The barista part 2

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Betty POV
I woke up around 6 am, and immediately got ready for work. I walked out of my house, to see Veronica standing there, waiting for me to go to work. As we arrived, we cleaned everything up, and turned everything on, before opening the door at 7 am. After 15 minutes, our always first costumer i think his name was Jughead Jones comes in. He sits down at a booth with his laptop, and i walk up to him, and ask B-" goodmorning, what can i get for you?" J-" hi, could i get a coffee, with sugar, milk and 2 pumps of vanilla?" B-' yes of course, i'll be right back" I walked behind the counter, and made his order. I gave it to him, and he smiled at me, me doing the same. B-" enjoy your coffee sir." J-" please call me jughead. B-" well, enjoy your coffee Jughead." J-"can i know your name?" B-" Betty, Betty Cooper." I said winking and walked away, to behind the bar, i looked at him, and saw him looking at me. I looked away, and got done with my work. An hour or two later, he came to me, and said. J-" i would like to pay." B-" that would be $3,60,- please." I said, and he payed. B-" would you like the receipt?" J-"No thank you." B-" alright, have a good day Jughead." J-" thank you, you too Betty." He said, and walked out. V-" you got a hottie after you." B-" what? No, i don't even know him." V-" you know his name right?" B-" yes, but only his first name.." v-" well, that's a start. Ask for his number next time." B-" you know we can't do that, since it isn't allowed from our boss." V-" he doesn't need to know." B-" he''ll know V." V-" your such a party pooper." V said, and we just finished our work for the rest of the day, till it was 7pm. B-" i'm so tired." V-" same." B-" alright, goodnight V, see you tomorrow." I said and hugged her. V-" goodnight B." She said, and we walked away. When i got to my apartment, i warmed my dinner up in the microwave and sat down on the couch, watching the first movie of Harry Potter. Half way trough, i got a text from my boss. B0-" Hi Betty, i know it's getting kinda late, but would you be able to work tomorrow from 7am till something like 12pm? I got some work to do, and won't have enough time if i have to be in the coffee shop." B-" hi, yeah of course, i'll be there tomorrow."b0-" great thank you." He said, and i got up, taking a shower. I got dressed for bed, and laid down, scrolling trough instagram, when a notification popped up. "JugheadJones wants to follow you" i accepted, and looked trough his page, following him back. I send him a dm saying
B-" you stalking me now or what haha?"
J-" i'm not stalking, interested in meeting new people."
B-" sounds like stalking to me, since you already kinda know me."
J-" only your name, that's it."
B-" i didn't even know your last name."
J-" well, now you know it."
B-" hahaha cheesy."
B-" but alright, i got to go, i have work tomorrow."
J-" alright, goodnight, see you tomorrow."
B-" i told you, stalker."
J-" what? You said you had work, so that means i'll see you tomorrow."
B-" alright, bye Jones."
J-" bye Cooper."
He said and i left instagram. I put my phone on my charger, and turned off the light, falling asleep.

Next mornig
Jughead POV
It was around 7 am when i woke up. I got dressed, and grabbed my laptop, walking to the coffee shop. I walked in, and immediately saw Betty behind the bar. I walked over to her, and sat down in front of the bar. B-" good morning, what can i get for you today? She said, and then turned around. B-" oh hi Jughead, a coffee, with milk, sugar, and two pumps of vanilla?" J-" you remembered." B-" yeah, i don't know how tho." I smiled at her, and she made my coffee. She sat it down in front of me, and i said. J-" thank you." She smiled at me, and started helping other costumers that walked in. Eventually, she helped everyone, and started cleaning the counter. J-' how old are you actually?" B-" i'm 17, and you?" J-" i'm 19, i thought you were older." B-" really? Is that the reason you wanted to follow me on instagram?" J-" no that has other reasons." B-" and what are those reasons?" She asked, while making her own coffee. J-" i think your beautiful." b-" really?" J-" yes really, why else." B-" oh no nothing."   I smiled at her, and she asked. B-" what are you actually doing here everyday?"  J-" just writing." B-" what are you writing?" J-" just a novel/book." B-" you write?" J-" yeah, why?" B-" i write too." J-" your not really that type off girl to write." B-" and i still do it." She says, and smiles.

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