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Kage Search Arc

Chapter 9 - Han

"Normal Speaking"



"Amaterasu Telepathy"


Previously. . .

Two years have passed since the ANBU and Twelve Guardian Incidents. Tetsu no Kuni's neutrality is clearly fading away and the command of the samurai nation is worried about confronting shinobi espionage tactics against their samurai. Their solution is to found their own Hidden Village; basically, they were going to be fighting fire with fire. With the Daimyo having most of his points covered, he has asked Nobunaga and Amaterasu to search for one of the jinchuuriki of Iwagakure after the Tsuchikage agreed to allow one to become the village's kage upon agreement. But with Amaterasu's growing distrust towards both the samurai and the shinobi and the unknown of the jinchuuriki's reaction to such a proposal, will the duo succeed in their recruitment mission?

Nobunaga and Ammy made their way through the snowy wastelands of Tetsu no Kuni as they headed towards a warmer climate and the Samurai Bridge on the country's eastern side.

Nobunaga was in old-fashioned samurai armor, similar to Mifune's armor, only it was a green color. He wore a helmet with an upside-down crescent moon on the front of it with another tiny, upside-down crescent moon sitting within the embrace of the larger one. When Ammy inquired about it, Nobunaga merely said it was his standard uniform as a taishou of Tetsu no Kuni back when he was the taishou.

She asked him why he was wearing it now and his only answer was because this was military politics they were dealing with. Though she did not quite understood what he meant, she simply decided to let go.

Ammy herself was dressed different due to what was involved in the mission. She wasn't wearing a kimono but rather she was wearing the dark body suit of a samurai along with a cloak around her. Under the cloak she had her tails tightly wrapped to her body and used a belt to make sure they stayed there. Around her head were bandages similar to what Mifune. They were used to keep her ears hidden.

Currently, she was sitting on Nobunaga's shoulders as he kept a decent pace for his age through the snowy landscape.

"Nobunaga-jiji, not that I mind, but why are you with me instead of Mifune?" Ammy asked innocently but with a hint of concern.

"Why do you ask, Ammy-chan," the old man replied curiously.

"Well, I'm worried about you," Ammy said hesitantly as if trying hard not to make her answer sound wrong. "You're getting really old. . ."

"You need not worry about me, Ammy-chan," Nobunaga smiled. "I still have a few years left in me. This is nothing so worry not."


"Ammy-chan," Nobunaga stated with a tone of authority. "If I wasn't capable of completing this mission I wouldn't have been sent. Do you not trust mine, Mifune's, and the Daimyo's decision?"

Ammy was silent in response.

"Not really," Amaterasu quietly commented in her mind.

"Why are you being like that Amaterasu-chan?" Ammysaid clearly saddened and confused by her counterpart's words. "They did there best so why the change in your thoughts towards them?"

There was a pause before Amaterasu's downtrodden answer came, "I. . . I don't know, Ammy-chan. I don't know why I thought or said that. . . Forgive me, please?"

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