Result of Arrogance

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Suitor Arc

Chapter 6 - Result of Arrogance

"Normal Speaking"



"Amaterasu Telepathy"


Previously. . .

After the ANBU incident, Tetsu no Kuni slowly fell back into a gentle norm. However, the sudden arrival of the Daimyo of Hi no Kuni sets off red flags across the feudal court of Tetsu no Kuni's palace is its samurai generals. A raging debate over the fate of Ammy consumes the discussion as the Fire Daimyo's hostile entrance into Tetsu no Kuni comes into play as well as the identity of what is and is not human. After Nobunaga delivers a stunning defense, a recess in the debate. However, as Kimiko heads back to her room to briefly update Ammy of the situation, she is cornered by the son of Hi no Kuni's Daimyo. . .

"You know," Keiji, the prince of Hi no Kuni said casually. "For one so young, you are very beautiful. I was raised to know what beauty is after all. My father's always pestering me to find a good wife. What are the odds one would be here in this frozen wasteland of a kingdom?"

Kimiko struggled to get loose but the prince's grip was too strong.

"I wonder," the arrogant boy continued. "How easy it'd be for my father to convince your's to make you my betrothed. I think you'd make a lovely wife for me."

Kimiko was in tears. How could this be happening to her? She was far too young for this and yet this boy barely three years her senior was talking about her as if she were a piece of meat to be bought. Is this how Ammy felt during her time in Konoha?

Before Kimiko could despair further or the prince monologue longer, a hand suddenly and tightly grasped the prince's shoulder and threw him into the wall behind him. Kimiko looked up at her savior.

He was old and wore samurai armor. He held an air of authority, experience, and power. He stood strong and battle-hardened as he if has experience war after war. Only one man matched that description within the walls of the Tetsu no Kuni palace, "Nobunaga-taishou!"

"Stay behind me, hime," Nobunaga stated.

The prince was furious. He was flailing around screaming in a sort of temper tantrum, "Guards! Guards!"

Quickly, three of the Twelve Shinobi Guardians appeared by the prince's side. The prince was screaming, "He attacked me! Kill him! Kill him now-"

Suddenly, he fell to the floor gasping for breath. No matter how old he got, Nobunaga knew this was the one thing that remained the same. Nobunaga gazed at the three shinobi who were eyeing him nervously and cautiously.

"What is going on?" came a voice from the side as the Fire Daimyo and Iron Daimyo appeared.

"How dare you!" the Hi Daimyo cried. "Release my son from your grip at once! Daimyo-san, I demand you execute this ma-"

"He attempted to sexually assault your daughter, Daimyo-sama," Nobunaga stated darkly.

That phrase cause both feudal lords to freeze. The Daimyo of Hi no Kuni froze out of fear. The Daimyo of Tetsu no Kuni out of fury.

Calmly. Quietly. The Daimyo of Tetsu no Kuni asked his daughter, who was sobbing," Kimiko-hime, is this true?"

Kimiko slowly nodded, holding onto Nobunaga desperately as if to use him as a barrier between her assailant and as a method of comfort. The Daimyo of Iron turned to his counterpart who was sweating; dreading what the Daimyo was going to order. The Tetsu no Kuni Daimyo gave his orders, "Daimyo-san, we are going to end this debate in my throne room right now. Keep your son on a tight leash from now. One more outburst and I will chase you out of my kind with an army on your tail. Am I understood, Daimyo-san?"

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