Update from the Author

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Hey everyone. Omni here. 

I know it's been awhile since I updated this story and this is due to how busy my life is. I'm currently working about 70 hours a week for the United States Navy and I still got about another 3 months before my schedule even has a chance to clear up some. Also, sadly my interest in Naruto has died somewhat as of recently. I just wanted to let you all know that eventually will get back to this story, however, when that is or how soon that is might not be anywhere near today nor likely as quickly. I truly am sorry for this disappointing news regarding this story.

However, I do have some good news as well.

1) Anyone who doesn't want to wait for me to get out of this funk and wants to try their hand at their own version of this story is more than welcome to. I welcome it and I consider it an honor.

2) While I may not be coming back to this story for sometime I am far from done writing. I will likely be starting an original work and publishing it here on the site under this profile so if you want to see more of me I'd follow that when I get around to it.

3) Anyone willing to talk to me via private message about to story to see if they can possibly wiggle some motivation outta me is more than welcome to try. No promises it'll get an update outta me faster but I'm willing to try anything at this point (and for those of you wondering why this isn't enough to get me to write the story the answer is simple, I won't continue a story if I'm not both interested in doing so and willing to do so happily. I don't do things half-assed).

Thank you everyone for your support. Your words do really mean a lot. I hope this news wasn't too disappointing for all of you. Hope to hear from all of you soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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