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Suitor Arc

Chapter 7 - Kidnapped

"Normal Speaking"



"Amaterasu Telepathy"


Previously. . .

After the prince of Hi no Kuni is caught by Nobunaga attempting to assault Kimiko, the Fire Daimyo is punished for the offense by being forced to pay 100,000,000 ryō and to transfer Ammy from Hi no Kuni to Tetsu no Kuni. In his fury at being denied so many things within Tetsu no Kuni, the prince throws a tantrum within the court of the Iron Daimyo breaking a screen door and revealing Ammy herself, who was on her way to the kitchen to get Kimiko some water. After defiantly standing up to the ruler of Hi no Kuni, the Hi no Kuni delegation leaves. However, Nobunaga is still unease and quickly discovers that Ammy never showed up at the kitchen. . .

Nobunaga looked on at the chef as if he had grown a second head. His eyes narrowed as he uttered, "Run that by me again. Now."

The chef was sweating from the former taishou's gaze before repeating his statement, "Little Ammy hasn't been here today at all."

Nobunaga suddenly got a cold feeling running down his spine, "Are you sure? She said she was on her way here to get some water."

The chef shook his head, "I am sure, taishou. I haven't seen her today."

In a flash, the former general was gone. He was quickly at the door of the room Ammy shared with Kimiko. He opened it only to find a sleeping Kimiko in bed. He closed it and cursed.

"Those damn shinobi!" Nobunaga uttered angrily.

Without a second to waste, he hurried out to the courtyard and shouted with all his might, "ALL AVAILABLE SAMURAI TO ME! THE KONOHA NIN KIDNAPPED AMATERASU!"

Anyone nearby the palace would have heard the sounds of outrage as well as the sounds of the massing of numerous samurai preparing to move out.

Miles Away. . .

Sarutobi Asuma was very nervous. Scratch that, all Twelve Guardians were nervous. They had an escort of three samurai leading them to the border and in the chest of supplies on the back of the carriage was the unconscious figure of a nine tailed fox-girl. Once they were outside the border, they were home free and could return the jinchuuriki to Konoha. It was a special mission requested by the Hokage himself and Asuma wasn't inclined to disobey his father.

Even so, they were moving too slow and Asuma was almost certain the samurai would catch on and be on their way with an army at their back coming to retrieve the jinchuuriki.

While it was clear to any of them that the age and time had affected the Ken no Kami greatly, there was no denying he was still a force to be reckoned with. According to legends about the old man, he had once fought against Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama at the same time. The fact he survived the encounter was impressive enough but the fact that he actually almost had managed to kill them was another.

According to the story, just after the founding of Konoha, Madara and Hashirama went to negotiate with one of the Daimyos. When the Daimyo, in his arrogance, insulted and threatened to destroy the two, they got up in his face and threatened him in kind. However, one of the samurai present at the time was a young Nobunaga who was acting as a bodyguard at the time. Nobunaga had single-handedly fought both of them out of the palace. While it was clear the two shinobi had him on the ropes the entire time, they hadn't realized they were being played. Nobunaga had apparently known his strength didn't compare to even one of the two shinobi much less both so he lured them away from civilization and trapped them in a special binding seal long enough to perform his ultimate technique.

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