The Suspicious Arrival

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Suitor Arc

Chapter 5 - The Suspicious Arrival

"Normal Speaking"



"Amaterasu Telepathy"


Previously. . .

Ammy has been making a new life in Tetsu no Kuni with her new family. Despite the new happiness in her life, she soon discovers she is the cause for the inevitable end in Tetsu no Kuni's neutrality. In the midst of her devastation, Konoha ANBU attempt to kidnap her. She is saved and most of the ANBU are killed. However, one ANBU later escapes and attempts to capture her again forcing Ammy's other soul, the goddess Amaterasu, to intervene. The ANBU soon realizes who she is and returns to Konoha while Ammy broke down at what occurred that day.

Ammy stared down her opponent fiercely. She was giving her a heck of a hard time. Every time she moved her opponent always seemed to block her from gaining ground. But she couldn't give up! She had to prove to Nobunaga-jiji and Kimi-onee-chan that she was smart enough to complete the challenge set before her!

"Uh. . . Ammy-chan. . . are you alright?" Nobunaga asked snapping Ammy out of her mental pep talk. "You know you can't expect to be good at Go the first time you try it, you know?"

Recently, Ammy had gotten so skilled at Ohajiki that playing her with her unrivaled luck was now pointless. So Nobunaga decided to introduce Amaterasu to the game Go. Much to Kimiko's amusement, Ammy's luck didn't help her in a strategy game and Nobunaga proceeded to beat her without even really trying. It was the opposite result of anyone who tried to play her in Ohajiki now.

"How are you so good at this game, Nobunaga-jiji?" Ammy whined knowing she had lost the match. This was the fourth match they played and the fourth in a row that Ammy had lost. The old samurai's response to this statement was to laugh out loud before he settled down and explained, "Ammy-chan, I am a samurai taishou who has fought in several wars. I know strategy. In fact, during one of my campaigns, I based all my strategies off of Go strategies."

Ammy blinked but before she could speak she saw Kimiko nodding her head as if reading her mind about her next sentence. Ammy huffed since she knew Kimiko was enjoying seeing her lose for once. Then an idea popped into her little head.

"Amaterasu-chan," Ammy said in her mind. "Are you there?"

"Always Ammy-chan!" Amaterasu responded cheerfully. Her and Ammy had become closer due to Amaterasu's actions the night of the kidnapping attempt. Ammy talked to Amaterasu more and often went to the goddess for advise. "What do you need?"

"Amaterasu-chan, why do you ask me that if you can read my thoughts?" Ammy asked curiously. She could practically see Amaterasu scratching the back of her head sheepishly. "Hehe, to be fair I can't read all your thoughts. You do have the ability to hide some thoughts from me, but I was just being polite and I would rather you come to me first about something rather than just saying what you wanted from me. That make any sense?"

"Sort of. . ." Ammy trailed off leaving Amaterasu sweatdropping.

"Anyway, you need help with Go strategies, right?"

In her head, Ammy nodded furiously. Amaterasu smirked, "Okay, do everything that I tell you to."

A wicked grin appeared across Ammy's face sending a cold chill down Nobunaga's and Kimiko's spine. They did not like what that grin was telling them. The grin suddenly melted into an innocent smile as she angelically said, "Okay, Nobunaga-jiji, I'm ready to play again!"

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