samurai nation despite the obvious risk.

It was then that the Daimyo thought that since they would likely need shinobi to act more openly and confidently in the shinobi world that it only made sense to go all the way with it and form a Hidden Village in Tetsu no Kuni. Mifune was very skeptical about this, the Daimyo and the advisors were all for it, and as for Nobunaga, well, the old taishou didn't say and the others in the room couldn't discern whether or not he thought it was a good idea or a bad idea. All he had was a look of deep thought written upon his face.

"The samurai's duty in Tetsu no Kuni shall not change," the Tetsu no Kuni Daimyo stated noticing and understanding the samurai taishou's hesitance and reluctance to accept such an idea. "Nor shall their structure within society either. I'm simply saying that to counter our foes we should at least know thoroughly how are enemies fight and be capable of countering them and what better way to know our enemy than to have their very soldiers at our disposal."

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